Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

New Solar Power Plants are Incinerating Birds

Thousands of birds are flying into a new solar "mega-trap" in the middle of California's Mojave Desert, killing the avian lot at a rate of up to one bird every two minutes, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).

The state-of-the-art Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS), which opened in February, is the world's largest solar plant to utilize "power towers," skyscraping structures that receive beams of focused solar rays to generate electricity.

At Ivanpah, the sun's ray's are redirected from a sea of more than 300,000 mirrors on the desert surface below to hit water filled boilers atop three 459-foot "power towers." Temperatures near the towers can climb to 800 degrees, which causes the water to produce steam that turns turbines which generate energy.
Given the continued drop in photovoltaic solar, I think that these solar towers will not be able to compete in price. After all, there is no reason to build the photovoltaic systems in the desert. With a distributed grid, solar could be on the roof of every store, warehouse, and most manufacturing plants. And there would be very little transmission losses with such a system.

So, I don't think the is a problem in the future. They are an experiment that will not be able to compete on an economic basis.
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

That's not even the worse of it....

The topic is wind turbines and ignoring federal law in the killing of eagles. Your remark that conservatives don't care about birds unless they are killed by wind turbines is actually irrelevant. Since you brought it up though, I challenge you to prove that.

So I went and looked at USMB threads with 'eagle' in the title- guess what- not a single thread about eagles dying- except to complain about wind turbines.

Meanwhile the OP- instead of having other threads concerned about eagles- starts other threads attacking wind farms for other reasons.

Endangered eagles sacrificed on the alter of wind energy...the pagans....

Neither the "American Eagle" (Bald Eagle), nor the Golden Eagle are "endangered". In fact, both are categorized as "Least Concern".

Post by: theDoctorisIn, May 5, 2016 in forum: Current Events

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists! I hope this is something President...

Thread by: WillowTree, Wednesday at 12:56 PM, 80 replies, in forum: Current Events

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

Eagle is an American symbol. Liberals hate both eagles and America.

Post by: Baron, Today at 7:04 AM in forum: Current Events[/URL]

Obama to allow Eagles to Die in Windfarms
Why don't you have the mental capacity to discuss the fact that wind farms and solar panels kill birds?

Post by:
WillowTree, May 4, 2016 in forum: Current Events

Now lets go to the person who started this thread- who has started numerous anti-wind farm threads

Aug 16, 2011

windfarms kill a thousand birds a day. ain't green energy grand? axe an eagle.

Wind farms are warming the earth, researchers say
Wind farms are warming the earth, researchers say By Eric Niiler Published April 30, 2012 Discovery News Read more: Wind farms are warming...

Post by:
WillowTree, Apr 30, 2012 in forum: Politics

The OP doesn't give a damn about Eagles except and in as much he can use them as a tool to attack wind energy.

I am all in favor of reducing harm to Eagles.

Unlike the OP.
Horseshit. You love it when wind turbines kill eagles. You could have just shortened your rant by saying so!

You don't give a crap about eagles. If there were no wind farms, you would not have started a single thread discussing their welfare.

Eagles are just another tool for you to attack wind energy.
Details details details. Sorry they fly right over your empty head!

You don't give a crap about eagles. If there were no wind farms, you would not have started a single thread discussing their welfare.

Eagles are just another tool for you to attack wind energy.

You might be a socialist atheist Marxist unpatriotic liberal..

But to us conservative democrat and republican Americans the eagal means a lot...

Let me explain again for the slow minded. Eagles are a protected bird. You will go to prison for harming one. Obummer gave permission to green energy to massacre them. Permission. Get it now?
Let me explain again for the slow minded. There are lots of protected birds. You will go to prison for harming them. Most are killed by windows, cats and power lines. Wind power has been around since the 1990s in Texas. Bush authorized them yet you aren't whining about him. Get it now?

