Final word on G Floyd

Would you want to be labelled with the worst thing you've ever done?

He made a mistake. He paid for that mistake as the law required.

When we start providing rehab services and make it harder for bad guys to get guns, then you can come back and whine to me about drug crimes.
Oh, he was just misunderstood….I see….
When we start providing rehab services and make it harder for bad guys to get guns, then you can come back and whine to me about drug crimes.
Fuck you. George Floyd had recently got out of rehab before he took the overdose that killed him, you fucking sleezbag scum of the Earth shitbag.

The overwhelmingly vast majority of gun owning drug addicts would never even consider committing a horrible crime like armed robbery against some poor helpless girl. It takes a real sociopath to do something like that.
Fuck you. George Floyd had recently got out of rehab before he took the overdose that killed him, you fucking sleezbag scum of the Earth shitbag.

Which shows that rehab efforts are inadequate. They give him some methadone and call it a day.

Meanwhile, rich drug addicts like Rush Limbaugh get full treatment. And no jail time, of course.

The overwhelmingly vast majority of gun owning drug addicts would never even consider committing a horrible crime like armed robbery against some poor helpless girl. It takes a real sociopath to do something like that.
I've seen drug addicts steal from their elderly parents.
Nope, he's the result of decades of bad policies. We make it hard to get drug treatment and easy to get guns, and we wonder why we have crime.

Let's make it HARD to get guns and EASY to get drug treatment.
Why should I give up my guns because this POS wants to rob his own people?
We don't need a "narrative", there's a video.

Unlike all the other cases of police misconduct, where there was no video or grainy video or video edited by the Police, we have 9 minutes of the cop in real time strangling this man to death.
M.E. says your
You obviously have no idea how evidence works. You have to prove she WAS pregnant, it's not on me to prove she wasn't.

The coroner and jury found otherwise. Which is why Chauvin is in jail for the next 20 years.
You really didn't read did ya.....still clinging to your lies
We don't need a "narrative", there's a video.

Unlike all the other cases of police misconduct, where there was no video or grainy video or video edited by the Police, we have 9 minutes of the cop in real time strangling this man to death.
And of course you are simply lying again as usual, you disgusting piece of shit jackass party of slavery and racism supporter.

That's not what the video evidence shows, you fucking stupid easily brainwashed by fake news low IQ moron.

Nobody was strangling George Floyd in any of those videos. The video shows the police desperately trying to save Floyd's life. And if Floyd or one of his criminal friends would have simply told the police what drugs Floyd had taken they could have easily saved his life because Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose and every police unit in Minneapolis has Naloxone, an antidote for opioids like fentanyl.

The toxicology reports show that Floyd had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system. He wasn't strangled.
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Well, gut morgan!
Let's start with the best one first.
This one, just posted by the perceptive poster 'there4'

"Of course the cop was wrong. Of course Floyd is no hero."


They go downhill after that. Precipitously.

"He was only convicted because the niggs went crazy."

So next is the angry racist getting his nut off by posting stuff he is afraid to say from his barstool at the DewDropInn, lest he be banned again.
So this is his alternative. Risk-free therapy by opining anonymously and using a fake name.


"The violent far-left Democrat domestic terrorists burned cars
.......Chauvin got a bogus conviction."
Ummmm? Why would they have been "far-left Democrats"?
Wearing Dem buttons, stickers, ID badges?
My point, is that you want to make a snark on Dems.....but have no vetting, or proof that "far-left Dems" were involved. In my opinion, what I saw on TV didn't appear to be voters at all. Mostly kids.

And, in fact, in my own community of about 500,000 the incident of bottle throwing and window=breaking was shown to be mostly white kids from the suburbs and surrounding rural communities.....come to town to let off some Covid-Cooped Up steam. Police videos taken from rooftops ....and subsequent arrests show all that.
Being a lot of rural white kids I can imagine a charge that they were Trumpers is not far-fetched?

Chauvin was convicted by a jury of his peers after THEY saw and heard all the evidence. In contrast to you, poster Trogdumb. It is the American way of jurisprudence. I'd advise one have some sense of respect towards our trial by jury, most especially if you did not sit in on either the trial itself or the jury deliberations.


" fucking Democratic jackass party of slavery, Jim Crow and racial discrimination supporter."
"Fuck you. ......, you fucking sleezbag scum of the Earth shitbag."
Why the anger and rage, poster Muhammed?
Is this the right venue for you?
You seem to be barely in control of your emotions. Witness, your vulgarity and hostility towards an anonymous poster on an internet social media site. What's up with that?

