Final Warning to white people goes viral on twitter after Charlottesville rally


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
‘Final Warning’ To ‘White People’ Goes Viral On Twitter After Charlottesville Rally

One of the top responses on Twitter to Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville is a “final warning” to “white people” threatening to “burn their neighborhoods down.”

Nineteen-year-old YouTuber “Jay Versace” is seen holding a knife and threatening to destroy “white people” as a race because there’s “way more black people than white people in this motherf**king country, world, and existence.”


Oh look little boy blue making big man threats, imagine what a big man he will feel like when he becomes a prison bitch for making threats.........Hmmm bet that little bitch won't spew those words then.
So there are cowardly haters everywhere. However, that is not any excuse for the nazi display in Charlottesville. Nor for the murder committed there.
He watches too much television. Black people are 12% of this country. I wish him luck though and he needs to get to it asap.
The epitome of our public educational system these days.

Parents included they teach the bs as well. Indoctrination starts real young today, and you can't get these liberal idiots to figure out the damage that will be done teaching 4 year olds if they are fkn boy or girl or neither..
There was no nazi display in Charlottesville.
Some white nationalists and right-wing protesters who have converged on Charlottesville, Virginia, have been using a Nazi rallying cry.

Video shows some of the protesters shouting "blood and soil," a phrase invoking the Nazi philosophy of "Blut und Boden." The ideology stressed that ethnic identity is based on only blood descent and the territory in which an individual lives -- and it celebrated rural farmers and peasants as virtuous Germans.

The group gathered to protest Charlottesville's plan to remove relics of its Confederate past, such as a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

The "blood and soil" chants began Friday night when torch-bearing protesters marched at the University of Virginia and clashed with counterprotesters. More white nationalist protesters continued the cries during Saturday's gatherings.

The phrase dates to the earliest days of Nazi propaganda.

Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville: ‘Blood and soil’

You lie a lot.
this won't mean anything to sheep but funny this is found at all these events and SOROS is behind all of it.

There was no nazi display in Charlottesville.
I doubt this crowd will not also use a Nazi symbolism to show that they simply dont care what the political establishment thinks about them.

The whole point tot he phrase "Unite the Right" is to show that the right is no longer going to purge itself of Nazi racists, just like liberals refuse to purge their movements of leftwing fascists and communists.
There was no nazi display in Charlottesville.
Some white nationalists and right-wing protesters who have converged on Charlottesville, Virginia, have been using a Nazi rallying cry.

Video shows some of the protesters shouting "blood and soil," a phrase invoking the Nazi philosophy of "Blut und Boden." The ideology stressed that ethnic identity is based on only blood descent and the territory in which an individual lives -- and it celebrated rural farmers and peasants as virtuous Germans.

The group gathered to protest Charlottesville's plan to remove relics of its Confederate past, such as a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

The "blood and soil" chants began Friday night when torch-bearing protesters marched at the University of Virginia and clashed with counterprotesters. More white nationalist protesters continued the cries during Saturday's gatherings.

The phrase dates to the earliest days of Nazi propaganda.

Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville: ‘Blood and soil’

You lie a lot.

Yes, there were white nationalists and Neo Nazis in Charlottesville. They represent a very tiny portion of the white population of this country.

This 19 year old black kid represents a percentage of the black population magnitudes greater.

When you regressive leftists ever get to the point of recognizing that ALL racism is bad, then we might get somewhere. In this age of idiotic identity politics where you feel compelled to ignore and defend the extent of racism in the black community, I don't see that happening.
There was no nazi display in Charlottesville.
I doubt this crowd will not also use a Nazi symbolism to show that they simply dont care what the political establishment thinks about them.

The whole point tot he phrase "Unite the Right" is to show that the right is no longer going to purge itself of Nazi racists, just like liberals refuse to purge their movements of leftwing fascists and communists.
Pretty funny how all the alt right/hyper con folks on here yesterday were caterwauling about how it was undoubtedly some lefty or darky, and now they have to recast it as something entirely different; deserved, Soros funded event nonsense, some black guy warned whites, blahbiddy blah blah.

