Filthy Progs Angry And Bitter Not Thankful

Trump will leverage American consumerism. We know for a fact that businesses will seek to maximize profits. Losing American consumerism is not an option for the vast majority of companies ( to example, American's spent 350M on PET Halloween costumes, we spend 60bil a year on pets, we spend 350m on Halloween candy, 600bil on Christmas alone) American's love to spend, and companies cannot afford to lose that income. America is the NUMBER ONE consumer market in the world hands down our one country eats up 27% of the entire planets consumer market, the next highest is China at 8% (List of largest consumer markets - Wikipedia) --per 2013 stats last taken

By levying tariffs Trump gives companies two choices, eat into their profit margin, or produce in the US. The third option would be to not sell in America, which means losing out on their share of some 11,500,000 million dollars (For comparison #2 China spends 3,300,000 million)

You realize that a tariff is paid by the consumer, don't you? You want prices raised by 35%?
The simple way around this is to stick to policy discussions. It will blow their low information minds.

I just say: "what do you have against getting our jobs back from overseas?" seems to baffle them. :lol:

This is exactly the sort of thing I am saying.

Bring up Harry Reid and the "NUCLEAR OPTION" in the senate and ask what their opinion is on the decision of the Democrats to change the standard for approving Presidential appointments and how it might impact the nation moving forward.

Their drool will say it all.
You said bring jobs back, and when questioned, you quickly changed to stay here. I don't need an econ 101 course to know that the manufacturing is being done in new automated factories that use a tiny percentage of the labor used before they moved, and the companies won't shutter those places until they need to upgrade to even more automation. I ask again, what specific jobs will be brought back, and how does he intend to do that? Do you really think other countries will accept a 35% tariff without repercussions around the world?

Apparently you can't read too well. The first part of bringing jobs back is keeping the ones we have left here. When Apple can no longer afford to make i-phones in China they will return here under the right conditions including not to face a 35% tariff and exorbitant 35% corporate taxes. That tariff only applies to off-shoring American companies....not foreign companies.

No bringing jobs back and keeping jobs here are two different things. You think China doesn't care about all the Apple jobs in China? You think they won't respond to a 35% tariff imposed on merchandise built in their country? You need to take that econ 101 course yourself.
Corporations don't pay 35% tax. Yes, that is what is on the books, but they have been given so much corporate welfare till their effective rate is about half that, and many pay no taxes at all. If you are looking for sympathy for corporations, you need to look somewhere else.
what he's looking for are Americans to go back to work at factories in 2017 before product went overseas in 2003.

He might as well be looking for a unicorn. He won't find either.
sure he will, many will be back. First off, regulations that sent the jobs out will be destroyed, so money will come back into the country, and next, companies will lose market value with the high tarrifs, especially once a competing factory is started up in our american cities. Yep, I look forward to many of those to start in 2017. watch how it's done. You're just used to failed politicians who have no agenda but to keep minorities down.
Trump will leverage American consumerism. We know for a fact that businesses will seek to maximize profits. Losing American consumerism is not an option for the vast majority of companies ( to example, American's spent 350M on PET Halloween costumes, we spend 60bil a year on pets, we spend 350m on Halloween candy, 600bil on Christmas alone) American's love to spend, and companies cannot afford to lose that income. America is the NUMBER ONE consumer market in the world hands down our one country eats up 27% of the entire planets consumer market, the next highest is China at 8% (List of largest consumer markets - Wikipedia) --per 2013 stats last taken

By levying tariffs Trump gives companies two choices, eat into their profit margin, or produce in the US. The third option would be to not sell in America, which means losing out on their share of some 11,500,000 million dollars (For comparison #2 China spends 3,300,000 million)

You realize that a tariff is paid by the consumer, don't you? You want prices raised by 35%?
what will happen is that companies will start manufacturing here and sell less than that 35% mark up and forcing those industries back here. Watch how it's done.
You said bring jobs back, and when questioned, you quickly changed to stay here. I don't need an econ 101 course to know that the manufacturing is being done in new automated factories that use a tiny percentage of the labor used before they moved, and the companies won't shutter those places until they need to upgrade to even more automation. I ask again, what specific jobs will be brought back, and how does he intend to do that? Do you really think other countries will accept a 35% tariff without repercussions around the world?

Apparently you can't read too well. The first part of bringing jobs back is keeping the ones we have left here. When Apple can no longer afford to make i-phones in China they will return here under the right conditions including not to face a 35% tariff and exorbitant 35% corporate taxes. That tariff only applies to off-shoring American companies....not foreign companies.

