FINALLY!!! An impeachable offense

I have been an Obama supporter since day 1
But I was willing to call for impeachment after watching him throw out the first pitch

gawd, you libs in this thread aren't Obama supporters you are loving cult members...dots finds he can do NO WRONG, wrongwing has a huge man crush on him and would follow him over a cliff...and if I remember all we heard from you libs was how BUSH should be impeached even wanted him charged with war crimes.....

that damn two faced hypocrite again is showing

I fully encourage Republicans to gather all their available evidence and impeach Obama right now

What are they afraid of?
yeah. What they got? :dunno:
He is doing remarkably well for having a do-nothing Congress.

My senators and congressmen are doing EXACTLY as I asked them to do. Stall, fillibuster, obstruct and delay this man's agenda at each and every moment.

Let's just remember that Barry's remedy is to use the Executive Order. The path that you open up can and will be used by those who come after him.

And now they actually expect him to ask for their input re Syria.

The Rs have been on permanent tax-funded vacation since Prez Barry took office. Why should we believe they will do their job now?

Fat chance.
^ that
gawd, you libs in this thread aren't Obama supporters you are loving cult members...dots finds he can do NO WRONG, wrongwing has a huge man crush on him and would follow him over a cliff...and if I remember all we heard from you libs was how BUSH should be impeached even wanted him charged with war crimes.....

that damn two faced hypocrite again is showing

Ya know, you might be the only person on this planet who can find something in common with the crime of not using a soup spoon and the wanton murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people for profit.

Having said that, I would also suggest you take your blood pressure medication cuz honey, you usually sound like you could actually blow a gasket.

thats our :up: Stephie on a continual rw rant
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Funny how life is.

I totally hate Obama and this Administration.... having said that ....surgically bombing the chemical facilities in Syria is the one action I welcome wholeheartedly from him !!!!!:clap2:
Impeachable offense #71


Bowing without a license


Fer a rightie numb-nutter, ain't nuthin worse that diplomatic protocol.

The maroons loved that icky tongue-down-the-throat of the MUSLIN arab and they uh-DOOORED the illegal wars that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people but Boy Howdy, them thar haters just can't stand basic diplomacy.
godbless out two-term, Democratic, African American, President :cool:

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