We should find ways to minimize harm to birds, but getting rid of wind technology is just stupid. The only reason idiots are bitching about this is be "Obummer's" name is attached to it. If Trump said "Wind power will make America great again!", the same fucking morons would be praising it to the Heavens and condemning "Obummer" for failing to do more.
Windows and automobiles kill thousands of times more birds than turbines ever will

But it is nice to see conservatives so concerned about our long as it protects big oil
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Why is it the Contards only love eagles when it means stopping wind power?

a) Eagles are not in danger of going 'extinct' because of this
b) This is not even on of the major causes of eagle deaths- isn't it odd that Contards like you are not actually working to stop any of the actual major causes of eagle deaths? Since you 'care' so much?
  • Electrocution by power lines
  • Lead poisoning- from eagles eating animals with lead shot in them
  • Shooting
  • Collisions with buildings, wires, cars
  • And of course habitat loss
68% of Bald Eagle Deaths Are Caused by Humans |

How many eagles have been killed by wind turbines?
But at a minimum, the scientists wrote, wind farms in 10 states have killed at least 85 eagles since 1997, with most deaths occurring between 2008 and 2012, as the industry was greatly expanding.

Hmmm 85 eagles since 1997.....2 a year?

I love eagles- but if we want to save eagles- maybe we should focus on eliminating the larger threats rather than on one of the most minor threats.
Are you in favor of not obeying the federal law against killing eagles for the guy who runs a wind turbine, but not the guy who hits one with his car or shoots one with a gun?
I have never heard of anyone prosecuted for hitting an eagle with his car. As for shooting them with a gun, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extant of the law, and never allowed to own a gun again.
Agreed. Obviously some partisans don't understand the difference between intentionally doing something and accidents.
why should they get special permits

the rule needs to be cancelled 1/20/17
Texas gets 12.14% of it's energy from wind turbines.
Texas ranks first in the country for both installed and under construction wind capacity, while supporting over 24,000 wind-related jobs. The wind energy industry in Texas has provided nearly $33 billion in capital investment and has thrived thanks to smart state policy, such as legislation that created Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ) for wind power transmission. The state is home to at least 38 manufacturing facilities, including tower manufacturer Broadwind Towers and numerous component suppliers......

.....For the 12 month period ending July 2016, wind energy provided 12.14% of all in-state electricity production. • Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 4.1 million
Let me explain again for the slow minded. Eagles are a protected bird. You will go to prison for harming one. Obummer gave permission to green energy to massacre them. Permission. Get it now?
Let me explain again for the slow minded. There are lots of protected birds. You will go to prison for harming them. Most are killed by windows, cats and power lines. Wind power has been around since the 1990s in Texas. Bush authorized them yet you aren't whining about him. Get it now?

We should find ways to minimize harm to birds, but getting rid of wind technology is just stupid. The only reason idiots are bitching about this is be "Obummer's" name is attached to it. If Trump said "Wind power will make America great again!", the same fucking morons would be praising it to the Heavens and condemning "Obummer" for failing to do more.

This is probably true. Lol. I think alternative energy methods are a good thing, but they have to be cheap/affordable to the average citizen and reliable.

PS: How come I can't send you a visitor message? I wanted to ask you if I could add you to my friends list. :)
Let me explain again for the slow minded. Eagles are a protected bird. You will go to prison for harming one. Obummer gave permission to green energy to massacre them. Permission. Get it now?
Let me explain again for the slow minded. There are lots of protected birds. You will go to prison for harming them. Most are killed by windows, cats and power lines. Wind power has been around since the 1990s in Texas. Bush authorized them yet you aren't whining about him. Get it now?

We should find ways to minimize harm to birds, but getting rid of wind technology is just stupid. The only reason idiots are bitching about this is be "Obummer's" name is attached to it. If Trump said "Wind power will make America great again!", the same fucking morons would be praising it to the Heavens and condemning "Obummer" for failing to do more.

This is probably true. Lol. I think alternative energy methods are a good thing, but they have to be cheap/affordable to the average citizen and reliable.

