Final word on G Floyd

Um, we saw the video, dude. That's what the video evidence shows. Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck for nine minutes.
And of course you're simply lying again as usual. I saw all the videos from many angle.

None of them show Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck for 9 minutes.

Why do you consistently base your political opinions on the stupid lies that you repeatedly tell yourself, DAN?
Derek Chauvin isn’t in prison for a crime. He’s there because the mob demanded it. A good man doing good things is in prison because he was sent to take care of a worthless drug addicted shit stain on society was acting up.
How about... instead of taking someone's word for it they aren't crazy, you actually make sure they aren't crazy.

It would probably eliminate a lot of gun fetishists because most of you guys are a few tacos short of a combination platter.

The Constitution is about Militias, not guns. The word Gun doesn't even appear.

If you want to say the word "Arms" gives you a right to guns, why doesn't it give you a right to Anthrax, a tactical nuke, or some nerve gas?
Why can't we all walk down the street carrying swords?

Oh, that's right, because we have laws "infringing" on your ability to do such things.
So, you do want to keep lawfully purchased guns out of the hands of lawful citizens….I thought so.
The "right" is, obviously, only to bear arms that are available. There is no "infringement" on that right if one or several types of arms are not available, such as bazookas.
Derek Chauvin isn’t in prison for a crime. He’s there because the mob demanded it. A good man doing good things is in prison because he was sent to take care of a worthless drug addicted shit stain on society was acting up.
In that case he's in prison because all you gun toting patriots are actually pussies who'll stand by while liberals intimidate a court into putting a man in prison. Is that what you're arguing happened? Are you afraid to do anything because you're terrified of liberals? 😄
So if your 2A rights take that much to exorcise what are the prerequisites to your 1A rights?

Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership. I'm all for well-regulated militias, I was a member of one for years. (Illinois National Guard.)

What the Second Amendment is NOT is an unregulated permission to own weapons of your choice.

If it were, then we'd all have the right to own Anthrax, tactical nukes, claymore mines, anti-tank rockets, machine guns, mustard gas, or howitzers.

Clearly, no one interprets the 2A to mean that.

But you do interpret it to mean that a crazy person like Joker Holmes or Awake the Rapper can walk into a gun store and buy a military-grade rifle and a 100-round magazine.
That's because Floyd and his criminal accomplices refused to tell the police what drugs he was on.

How do you explain that, bitch?
"Gee, we don't know what drugs he is on, let's put a knee on his neck for nine minutes!"

And of course you're simply lying again as usual. I saw all the videos from many angle.

None of them show Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck for 9 minutes.

Why do you consistently base your political opinions on the stupid lies that you repeatedly tell yourself, DAN?

Who is DAN? never mind. The jury saw all those videos, too, and they sent Chauvin to prison for 22 years.

So, you do want to keep lawfully purchased guns out of the hands of lawful citizens….I thought so.

If they are crazy or mentally unstable, you betcha. Joker Holmes was a lawful citizen until he shot up the movie theater. Adam Lanza was a lawful citizen until he shot up Sandy Hook.

It is commonly asserted that the United States has more than 20,000gun laws on the books at local, state and federal levels.

how many more do you want comrade?

How about some effective ones?

Most of those 20K gun laws are things like, "Don't discharge your gun in an urban area".

About 10 years ago, my neighbor broke that law and shot out his patio window. Then he lied to the cops and told them someone shot at him. (Quickly discounted by the pattern of the glass shards.) Well, the cops didn't confiscate his gun (even though that bullet could have very well hit someone in the complex's parking lot.) A few weeks later, he shot himself.
"how many more do you want comrade?"


Well, I ain't into the numbers of gun laws, but......but I think a step in the right direction is "strict liability" for the owner-of-record.

Meaning, if that piece of iron is used to cause harm or to criminally threaten....then the bloke who owns it is responsible for a share of the liability, of the blame, of the consequences.

