Finally hate lost in America....two Dem. Victories tonight.....finally!!

Dems won races in states that went for Obama twice and Hillary last year. Shocking right? lol
I'm an independent but I definitely rather see democrats winning elections than rethuglicans.
I don't know if you are just trying to get people to post in your threads--but YOU are the hater
it's obvious from your posts--hate/racism in all your posts
YOU are the racist supremacist that wants blacks to be supreme --you hate whites
we don't buy your CRAP
you prove the other sides' points with your posts
you can't even discuss rationally, civilly, legibly, etc...some of your posts are very grammatically incorrect making them confusing to understand

from now on, you are on my ignore list --thank you
The GOP is 90% white and confederate for a reason.
and that reason is????
They swept VA and took 13 house seats there, giving the GOP a majority of 4 an inability to stop any veto.

Trumpa gotta thumpa!!!

Dang?...Say it ain't so Jack.


We can thank the do nothing Republican House and Senate for being part of the establishment that will do anything to dethrone Trump. McCain is a fine example

Dems won races in states that went for Obama twice and Hillary last year. Shocking right? lol
Actually yes. Remember all the gerrymandering. No one thought the GOP could lose the state legislature because the GOP led by more than 30 seats.
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Right wing hate definitely took one to the ribs last night.

Left wing hate continues unabated.
Suggested are two books by Baudrillard: The Transparency of Evil and Paroxysm. If you're still a dem after that, you'll understand why others may not want to hang out with y'all.
Thnhe GOP can change, as can the elrctorate. Hateand insults vare divisive. I know REpublicans in the Mid West, Northeast, and West. Aattacking weather major with "RESIST", FASCIST, RADICAL is forgetting the past. Trying to claim the mantle of the French Resistance is insulting.
Yawn, dems manage victories in blue states.

Think hard
Dems just need to clean out 60% of the last elected DOPer elected MORONS in their BLUE states. Game over for Great Douche DOPer Voters!

You'd be wise to Google how many seats the Dems have lost at diffferent levels in recent years. Big whoop ya won two you should've won
No worries, Trump seems eager to hand them right back :thup:
OldSchool time to change your sig. You won!

Can the black guy come out of the closet now?
Yawn, dems manage victories in blue states.

Think hard
Dems just need to clean out 60% of the last elected DOPer elected MORONS in their BLUE states. Game over for Great Douche DOPer Voters!

You'd be wise to Google how many seats the Dems have lost at diffferent levels in recent years. Big whoop ya won two you should've won
No worries, Trump seems eager to hand them right back :thup:
OldSchool time to change your sig. You won!

Can the black guy come out of the closet now?
I think they will settle for walking down the street without being shot while black.

The beginning of this video reminds me of Zimmerman and Martin.
Dems just need to clean out 60% of the last elected DOPer elected MORONS in their BLUE states. Game over for Great Douche DOPer Voters!

You'd be wise to Google how many seats the Dems have lost at diffferent levels in recent years. Big whoop ya won two you should've won
No worries, Trump seems eager to hand them right back :thup:
OldSchool time to change your sig. You won!

Can the black guy come out of the closet now?
I think they will settle for walking down the street without being shot while black.

I think I'll settle for cops being able to walk down a street without being shot. Or maybe being able to play baseball, attend a concert, or a church, or mow the lawn without one of you cock suckers attacking us.
Dems just need to clean out 60% of the last elected DOPer elected MORONS in their BLUE states. Game over for Great Douche DOPer Voters!

You'd be wise to Google how many seats the Dems have lost at diffferent levels in recent years. Big whoop ya won two you should've won
No worries, Trump seems eager to hand them right back :thup:
OldSchool time to change your sig. You won!

Can the black guy come out of the closet now?
I think they will settle for walking down the street without being shot while black.

MAGA! Support your DOPer Voter candidates and hunters!

Dems just need to clean out 60% of the last elected DOPer elected MORONS in their BLUE states. Game over for Great Douche DOPer Voters!

You'd be wise to Google how many seats the Dems have lost at diffferent levels in recent years. Big whoop ya won two you should've won
No worries, Trump seems eager to hand them right back :thup:
OldSchool time to change your sig. You won!

Can the black guy come out of the closet now?
I think they will settle for walking down the street without being shot while black.

The beginning of this video reminds me of Zimmerman and Martin.

Like I said. Hate wins.
America can thank us later, but its time the big boys take over and show the GOP how to govern once elected.....
The beginning of this video reminds me of Zimmerman and Martin
The left has created their own "reality." You know that as they finally pulled is fake, don't you?
Yep..Getting that love from the Party? Feels GOOD!
Why does Ryan hate the DOPer Voters?
Corporations are a better class of peoples.
That need tax cuts. Not the DOPer Voter!
Voting in DOPer Class brings painful results.

#BREAKING: CBO: GOP tax bill would add $1.7 trillion to national debt GOP tax bill would add $1.7 trillion to debt: CBO

This remarkable line of questioning from Congresswoman Suzan DelBene demonstrates
just a few of the ways that the GOP tax plan treats corporations better than people.

Under the Republican plan, corporations are still allowed to deduct state and local taxes. Workers are not.
Corporations are still allowed to deduct business expenses. Teachers are not.
Corporations are still allowed to deduct more than $10,000 in property taxes. Homeowners are not.
Corporations are still allowed to deduct moving expenses. Families are not.

And this is on top of a $1.5 trillion corporate tax cut.

Let's be clear, this is not a "middle-class tax cut." Working families get the crumbs and the super-wealthy get everything else.

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