PS: How come I can't send you a visitor message? I wanted to ask you if I could add you to my friends list. :)
Agreed about average citizen use.

PS. Sorry, the setting was off. Fixed now.
Let me explain again for the slow minded. Eagles are a protected bird. You will go to prison for harming one. Obummer gave permission to green energy to massacre them. Permission. Get it now?
Let me explain again for the slow minded. There are lots of protected birds. You will go to prison for harming them. Most are killed by windows, cats and power lines. Wind power has been around since the 1990s in Texas. Bush authorized them yet you aren't whining about him. Get it now?

We should find ways to minimize harm to birds, but getting rid of wind technology is just stupid. The only reason idiots are bitching about this is be "Obummer's" name is attached to it. If Trump said "Wind power will make America great again!", the same fucking morons would be praising it to the Heavens and condemning "Obummer" for failing to do more.

This is probably true. Lol. I think alternative energy methods are a good thing, but they have to be cheap/affordable to the average citizen and reliable.

PS: How come I can't send you a visitor message? I wanted to ask you if I could add you to my friends list. :)
Both wind and solar, at utility scale, are cheaper to build, and produce electricity at less cost per watt than does even dirty coal. The problem has been the varying power of each, and the fact that they often are producing when not needed, and not producing when needed. However, we already have a technological fix for that, an economical one. Grid scale storage. And there are companies already selling and installing those batteries. Go to Oncor of Texas, the biggest utility in Texas, and see what their plans are.

For the individual, the Powerwall, by Tesla, and the present price of solar means a payoff in 6 years or less for the home, if you own an EV, about 3 years.
why should they get special permits

the rule needs to be cancelled 1/20/17
Texas gets 12.14% of it's energy from wind turbines.
Texas ranks first in the country for both installed and under construction wind capacity, while supporting over 24,000 wind-related jobs. The wind energy industry in Texas has provided nearly $33 billion in capital investment and has thrived thanks to smart state policy, such as legislation that created Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ) for wind power transmission. The state is home to at least 38 manufacturing facilities, including tower manufacturer Broadwind Towers and numerous component suppliers......

.....For the 12 month period ending July 2016, wind energy provided 12.14% of all in-state electricity production. • Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 4.1 million

so what does that have to do with the fee pass to kill eagles and such
why should they get special permits

the rule needs to be cancelled 1/20/17
You dumb fuck, so you are calling for the pulling down of the big powerlines that go cross country? Because that is what that permit includes, and those kill far more raptors than do the windmills.

fuck you retard i am calling for the same treatment that any energy producer goes through

you are one of the dumbest shitheads on this board
So I went and looked at USMB threads with 'eagle' in the title- guess what- not a single thread about eagles dying- except to complain about wind turbines.

Meanwhile the OP- instead of having other threads concerned about eagles- starts other threads attacking wind farms for other reasons.

Endangered eagles sacrificed on the alter of wind energy...the pagans....

Neither the "American Eagle" (Bald Eagle), nor the Golden Eagle are "endangered". In fact, both are categorized as "Least Concern".

Post by: theDoctorisIn, May 5, 2016 in forum: Current Events

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists! I hope this is something President...

Thread by: WillowTree, Wednesday at 12:56 PM, 80 replies, in forum: Current Events

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

Eagle is an American symbol. Liberals hate both eagles and America.

Post by: Baron, Today at 7:04 AM in forum: Current Events[/URL]

Obama to allow Eagles to Die in Windfarms
Why don't you have the mental capacity to discuss the fact that wind farms and solar panels kill birds?

Post by:
WillowTree, May 4, 2016 in forum: Current Events

Now lets go to the person who started this thread- who has started numerous anti-wind farm threads

Aug 16, 2011

windfarms kill a thousand birds a day. ain't green energy grand? axe an eagle.

Wind farms are warming the earth, researchers say
Wind farms are warming the earth, researchers say By Eric Niiler Published April 30, 2012 Discovery News Read more: Wind farms are warming...