On the one hand, it seems to be a signal and a symptom for an unstable individual that society may need to monitor, if not restrain.
On the other hand, perhaps this chatroom can serve as check-valve and allow the unstable and angry to express themselves via a keyboard enema.....rather than,......shooting up a synagogue, a mosque, a Piggly Wiggly, or their workplace?

" Black people don't commit crimes so shouldn't be restrained in any way and white citizens are forbidden to defend themselves from the feral animals."

I have no idea what that diatribe over unrelated issues is intended to convey.
Perhaps the good poster Dudley should go back to de-caff?
His morning hi-test seemingly has unmoored his sensibilities and prudence....and accelerated his embedded racism?
He was only convicted because the niggs went crazy. He did nothing wrong.

Pretty much that's it.

Fear of blacks, white guilt, and a desperate need to cuck themselves is what drove the conviction. Had nothing to do with justice at all.

Floyd killed himself by being a criminal, thug, dopehead, felon that committed a crime then resisted arrest. Everything he did in his life led to his death and Derek paid the price for a nword piece of shits bad decisions just because he happened to be there.
As some people apparently see it, Floyd's death was by natural causes. Cut off a person's breathing long enough and, naturally, the person dies.
As some people apparently see it, Floyd's death was by natural causes. Cut off a person's breathing long enough and, naturally, the person dies.

His breathing was cut off by his dope; his blood oxygen level was higher than mine. He was 'choked to death' by Chauvin; Chauvin's knee wasn't on his neck it was on his shoulder blade. The thug babbled endlessly for 9 minutes which of course clearly indicates he was able to breathe just fine.

Take a lot of fentanyl, and naturally the person dies.
Why should I give up my guns because this POS wants to rob his own people?

Where did I say you had to give up your guns?

I said guns should be hard to get... not impossible. Which means a thorough background check, psych exam, drug test, licensing, and insurance.

That's not what the video evidence shows, you fucking stupid easily brainwashed by fake news low IQ moron.
Um, we saw the video, dude. That's what the video evidence shows. Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck for nine minutes.
Nobody was strangling George Floyd in any of those videos. The video shows the police desperately trying to save Floyd's life. And if Floyd or one of his criminal friends would have simply told the police what drugs Floyd had taken they could have easily saved his life because Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose and every police unit in Minneapolis has Naloxone, an antidote for opioids like fentanyl.

Except that Naloxone was never administered... A knee to the neck was, while the man screamed "I can't breathe!"
Where did I say you had to give up your guns?

I said guns should be hard to get... not impossible. Which means a thorough background check, psych exam, drug test, licensing, and insurance.

LOL@Psych exam....We already have a Federal Background check, and it's already law that those with Mental issues under treatment have to be reported...

You say not impossible, but the Constitution says "Shall not be infringed".... Try to lookup what that means so you won't look like a fool in the future....
LOL@Psych exam....We already have a Federal Background check, and it's already law that those with Mental issues under treatment have to be reported...

How about... instead of taking someone's word for it they aren't crazy, you actually make sure they aren't crazy.

It would probably eliminate a lot of gun fetishists because most of you guys are a few tacos short of a combination platter.

You say not impossible, but the Constitution says "Shall not be infringed".... Try to lookup what that means so you won't look like a fool in the future....

The Constitution is about Militias, not guns. The word Gun doesn't even appear.

If you want to say the word "Arms" gives you a right to guns, why doesn't it give you a right to Anthrax, a tactical nuke, or some nerve gas?
Why can't we all walk down the street carrying swords?

Oh, that's right, because we have laws "infringing" on your ability to do such things.
It always amuses me how defensively racist cuck whites on this board get in defense of the convicted murderer, Derek Chauvin. Say what you want about Floyd, he never murdered anyone. :itsok: 😄
No, Anger Issues, it doesn't make him a saint.
It makes him a guy who didn't deserve to be strangled to death for nine minutes over passing a fake $20.00.

Whatever he did during that robbery, he went to prison and did his time.
We keep resetting the bar and people who get jammed up for the simplest offenses from authoritarian law enforcement simmer and do not forget. We are past the hate stage in many respects. As to some point there are people exacting revenge. Unfortunately for them it gets them killed also if justified. People who do this need to think things out for maximum damage and personal safety.
Where did I say you had to give up your guns?

I said guns should be hard to get... not impossible. Which means a thorough background check, psych exam, drug test, licensing, and insurance.

Um, we saw the video, dude. That's what the video evidence shows. Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck for nine minutes.

Except that Naloxone was never administered... A knee to the neck was, while the man screamed "I can't breathe!"
So if your 2A rights take that much to exorcise what are the prerequisites to your 1A rights?

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