In short, if your 6yr old grandson lifts your Glock 20 out of the nightstand and shoots his are partially to blame legally.
If your SigSauer is stolen from under the seat of your F-150 and then used to shoot the 7/11 are partially to blame legally.

If you introduce to our society an easily concealed, easily used, portable, high-lethality tool....and the tool is used to cause harm, well amigo, you are on the hook for some or all of the blame.

THAT would be a good law.
"Gee, we don't know what drugs he is on, let's put a knee on his neck for nine minutes!"

Who is DAN? never mind. The jury saw all those videos, too, and they sent Chauvin to prison for 22 years.

If they are crazy or mentally unstable, you betcha. Joker Holmes was a lawful citizen until he shot up the movie theater. Adam Lanza was a lawful citizen until he shot up Sandy Hook.

How about some effective ones?

Most of those 20K gun laws are things like, "Don't discharge your gun in an urban area".

About 10 years ago, my neighbor broke that law and shot out his patio window. Then he lied to the cops and told them someone shot at him. (Quickly discounted by the pattern of the glass shards.) Well, the cops didn't confiscate his gun (even though that bullet could have very well hit someone in the complex's parking lot.) A few weeks later, he shot himself.
1. I’m not opposed to someone under mental care, by a professional being the purchase of a firearm, however, as soon as that person is deemed no threat, then their rights are restored.

2. Sorry to hear about your neighbor, if the story is true..But, the chances of that happening is extremely low…And I shouldn’t be infringed because someone committed suicide.
Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership. I'm all for well-regulated militias, I was a member of one for years. (Illinois National Guard.)

What the Second Amendment is NOT is an unregulated permission to own weapons of your choice.

If it were, then we'd all have the right to own Anthrax, tactical nukes, claymore mines, anti-tank rockets, machine guns, mustard gas, or howitzers.

Clearly, no one interprets the 2A to mean that.

But you do interpret it to mean that a crazy person like Joker Holmes or Awake the Rapper can walk into a gun store and buy a military-grade rifle and a 100-round magazine.
It’s all about gun ownership. The right to bear arms.
1. I’m not opposed to someone under mental care, by a professional being the purchase of a firearm, however, as soon as that person is deemed no threat, then their rights are restored.

2. Sorry to hear about your neighbor, if the story is true..But, the chances of that happening is extremely low…And I shouldn’t be infringed because someone committed suicide.
WHy do you guys pretend that something can't be true if it infringes on your reality.

If you have a mental defect or are a dangerous lunatic, then your access to a gun should be infringed. I can see why you wouldn't want someone else making that call, your posts are pretty unhinged, Anger Issues.
Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership. I'm all for well-regulated militias, I was a member of one for years. (Illinois National Guard.)

What the Second Amendment is NOT is an unregulated permission to own weapons of your choice.

If it were, then we'd all have the right to own Anthrax, tactical nukes, claymore mines, anti-tank rockets, machine guns, mustard gas, or howitzers.

Clearly, no one interprets the 2A to mean that.

But you do interpret it to mean that a crazy person like Joker Holmes or Awake the Rapper can walk into a gun store and buy a military-grade rifle and a 100-round magazine.

It is about individual gun ownership.
LoLing @ "Alpha News"

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #RepublicansAreAJoke

Are you saying the court documents in the link aren't real? It's understandable you'd try to deflect, since they don't confirm the commie narrative. Floyd died of an OD, it's just that simple, and the officers were railroaded.

No, Anger Issues, it doesn't make him a saint.
It makes him a guy who didn't deserve to be strangled to death for nine minutes over passing a fake $20.00.

Whatever he did during that robbery, he went to prison and did his time.

From the link in the OP:


That was in a sworn deposition of a prosecutor. A prosecutor that withdrew from the case because they weren't going to be part of railroading the officers.

Well Regulated militias.

Why can't I own a howitzer with Anthrax shells?
If you can afford it buy a howitzer. It’s fine with me. Also if you want to play with anthrax in your basement you’re an idiot and deserve what you get.

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