Post by:
WillowTree, Apr 30, 2012 in forum: Politics

The OP doesn't give a damn about Eagles except and in as much he can use them as a tool to attack wind energy.

I am all in favor of reducing harm to Eagles.

Unlike the OP.
Horseshit. You love it when wind turbines kill eagles. You could have just shortened your rant by saying so!

You don't give a crap about eagles. If there were no wind farms, you would not have started a single thread discussing their welfare.

Eagles are just another tool for you to attack wind energy.
Details details details. Sorry they fly right over your empty head!

You don't give a crap about eagles. If there were no wind farms, you would not have started a single thread discussing their welfare.

Eagles are just another tool for you to attack wind energy.

You might be a socialist atheist Marxist unpatriotic liberal..

But to us conservative democrat and republican Americans the eagal means a lot...

You don't give a crap about eagles. If there were no wind farms, you would not have started a single thread discussing their welfare.

Eagles are just another tool for you to attack wind energy.

If Trump told you that it was patriotic to eat Eagles you would be having eagle burgers.
why should they get special permits

the rule needs to be cancelled 1/20/17
You dumb fuck, so you are calling for the pulling down of the big powerlines that go cross country? Because that is what that permit includes, and those kill far more raptors than do the windmills.

fuck you retard i am calling for the same treatment that any energy producer goes through

you are one of the dumbest shitheads on this board

And that is of course what this rule does- it allows more eagles to be killed by power lines and power plants and oh yes- wind turbines.

The rule has been in place- it is being expanded.

I will just point out once again- there is not a single thread here at USMB with eagle in the title- about protecting eagles from anything other than wind turbines.

Yet- of the man made causes of eagle deaths, wind turbines are far, far down the list.

This thread- and all of them like it- just use eagles as a tool to attack alternative energy.

I will believe any of you care about eagles when I see threads from you about conserving habitat for eagles, worrying about climate change and eagles, warning about lead shot and hunters and eagles- any of the many things that kill more eagles than wind turbines.

Solar and Wind Energy Start to Win on Price vs. Conventional Fuels


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The cost of providing electricity from wind and solar power plants has plummeted over the last five years, so much so that in some markets renewable generation is now cheaper than coal or natural gas.

Utility executives say the trend has accelerated this year, with several companies signing contracts, known as power purchase agreements, for solar or wind at prices below that of natural gas, especially in the Great Plains and Southwest, where wind and sunlight are abundant.

Those prices were made possible by generous subsidies that could soon diminish or expire, but recent analyses show that even without those subsidies, alternative energies can often compete with traditional sources.

In Texas, Austin Energy signed a deal this spring for 20 years of output from a solar farm at less than 5 cents a kilowatt-hour. In September, the Grand River Dam Authority in Oklahoma announced its approval of a new agreement to buy power from a new wind farm expected to be completed next year. Grand River estimated the deal would save its customers roughly $50 million from the project.

And, also in Oklahoma, American Electric Power ended up tripling the amount of wind power it had originally sought after seeing how low the bids came in last year.

“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.

This was written over two years ago, and the price of both wind and solar have continued to decrease. Today many utilities in that ultra-liberal state of Texas are making major investments in the renewables. And will continue to, irregardless of the Trump administrations policies.
So the reason the federal law against killing eagles is waived for wind is because it makes sense to the ratepayers?
There's a law against killing eagles, but no law against eagles committing suicide.
Eagles are not committing suicide when they are struck by a turbine blade.
Are they committing suicide flying into a window? A power line? Do you want to ban those, or like fucking Liberals and anti-gun laws vs. cars, do you only want to ban what you don't use?
Let me explain again for the slow minded. Eagles are a protected bird. You will go to prison for harming one. Obummer gave permission to green energy to massacre them. Permission. Get it now?

We got it long ago- you are using Eagles as a tool to attack wind power.

The rule already allows power companies to kill eagles. This rule allows power companies- all power companies- to kill more.

You don't care about that- you only care about attacking wind power.

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