Finally a crackdown on flash mobs

“Yeah, I kind of feel… it’s strange, but I feel bad for him, too, the way his life has turned out,” he told KYW Newsradio today.

Typical white response.

Meanwhile, homeboy went shopping with his card. He apparently didn't feel bad.

WHITE PEOPLE, wake the fuck up, please. These people are NOT LIKE YOU. They are animals, and they don't care.
They are living in a different culture for sure. Sense of right and wrong is very skewed in the urban hip hop culture. Notice it's not about "race" but culture. White dirtbags like Slim Shady who grow up in that cess pool culture come out just as bad.
These flash mobs have been all the rage in Philly, finally a judge took a hard line

West Philadelphia Man Will Serve 5-20 Years For ‘Flash Mob’ Assault on Cyclist « CBS Philly


Not sure WTF this is in the Race forum.

However, a "flash mob" has nothing to do with race, nor necessarily crime:

The same technologies that for years have brought together the mostly benign and goofy "flash mobs," in which groups suddenly break into dance at a mall or stumble around like zombies at train stations, is being used to plan and execute bold robberies.

Called “flash robs,” these crimes are being organized by young teenagers through various social media outlets, most notably Twitter. Police say the suspects select a time and place and enter the store in droves taking what they want and leaving before security or police can catch them.

Some of the most brazen robberies take place in the light of day and on busy streets despite all the security cameras and the watchful eyes of workers

Teenage Flash Mob Robberies on the Rise -
Hmm... I read the article, but I'm not sure how this is a crackdown on flash mobs. Sounds like a direct prosecution of an individual who used a flash mob as an excuse for a heinous crime.
Well over the past three years in Philly the only flash mobs have been angry blacks, who have robbed, assaulted, and victimised the city.

The only white people involved in these flash mobs were the ones that were beaten, running for their lives, or in a police uniform

Police contain flash mob on South Street | Video |

Ah, OK now I'm on the same page with you.

You're thread's title confused me: "Flash Mobs" are not necessarily Black or Violent, but they are coordinated by text messaging, and the term has morphed into something like a "planned riot."

Here is the explaination from:

Young Black Men, and The Power of Flash Mobs!! :

The best way to deter a violent flash mob is to stop it from forming. The best time to stop it from forming is when the potential congregants are 2 and 3 years old, not when they are 16, 20 and 30 years old. The best weapons against flash mobs are jobs, not police with guns; education, not incarceration; and positive guidance and direction, not threats or curses. Can flash mobs be stopped? Absolutely. Is America working properly to stop them? Absolutely not.

Welcome to the year 2011 where ethics, sociology, economics, criminology, politics and technology cross! The flash mobbers are trying to tell us, “You can’t stop us, but with your help, we can stop ourselves!”

I'm disappointed that there is such a reluctance from Thy Black Man to take responsibility for the criminal elements among their population. Many blacks refuse to acknowledge that they THEMSELVES need to take responsibility for THEMSELVES, but are shunned as, "Uncle Toms." While I agree that blacks have been socially handicapped, I'm not sure what else can be done to help them?

For example, they could join the military, receive training and and paid education, however, their enlistment has been dropping!
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Aww dissapointment.... I thought this thread was about the Tea Party.

Well, perhaps you'll be comforted by the fact that you're consistantly partisan:

If you can't be topical, then post something moronic about the Tea Party.

Back to the regularly scheduled program:

Is there ANYTHING MORE that Anyone can do for young black males?

Frankly, I'm beginning to believe, as evidenced by these riots, that perhaps the culture that was created with slavery has so damaged African Americans that they cannot survive regardless of anything that is done to resuscitate it.
Aww dissapointment.... I thought this thread was about the Tea Party.

Well, perhaps you'll be comforted by the fact that you're consistantly partisan:

If you can't be topical, then post something moronic about the Tea Party.

Back to the regularly scheduled program:

Is there ANYTHING MORE that Anyone can do for young black males?

Frankly, I'm beginning to believe, as evidenced by these riots, that perhaps the culture that was created with slavery has so damaged African Americans that they cannot survive regardless of anything that is done to resuscitate it.

There are no easy answers, all I can say is that there are no quick fixes to the problems in the black community and that nobody else is going to be able to fix it, it has to come from the inside.
High testosterone and low IQ levels are why.

Like I said: Then why aren't they the perfect Marine Recruits?

Seems to me this country needs to reinstate the draft for malingerers and send them to a small Asian Nation to wreck havoc.
the miltary only takes IQ90 or higher. that leaves out most of the black thugs.
the miltary only takes IQ90 or higher. that leaves out most of the black thugs.

I said "Marines."


I refuse to believe the average IQ of an average Marine exceeds 90.