No bringing jobs back and keeping jobs here are two different things. You think China doesn't care about all the Apple jobs in China? You think they won't respond to a 35% tariff imposed on merchandise built in their country? You need to take that econ 101 course yourself.
Corporations don't pay 35% tax. Yes, that is what is on the books, but they have been given so much corporate welfare till their effective rate is about half that, and many pay no taxes at all. If you are looking for sympathy for corporations, you need to look somewhere else.
what he's looking for are Americans to go back to work at factories in 2017 before product went overseas in 2003.

He might as well be looking for a unicorn. He won't find either.
sure he will, many will be back. First off, regulations that sent the jobs out will be destroyed, so money will come back into the country, and next, companies will lose market value with the high tarrifs, especially once a competing factory is started up in our american cities. Yep, I look forward to many of those to start in 2017. watch how it's done. You're just used to failed politicians who have no agenda but to keep minorities down.

Back to my first question. Which jobs will he bring back?
BULLDOG They have to compete with the businesses that exist and American consumerism is precluded to purchasing the cheapest version. That's actually what drove companies /out/ of the country, competition and the need for cheaper labor. When the 35% increase is passed to consumers by those businesses who wish to stay in say China, then the American companies will have the cheaper price again and thus will be naturally selected by the consumer. When said company in China loses enough of their "share" of the market, they will be then forced to move back into America to compete. There might be a momentary increase in costs on some items (electronics I presume will go up for a bit) but I don't think it'll last long, companies cannot afford to lose the American consumer.
Apparently you can't read too well. The first part of bringing jobs back is keeping the ones we have left here. When Apple can no longer afford to make i-phones in China they will return here under the right conditions including not to face a 35% tariff and exorbitant 35% corporate taxes. That tariff only applies to off-shoring American companies....not foreign companies.

No bringing jobs back and keeping jobs here are two different things. You think China doesn't care about all the Apple jobs in China? You think they won't respond to a 35% tariff imposed on merchandise built in their country? You need to take that econ 101 course yourself.
Corporations don't pay 35% tax. Yes, that is what is on the books, but they have been given so much corporate welfare till their effective rate is about half that, and many pay no taxes at all. If you are looking for sympathy for corporations, you need to look somewhere else.
what he's looking for are Americans to go back to work at factories in 2017 before product went overseas in 2003.

He might as well be looking for a unicorn. He won't find either.
sure he will, many will be back. First off, regulations that sent the jobs out will be destroyed, so money will come back into the country, and next, companies will lose market value with the high tarrifs, especially once a competing factory is started up in our american cities. Yep, I look forward to many of those to start in 2017. watch how it's done. You're just used to failed politicians who have no agenda but to keep minorities down.

Back to my first question. Which jobs will he bring back?
manufacturing jobs, you didn't get that from my explanation? wow.
BULLDOG They have to compete with the businesses that exist and American consumerism is precluded to purchasing the cheapest version. That's actually what drove companies /out/ of the country, competition and the need for cheaper labor. When the 35% increase is passed to consumers by those businesses who wish to stay in say China, then the American companies will have the cheaper price again and thus will be naturally selected by the consumer. When said company in China loses enough of their "share" of the market, they will be then forced to move back into America to compete. There might be a momentary increase in costs on some items (electronics I presume will go up for a bit) but I don't think it'll last long, companies cannot afford to lose the American consumer.
I would expect that prior to raising the tarrifs, that Trump will deregulate and let corporations start back up US factories. Once operational, then the tarrifs will go into affect and drive the overseas product out of the country. Actual competition. Not the liberal competition.
No bringing jobs back and keeping jobs here are two different things. You think China doesn't care about all the Apple jobs in China? You think they won't respond to a 35% tariff imposed on merchandise built in their country? You need to take that econ 101 course yourself.
Corporations don't pay 35% tax. Yes, that is what is on the books, but they have been given so much corporate welfare till their effective rate is about half that, and many pay no taxes at all. If you are looking for sympathy for corporations, you need to look somewhere else.

China doesn't import shit from us....they steal our intellectual property and bootleg it back to us on Amazon. I was an Econ minor in school...what were you, a bouncer in a salad bar? :lol:
In which case the off-shoring companies can and will move their head office to Ireland (which Apple has already done), and become Irish companies. That way the tarriff won't apply to them.