Take a page from the driver's mother, own it.
I have not followed the Charlottesville incident because frankly, it doesn't interest me, but I'll make a few points I haven't seen made yet:

1). White Supremacists: I guess their whole beef is that white people are better than everyone else, well, let's look at the founding of this country--- weren't they all northern Europeans? I don't see any blacks or Mexicans, or Hindus in there at the signing of the Declaration of I. Same with civilization in general from the Ionians, Romans and so on, modern civilization and technology has basically followed the growth of northern Europeans, so at a fundamental level, these people at least have some basis in their beliefs as not being totally unsupported! SURE other races are contributing NOW that advanced civilization is already in place.

2). Love 'em or hate 'em, this group of supremacist people were carrying out a demonstration as was their right under their Freedom of Speech. Seems to me that it would have STAYED fairly peaceful had not a bunch of counter-protesters gotten in there and gotten involved. It takes two to tango. I can imagine the insults that were hurled, and if the Supremacists finally got tired of them, had enough and started actual fighting, well, maybe they saw something others didn't, because one of the counter-protesters finally got in his car and ran down a bunch of innocent people!

3). Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe, close ally to the Clintons, got on TV and told the world that they don't want the White Supremacists and to go away and don't come back. Like I said, it takes two to tango, and these people didn't start anything BY THEMSELVES. Of all the nutjob, crazy, disruptive and violent groups I have seen over the years protesting and even rioting in the streets (I think of the students at UC Berkeley and the Baltimore rioters for instance), NEVER IN MY LIFE have I ever seen a public official deny them their 1st Amendment rights until it was a bunch of white people and put all of the blame on them. Seems to me that EVERYONE INVOLVED is responsible. But, but, no one died in Baltimore or at UC Berkeley!!! Yes, but also, the police were told to STAY CLEAR and both the above groups were LEFT ALONE during their rioting. Not here.

What do you think McAuliffe's response would have been had the group been Black Lives Matters? Occupy Wallstreet? Or some Mexican immigrant group? Or supporters of Treyvon Martin? Never in a million years would this have happened and in fact, the Democrats would have probably DEFENDED the group as fighting out against their oppressors. Sure some people died here, but like I said, IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO and bad mistakes were made on both sides. What special interest group is speaking out in support of THIS minority group or defending general onslaughts against whites in general? The very idea of "White Privilege" is just one more example of the general bias and hatred against whites, most of all white men, so I say again, is it possible that at some basic level, this group HAD A POINT that the rest of the world is just too PC to admit? Was this group truly the OFFENDERS or were they merely defending what so few others will even admit? Just food for thought.
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Yes, there were white nationalists and Neo Nazis in Charlottesville. They represent a very tiny portion of the white population of this country.

This 19 year old black kid represents a percentage of the black population magnitudes greater.

When you regressive leftists ever get to the point of recognizing that ALL racism is bad, then we might get somewhere. In this age of idiotic identity politics where you feel compelled to ignore and defend the extent of racism in the black community, I don't see that happening.

We have a different set of facts to operate on these days, and so the White Nationalist movement is going to continue to grow.

1) We have proof that leftwing management at Google and other companies actively black lists conservatives and other independently thinking whites. As millions of white still have not found a job while the government continues to let in foreign workers that are cheaper, this is outrageous to them (and me too).

2) They have seen stagnant wages and are not used as a gauge for a 'recovering economy'.

3) They have elected a President that the political establishment is trying to throw out or so harass that he cannot fulfill his campaign promises.

4) They see that the current legal system penalizes them for being white in contract set aside laws, Affirmative Action and the DOJ recently declaring that antidiscrimination laws are not for the protection of white people.

5) They see every other ethnic group in the country allowed to organize and fight for their own interests int he political and legal system EXCEPT for whites. As soon as a white group organizes on the basis of race they are immediately targeted for harassment and shaming by the corporate media and the political literati.

White people are increasingly discovering that they are second class citizens in their own country and it is rightly pissing them off.

Good Gawd, no wonder you wingnuts are inbred droolers, you take Alex Jones seriously.

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