I've worked with them.

While their officers and NCO's are at 90+, the VAST Majority have been rigorously trained not to drag their knuckles while walking.

Of course, maybe I missed all the Smart Marines as they are typically dressed in Navy Uniforms.:razz:
In the Navy a hundred men go on a ship, and fifty couples walk off.
Aww dissapointment.... I thought this thread was about the Tea Party.

Well, perhaps you'll be comforted by the fact that you're consistantly partisan:

If you can't be topical, then post something moronic about the Tea Party.

Back to the regularly scheduled program:

Is there ANYTHING MORE that Anyone can do for young black males?

Frankly, I'm beginning to believe, as evidenced by these riots, that perhaps the culture that was created with slavery has so damaged African Americans that they cannot survive regardless of anything that is done to resuscitate it.

There are no easy answers, all I can say is that there are no quick fixes to the problems in the black community and that nobody else is going to be able to fix it, it has to come from the inside.

I completely agree, HG. Actually, the worst of the problems seem to be concentrated in a relatively small subset of Black inner-city youth, which seems to have taken the worst aspects of a variety of American cultures, and put them together in their own subculture. It is a particularly dangerous brew, and I get a sense that the larger Black community is not at all sure how it wants to deal with the problem, or for that matter, if it can. The simple , obvious solutions have been tried, pretty much with no real positive result, leaving more questions than promising answers. It's really a unique societal problem; how do you "fix" a broken subculture, when there is no way to cut off what it feeds on, and the thing has no real structure to work on, to begin with.? Even if we could fix most of the ills associated with urban poverty, that subculture might persist; it seems to have reached a point in some places where it has a life of its own, at least partially independent of the environment. There is one caveat here, and it can be summed up in the words, "You can't stop us.". Well that depends. As of now, it may pay to threaten the dominant culture with long as it is easier for the dominant culture to simply cave to perceived demands, and put a band-aid on the problem, than to deal with the problem. IF, however, the problem becomes intractable enough, and big enough, then, at some point undetermined, a tipping point will be reached, where the dominant culture is forced to solve the problem the way such problems are solved when they get severe enough; massive force. There's only one way that can end; society as a whole can (and will, if sufficiently threatened), bring to the party a much bigger toolkit that a bunch of untrained kids, and the result will be ugly. We can all hope that does not become necessary, but the prospect is a concern not to be lightly dismissed.
Well, perhaps you'll be comforted by the fact that you're consistantly partisan:

If you can't be topical, then post something moronic about the Tea Party.

Back to the regularly scheduled program:

Is there ANYTHING MORE that Anyone can do for young black males?

Frankly, I'm beginning to believe, as evidenced by these riots, that perhaps the culture that was created with slavery has so damaged African Americans that they cannot survive regardless of anything that is done to resuscitate it.

There are no easy answers, all I can say is that there are no quick fixes to the problems in the black community and that nobody else is going to be able to fix it, it has to come from the inside.

I completely agree, HG. Actually, the worst of the problems seem to be concentrated in a relatively small subset of Black inner-city youth, which seems to have taken the worst aspects of a variety of American cultures, and put them together in their own subculture. It is a particularly dangerous brew, and I get a sense that the larger Black community is not at all sure how it wants to deal with the problem, or for that matter, if it can. The simple , obvious solutions have been tried, pretty much with no real positive result, leaving more questions than promising answers. It's really a unique societal problem; how do you "fix" a broken subculture, when there is no way to cut off what it feeds on, and the thing has no real structure to work on, to begin with.? Even if we could fix most of the ills associated with urban poverty, that subculture might persist; it seems to have reached a point in some places where it has a life of its own, at least partially independent of the environment. There is one caveat here, and it can be summed up in the words, "You can't stop us.". Well that depends. As of now, it may pay to threaten the dominant culture with long as it is easier for the dominant culture to simply cave to perceived demands, and put a band-aid on the problem, than to deal with the problem. IF, however, the problem becomes intractable enough, and big enough, then, at some point undetermined, a tipping point will be reached, where the dominant culture is forced to solve the problem the way such problems are solved when they get severe enough; massive force. There's only one way that can end; society as a whole can (and will, if sufficiently threatened), bring to the party a much bigger toolkit that a bunch of untrained kids, and the result will be ugly. We can all hope that does not become necessary, but the prospect is a concern not to be lightly dismissed.

Meh...I believe that police will develop a method of interdiction; If nothing else as simply offering a reward for information regarding a "flash mob" plan, and then moving swiftly to interceed.

Of course, if the authorities are ineffective (e.g. rioting in LA), then everyone will become Korean Shop Owners, place .50 calibur machine guns where they will offer effective crossfire, and wait.

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