Finally, Conservatives Begin To Back Away From the Confederate Flag

When are the Clintons and Gore going to back away from the Confederate Flag?

View attachment 42940

Who cares about a 15 year old political poster? You don't even know who produced it. Could have been done by some local group of supporters without knowledge or control of Clinton or Gore.

Math challenged much? 2015-1992 =/= 15, bub.

If you have any evidence that Clinton DENOUNCED these campaign pins, then please provide.
Ok, so who cares about a 23 year of campaign poster?

If 23 years ago is ancient history, then you all should let go of slavery, which was abolished 150 years ago.

Just sayin'.
I am suggesting that a campaign logo or button design from 1992 has nothing to do with how the attitude towards the confederate flag in 2015 and is just a lame deflection from the confederate rags defenders.

Translation: The Dems are backed into a corner based upon their own embrace of the Confederate Flag.
When are the Clintons and Gore going to back away from the Confederate Flag?

View attachment 42940
There is no indication that this was produced by the Clinton Gore campaign. One indicator that it isn't official is that it lacks a union "bug," the little marker showing that a piece of campaign material was printed in a union shop. We see so much this crap. It's just meaningless nonsense often traced back to the opposition or fanatics not associated with the campaign.

I already provided additional evidence of Clinton's support of the Confederacy in his approval of the Arkansas flag.
Hillary really needs to Back Away from the Confederate Flag!

Your reading comprehension shortcoming is not my problem.
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Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.


Your reading comprehension shortcoming is not my problem.
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Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.


Your poll is over five years old. That makes it meaningless. Any poll taken before the picture of the church slaughterer posing with the flag is meaningless. The polls that count are the ones taken after the flags roll in that guys life became clear.
Your reading comprehension shortcoming is not my problem.
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Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.



This poll was conducted 4 years ago. I suspect that negative reactions would be much higher today.

This poll also shows those who have a reaction to the flag, more than three times as many say they have a negative reaction as a positive reaction (30% to 9%). This certainly supports the argument that the flag is a device issue that creates division.
Sure feeling like a witch hunt to me. I understand being offended, but its been repeatedly proven that offence is part of free speech.

Their state so they can do what they want, but at some point that kind of precedence becomes a problem for /every/ state. Hopefully this isn't /that/ point, merely another shake of salt on the slug of the people's support of government.

I have to say, I do find myself leaning farther and farther from Democrat ideology... The theory of "pick your battles" is ever in my mind, and frankly a lot of the battles Dem's pick are just silly. Gay marriage, yes. Forcing businesses to serve those they don't wish to on the far flung 'concept' that denial of a gay wedding cake is akin to segregation/discrimination/slavery, not so much. And now they attack our freedom to be assholes again.

Are we free, or do we merely pretend to be free for the sake of appearance? or perhaps... politeness.
The denial that racism still exists is tantamount to denying the existence of black people. I am white and I know this how come all you all conservatives are so willfully so stubbornly ignorant...what is the matter with you all did some Sphinx of Concrete and aluminum eat up your brains...
Your reading comprehension shortcoming is not my problem.
Can YOU comprehend THIS ? >>

Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.



What has killed more people: The Confederate States of America or Stalinism - Maoism - Communism?

The Dems really have some 'Splainin' to do:

But here’s what the pompom boys forgot to tell you. That flag used to fly atop the Statehouse in Columbia, and guess who put it there in 1962 — then-Gov. Fritz Hollings, a Democrat. He later became a senator and one of his dearest friends in Washington was Ted Kennedy.

In 1987 Ted Kennedy was very angry at this newspaper because a certain columnist kept calling him “Fat Boy” in print. So Fat Boy got his favorite Gamecock to file legislation to force owner Rupert Murdoch to unload both the Herald and the New York Post.

So it was Fritz Hollings, the guy who put the Stars and Bars atop the Statehouse, doing the Liberal Lion’s dirty work. Had Hollings and Fat Boy prevailed, hundreds of union members would have been out on the street.

Why did Fritz and Ted get along so well? Maybe Fritz knew that Ted’s brother RFK had authorized the FBI wiretaps on Martin Luther King. Perhaps he recalled how JFK’s greatest Southern supporter in 1960 was Gov. John Patterson of Alabama, who defeated George Wallace by carrying with him a large poster of a black protester being beaten in Little Rock, and telling the crowds, “This is how I’ll handle ’em when I’m governor.”...

Howie Carr Dems want to forget who started flag flap Boston Herald

But that's when democrats were republicans, or men were really men and not women and whites were really whites and not black.....or something like that. Who knows anymore

Well, they're all leftist trash and nut cases...

Your reading comprehension shortcoming is not my problem.
Can YOU comprehend THIS ? >>

Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.



This poll was conducted 4 years ago. I suspect that negative reactions would be much higher today.

This poll also shows those who have a reaction to the flag, more than three times as many say they have a negative reaction as a positive reaction (30% to 9%). This certainly supports the argument that the flag is a device issue that creates division.
Quelle surprise the resident racist OP picked an outdated poll :eusa_think:
The Confederate battle flag flew over the capitol dome in Columbia, S.C., from 1962, when the legislature hoisted it as a symbol of defiance against integration,

That backward state should be ostracized and boycotted

Finally Conservatives Begin To Back Away From the Confederate Flag Mother Jones
I'm a conservative... SEE MY AVATAR... and then go fuck yourself.
whatevs welcher boi 007 . You have ZERO honor on this board.

Want to bet? You can have anyone but Obama. I'll take Obama. If Obama wins you never come back to this site. I do the same if anyone but Obama wins.


Sure feeling like a witch hunt to me. I understand being offended, but its been repeatedly proven that offence is part of free speech.

Their state so they can do what they want, but at some point that kind of precedence becomes a problem for /every/ state. Hopefully this isn't /that/ point, merely another shake of salt on the slug of the people's support of government.

I have to say, I do find myself leaning farther and farther from Democrat ideology... The theory of "pick your battles" is ever in my mind, and frankly a lot of the battles Dem's pick are just silly. Gay marriage, yes. Forcing businesses to serve those they don't wish to on the far flung 'concept' that denial of a gay wedding cake is akin to segregation/discrimination/slavery, not so much. And now they attack our freedom to be assholes again.

Are we free, or do we merely pretend to be free for the sake of appearance? or perhaps... politeness.
Republicans have fought some pretty stupid battles of their own, Obama's birth certificate, Voter ids, evolution, and shutting down the government.

BTW Removing the confederate flag is not just a Democratic issue. There's been some pretty strong Republican support for doing so. This is a bit surprising considering how much Republicans depend on a good voter turn out of white southerns in the deep south.
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