Final Survey/Poll.What Is Your Favorite,"Lie Of The Year" ??. The Russians Again?

and the thing about the Russians, OK, the Russians helped Trump win,,well,then, then How come Trump didnt win by about 5 Million Votes?
The Russians hacked the election will be biggest lie of the decade by far.
right,,,how long does it take to figure this one out?:stupid:

I think the leftists know that Russia had nothing to do with the election. They just won't admit their defeat.
Well all I know is Mewler has 7 more years to nail Trump to the wall!
Lie Number 3......"There Is Smoke",,,oh yah, we had alot of smoke,,it was the smoke coming from warrens and hillarys butts

It's natural to see smoke coming out of Warren's back end. She does that to send smoke signals to the other Indians.
She has been proven to be a seditious, self-serving criminal who abandoned Americans to die, endangered our national security, and sold out this nation to the Russians...and she could not give one shit about the snowflakes who defend her.

(If she was willing to allow terrorists to kill a US Ambassador she would not hesitate to sacrifice 'nobody's like USMB snowflakes.)
She has been proven to be a seditious, self-serving criminal who abandoned Americans to die, endangered our national security, and sold out this nation to the Russians...and she could not give one shit about the snowflakes who defend her.

(If she was willing to allow terrorists to kill a US Ambassador she would not hesitate to sacrifice 'nobody's like USMB snowflakes.)
God!...2012. A year of blatant lies!
no 2. all of those women at the last second accused Trump of Groping them way way back, yet waited 10-15 years later {or were about to claim}

Sorry but there were SIXTEEN of them and it is not unusual for women not to report these indiscretions by powerful men years later. You believed the Weinstein and Clinton accusers -- amiright? :)
for me, easy/obvious choice. The Russians Voted In 2016!,:laugh2:,,I mean, its been going on all year, we had the trial when we all heard the one in question claiming that none of the ballots were tampered with, there was no evidence of "The Russians" getting their hands on the ballots of messin' with the voting machines,,,get my point? :iagree:

Agreed. The biggest lie of the year and probably the biggest lie of the 21st century, was the one from the Democrats claiming that Russia had something to do with the 2016 election.

I don't know who is stupider: The person who came up with that one, or the people who actually believe it.
Huma,, I did not have sex with that woman!
for me, easy/obvious choice. The Russians Voted In 2016!,:laugh2:,,I mean, its been going on all year, we had the trial when we all heard the one in question claiming that none of the ballots were tampered with, there was no evidence of "The Russians" getting their hands on the ballots of messin' with the voting machines,,,get my point? :iagree:

Agreed. The biggest lie of the year and probably the biggest lie of the 21st century, was the one from the Democrats claiming that Russia had something to do with the 2016 election.

I don't know who is stupider: The person who came up with that one, or the people who actually believe it.
Huma,, I did not have sex with that woman!

More likely a conversation with her husband Bill, when he brought up the subject of Huma Abedin:

"Bill, I did not have sex with that woman."

You know damned well she did. :laugh:
for me, easy/obvious choice. The Russians Voted In 2016!,,,I mean, its been going on all year, we had the trial when we all heard the one in question claiming that none of the ballots were tampered with, there was no evidence of "The Russians" getting their hands on the ballots of messin' with the voting machines,,,get my point?

No one has suggested the the Russians messed with voting machines or voter rolls - but there were 21 breaches indicating that that was certainly of interest.
Russians tried to hack election systems of 21 states in 2016, officials say
And what has Trump done to make sure Russians don't mess with our next election? Nada
My favorite?

A tie:
1. Trump is guilty of collusion.
2. Hillary did not break the law.

Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy to influence an election by sharing data with spies/ trolls from a hostile foreign government, money laundering and obstruction of justice are.

30 years of investigations and still no convictions against the Clintons. Sad huh?
The lie of the year should have been Trump claiming that the tax bill would 'cost him a fortune',

mostly because if Trump wanted to dispute it and prove it true, he'd have to reveal his personal finances. lol
for me, easy/obvious choice. The Russians Voted In 2016!,:laugh2:,,I mean, its been going on all year, we had the trial when we all heard the one in question claiming that none of the ballots were tampered with, there was no evidence of "The Russians" getting their hands on the ballots of messin' with the voting machines,,,get my point? :iagree:

Agreed. The biggest lie of the year and probably the biggest lie of the 21st century, was the one from the Democrats claiming that Russia had something to do with the 2016 election.

I don't know who is stupider: The person who came up with that one, or the people who actually believe it.
Huma,, I did not have sex with that woman!

More likely a conversation with her husband Bill, when he brought up the subject of Huma Abedin:

"Bill, I did not have sex with that woman."

You know damned well she did. :laugh:
Warren;;...but I really am an indian
...look at my cheekbones!
She has been proven to be a seditious, self-serving criminal who abandoned Americans to die, endangered our national security, and sold out this nation to the Russians...and she could not give one shit about the snowflakes who defend her.

(If she was willing to allow terrorists to kill a US Ambassador she would not hesitate to sacrifice 'nobody's like USMB snowflakes.)
Anthony Weener (a different year),,look, I anylized the photo, even blew it up on my PC,,,that is not my penis! actually,mine is bigger, ask anyone!
The Russia story is not fake. I thought it was until I found this:

View attachment 168866
Joyce Blowfart actually believes that two cuties peed on a bed :boobies::boobies:
And the Four Seasons didn't care.
Rachael Dolezal: But I really am black! This isnt make up! therefore I am qualified for free stuff for the rest of my life!!!

You should win USMB Stupid of the Year for trying to pass off the Dolezal 2015 story as a 2017 story.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

When Trump says it, it is both funny and sad.

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