Finally hate lost in America....two Dem. Victories tonight.....finally!!

Elizabeth Warren wasn't running but she is in a state of fury that does not diminish. Minority leader Pelosi asked Democrats to can the impeachment rap. Good move, no grounds. Show misconduct in office, not allegations you groped somebody or made a statement about an unknown ten year old eons ago.
"Misconduct in office" is not in the Constitution, but high crimes and misdemeanors are. Congress alone defines what that means.
Trump, whose campaign strategist Steve Bannon had praised Gillespie for running a Trump-like campaign, swiftly abandoned the Virginia loser in a post-election tweet from a diplomatic trip to Asia:

Donald J. Trump


Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!
Virginia Win Soothes Democrats and Makes GOP Sweat
Trump, whose campaign strategist Steve Bannon had praised Gillespie for running a Trump-like campaign, swiftly abandoned the Virginia loser in a post-election tweet from a diplomatic trip to Asia:

Donald J. Trump


Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!
Virginia Win Soothes Democrats and Makes GOP Sweat
And LOL! A transgender takes out a Bigot bathroom bill writer moron.
Who was on team Bannon
Now if the rejection of hate carries to 2020.

MAGA! A Hot Water Douche does clean out an Orange Orangutan Smell.

Sadly,... Wait? The Douche stain on the GOP is permanent. So don't get near IT and them!

btw. GAG the Great Douche. It's a moral imperative.
#BREAKING: Dem lawmaker promises to force a vote on impeaching Trump before Christmas House Dem pledges Trump impeachment vote by Christmas

Hmmm? It would be a good move for the old GOP!
To bring it to the floor for a vote. Show the DOPers
the Douche is not a Putin Puppet!



DANG! Where is that old... 'speak no ill' of a GOP? ---Oops DOPer..
Did that not hold in the transfer to become the NEW DOPer Party?

]Santorum: GOP loss in Virginia is Trump’s fault Santorum: GOP loss in Virginia is Trump’s fault
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Schumer is filled with mean insults that show off his 'snappy' wit. Then is arrogant when Trump invites he and Pelosi the a dinner at the White House. The President: "He likes me." Pelosi showed class in the run up to the Special Elections.
NJ official who mocked Women's March defeated by a candidate he inspired to run!


DANG! The PINK CLAWS were out.
(wait for it)

Phil Murphy Cruises To Victory In New Jersey Gubernatorial Race
The Democrat easily defeated Republican Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno.

Virginia Democrat Wins Race For Governor, Handing GOP First Major Loss Under Trump

Democrats are “breathing a sigh of relief,” a Virginia politics expert says.

Just two but its a start.....I am urging and begging year, please pressure your candidate to answer your concerns and not let them abuse and use you like the Va. candidate did. Demand accountability and please for the sake of up and vote and lets send a message to white supremecy.....we are not turning back the clock....besides, somebody stole it already!!

Sorry, you don't understand.

The whole POINT of the lie that the other side is "hate" is so that the dems never have accountability.

You are too afraid of the "evul" republicans, so that you, or at least your vote is owned by the Democrat Party.

So, mind your place. VOte when they tell you to vote, and stop whining for shit. They will give you some handouts now and again, when it suits them.
It wasn't just Virginia and New Jersey where Republicans got spanked.

In special elections, Democrats picked up two state house seats in Georgia, and one state senate seat. That ends the Republican supermajority there.

In a special election, Democrats picked up a state senate seat in Washington. That gives them control of the state senate there, and thus the whole government, so let the liberal legislation roll.

Democrats won mayoral elections damn near everywhere.

Democrats won local elections all over in places they'd never won before.

Democrats won Medicaid expansion in Maine, which makes that state another bulwark defending the ACA.

Republicans got spanked all over the nation, and it's because of Trump.
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Sorry, you don't understand.

Sure we do. Self-awareness is not your strong point, so you're projecting the way your think and act on to honest and rational people.

The whole POINT of the lie that the other side is "hate" is so that the dems never have accountability.

So you're telling me to believe you, instead of my lying eyes. Screw that.

You are too afraid of the "evul" republicans, so that you, or at least your vote is owned by the Democrat Party.

So, mind your place. VOte when they tell you to vote, and stop whining for shit. They will give you some handouts now and again, when it suits them.

Patronizing whining like that is why you lose elections. Please keep it up.

Did it ever occur to you that we vote Democratic because the Democrats are better on nearly every issue? Of course it didn't. As demonstrated by your posts here, you run solely on emotion and pay no attention to issues, hence you can't even imagine that other people could be rational.
Sorry, you don't understand.

Sure we do. Self-awareness is not your strong point, so you're projecting the way your think and act on to honest and rational people.

The whole POINT of the lie that the other side is "hate" is so that the dems never have accountability.

So you're telling me to believe you, instead of my lying eyes. Screw that.

You are too afraid of the "evul" republicans, so that you, or at least your vote is owned by the Democrat Party.

So, mind your place. VOte when they tell you to vote, and stop whining for shit. They will give you some handouts now and again, when it suits them.

Patronizing whining like that is why you lose elections. Please keep it up.

Did it ever occur to you that we vote Democratic because the Democrats are better on nearly every issue? Of course it didn't. As demonstrated by your posts here, you run solely on emotion and pay no attention to issues, hence you can't even imagine that other people could be rational.

YOu accuse ME of relying on emotion in a thread smearing republcians as "hate".

You talk of issues, instead of emotion, but you mention not a single issue.

I actually made a point about what happens when you allow your party to convince you that the other guy is "hate" or "evul".

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

When you liberals accept the lie that the other party is "hate" or "evul" you put yourself OUT of the market, and thus, are in no position to demand accountability.
YOu accuse ME of relying on emotion in a thread smearing republcians as "hate".

When someone openly denies reality, it's usually for emotional reasons, because it's too painful to accept reality.

So, how many people here have threatened to kill you? Quite a few have threatened me. Don't bullshit me that the Trump cult doesn't run on hate.

You talk of issues, instead of emotion, but you mention not a single issue.

Because specific issues aren't the point of this thread. That's what other threads are for. The conservative emotional state is what this thread is about.

I actually made a point about what happens when you allow your party to convince you that the other guy is "hate" or "evul".

And I pointed out that you were projecting the way you think on to us.

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

Oh, it did. You just didn't like the way it did, hence you had a very emotional response.

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