Those American companies who don't want to move to Ireland, can (quite reasonably) sue because foreign based suppliers are being given preferential treatment over American companies. They'll win too.'re as dumb as a bag of hockey pucks.....incidentally when's the last time your national sport had an NHL championship? :lol: Corporations are using Ireland as their corporate headquarters...they haven't moved a lick of manufacturing there.

I don't give a rat's ass about hockey. If the NHL were to disappear tomorrow, I wouldn't miss it.

You said that only American companies which off-shore would be subject to tariffs. How exactly do you think that can be enforced? How do you think Americans will react to a 35% tariff on their basic purchases like clothing, kitchen wares, etc.?

Since the new made-in-America products will be priced higher to reflect the costs of moving manufacturing home, buying new equipment, construction/renovations to facilities to house the manufacturing, and other costs for bringing the jobs home, do you propose to keep out competing goods manufactured in Third World countries, in order to ensure American companies don't go out of business?

No matter how you propose it, there is no reasonable way of forcing companies to bring jobs back to the US. That ship has sailed.

It was just one of the hundreds of false promises Trump made.
Calling us normals "fascists" and "nazis" and that's just for starters...what a cartoon the pampered idiot-left has become

Imagine having to sit down for Thanksgiving dinner with this lunatic at the table.....YIKES! :eek-52:

What is normal? And if you are normal, why would we want to be normal.
You realize that a tariff is paid by the consumer, don't you? You want prices raised by 35%?

Jesus....this is leftist ie moron economics. No, prices won't rise by 35% because domestic producers who didn't leave won't have any price increase. You should sue whatever school you went to.
No bringing jobs back and keeping jobs here are two different things. You think China doesn't care about all the Apple jobs in China? You think they won't respond to a 35% tariff imposed on merchandise built in their country? You need to take that econ 101 course yourself.
Corporations don't pay 35% tax. Yes, that is what is on the books, but they have been given so much corporate welfare till their effective rate is about half that, and many pay no taxes at all. If you are looking for sympathy for corporations, you need to look somewhere else.

China doesn't import shit from us....they steal our intellectual property and bootleg it back to us on Amazon. I was an Econ minor in school...what were you, a bouncer in a salad bar? :lol:

Your knowledge (or what passes for it) of economics is so useless, that I'd ask for a refund for that class if I were you.
Trump will leverage American consumerism. We know for a fact that businesses will seek to maximize profits. Losing American consumerism is not an option for the vast majority of companies ( to example, American's spent 350M on PET Halloween costumes, we spend 60bil a year on pets, we spend 350m on Halloween candy, 600bil on Christmas alone) American's love to spend, and companies cannot afford to lose that income. America is the NUMBER ONE consumer market in the world hands down our one country eats up 27% of the entire planets consumer market, the next highest is China at 8% (List of largest consumer markets - Wikipedia) --per 2013 stats last taken

By levying tariffs Trump gives companies two choices, eat into their profit margin, or produce in the US. The third option would be to not sell in America, which means losing out on their share of some 11,500,000 million dollars (For comparison #2 China spends 3,300,000 million)

You realize that a tariff is paid by the consumer, don't you? You want prices raised by 35%?
what will happen is that companies will start manufacturing here and sell less than that 35% mark up and forcing those industries back here. Watch how it's done.

Ok. I get it. All we have to do is fire up all those existing automated plants that we already have on standby and we won't have to worry about the devastation that a sudden 35% increase on the price of products would cause. Oh wait........we don't have any of those. I guess we could give massive tax cuts to corporations so they could build all those shiny new factories, but every time we've done that in the past, they just put the money in their pockets. International markets are much more complex than you or that orange clown think, and his dumb assed ideas won't work.
Yes Canuckistan, with our universal health care, which is both cheaper and better than US health care (and don't even try to tell me everyone goes to the US for treatment, because they don't), better public education, cheaper post-secondary education, higher standard of living, more freedoms than the US, the fastest growing middle class in the world.

And a Liberal government.

You're the Jews of north hide under our defense-umbrella and cheat us on your end of NAFTA. You can't even refine or export your own shitty tar-sand oil except to us. Your citizens come to the US for medical treatment because your's sucks. Don't tout canuckistan, goofy newfies are the joke of the world.

Not a single thing you said is true, but you assholes sit, never leaving your own country, and thing you know about other people around the world. People around the world are laughing at Americans. They think that anyone who would vote for a racist pig like Trump doesn't deserve their respect.

And now that a total asshole has been elected President, watch the US lose the respect or consideration of other countries and their leaders. These guys are going to eat Trump for lunch. The guy is the WORST negotiator ever.

That a really nice selfie you've posted.

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