Zone1 Filmaker changes his mind on "pro-lifers" because of abortionist-Gosnell murder case


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

The Gosnell story is horrific


it shows us just how corrupt "the system" is in Philadelphia (where a presidential election was very likely stolen also)

People in positions of authority ignored what this heinous murderer was doing... all for the sake of the "pro choice movement"

At point 3.00 you can find info about the book that was written on this serial killer Gosnell, convicted for murdering babies. Abortion is legal, but he was not just doing abortions, but killing babies born alive. He also killed their mothers, apparently.. or maybe I should say he did things that led to their deaths (I will have more info later, after reading the book)
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He's a High Priest in the Baby Butcher Death Cult.
What sick & demented demons were controlling him?
Demons cannot control anyone w/o their permission

although I myself have had moments in my distant past where I got caught up in some sinful stuff or another. But I used my free will to change course.

He could have done the same thing, but chose not to. Well, it looks like justice is actually accomplished now and then... even in this life

Is Johngalt.. the only one who cares about these poor children and their abused mothers?

told ya things have deteriorated (at a rapid pace) in the last 2 years.

points 14.00 and 16.00 are very interesting. I'm wondering if the state health inspectors so calld were also arrested. If they had done their jobs, this freak would not have been able to murder so many

What people don't realize is that a lot of abortion "clinics" :rolleyes: are continuing to get away with violations of the law, unsanitary conditions and deaths of women not properly treated there.
He's a High Priest in the Baby Butcher Death Cult.
What sick & demented demons were controlling him?
wonder where they all went once their "host" got put in the slammer

When some of the accomplices, women who worked in the clinic, were incarcerated, they had to walk past other prisoners who yelled at them something like "Look at the baby killers" -

Even criminals of other kinds have standards :)

This is Glenn Beck commenting on the Gosnell case. I believe the comments are from the time period immediately following the murderer's arrest

He brings out the hypocrisy of the left (probably Obummer he's talking about...) and how they pretend to care about people, but really only care about grown up leftists (my words)

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