Finally hate lost in America....two Dem. Victories tonight.....finally!!

YOu accuse ME of relying on emotion in a thread smearing republcians as "hate".

When someone openly denies reality, it's usually for emotional reasons, because it's too painful to accept reality.

So, how many people here have threatened to kill you? Quite a few have threatened me. Don't bullshit me that the Trump cult doesn't run on hate.

Maybe if you spent less time insulting people, people would be nicer to you.

Threatening to kill someone who chooses to be an insulting prick from the safety of his mom's basement is not "hate", it a healthy response.

You talk of issues, instead of emotion, but you mention not a single issue.

Because specific issues aren't the point of this thread. That's what other threads are for. The conservative emotional state is what this thread is about.[/QUOTE]

Sure they are. IF by "issues" you mean start calling names the moment the con calls a lib on his bullshit.

I actually made a point about what happens when you allow your party to convince you that the other guy is "hate" or "evul".

And I pointed out that you were projecting the way you think on to us.[/QUOTE]

Mmm, stating, "NO, you are" is hardly addressing my argument.

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

Oh, it did. You just didn't like the way it did, hence you had a very emotional response.[/QUOTE]

You've already been an insulting prick, so my response is pretty measured all things consider, asshole.

And I've made my point(s) in addition to expressing my emotions about what you are.

So, don't pretend that I have not.

Oh, want to see some real hate?

Threatening to kill someone who chooses to be an insulting prick from the safety of his mom's basement is not "hate", it a healthy response

Given you were trying to convince people you're not hateful, approving of threats to kill me was probably not your best choice of options.

So, being you've proven your own personal hatefulness, my point is proven, and we're done here.
Threatening to kill someone who chooses to be an insulting prick from the safety of his mom's basement is not "hate", it a healthy response

Given you were trying to convince people you're not hateful, approving of threats to kill me was probably not your best choice of options.

So, being you've proven your own personal hatefulness, my point is proven, and we're done here.

Anger is not hate. Anger at someone who deserves it is not hate.

Try to be less of a insulting prick and watch the death threats drop off.

Did you watch the Dem political candidate laugh at the idea of white suicides?

DId you watch the room full of democrats laugh with him?

NOw, THAT'S some real hate.
Anger is not hate. Anger at someone who deserves it is not hate

Fuck off, thug.

You're proudly justifying violence. That means you're a hateful prick. In contrast, I'm not justifying violence, or being hateful in any way.

The vile hateful way that you and the Trump thugs act is not acceptable in moral society. It is the moral duty of decent human beings to call you out on it.

And yes, I know that it's not PC to point that out, but I'm not PC, and I don't care if I trigger you Trump snowflakes. Your relative morality is inferior to our absolute morality.
Anger is not hate. Anger at someone who deserves it is not hate

Fuck off, thug.

You're proudly justifying violence. That means you're a hateful prick. In contrast, I'm not justifying violence, or being hateful in any way.

The vile hateful way that you and the Trump thugs act is not acceptable in moral society. It is the moral duty of decent human beings to call you out on it.

And yes, I know that it's not PC to point that out, but I'm not PC, and I don't care if I trigger you Trump snowflakes. Your relative morality is inferior to our absolute morality.

Really? How do you feel about antifa?

Yawn, dems manage victories in blue states.

Think hard
Dems just need to clean out 60% of the last elected DOPer elected MORONS in their BLUE states. Game over for Great Douche DOPer Voters!

You'd be wise to Google how many seats the Dems have lost at diffferent levels in recent years. Big whoop ya won two you should've won
No worries, Trump seems eager to hand them right back :thup:

It numbers over a thousand...why do you think that is?

Could it be dems have nothing to offer but chronic BS? Calling everyone racist, delporable, homophobe, nazi, etc isnt a game plan. It's stupid
The pendulum swings this way and that, you dumb whore

And you just proved her point you political Whore. I didn't see her insulting you there personally but that didnt stop you from taking a page out of the Hillary campaign. I don't know why you call a woman a whore that you don't really even know, but it sure shows the type of person you are.

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