Finally Mark Levin!

I do not like the current direction in Washington but I am not foolish enough to think amending the constitution to put liberalism at a permanent disadvantage or having a (LOL) civil war is the answer for anything.

Of course not. And THAT you "THINK" that... demonstrates that you are part of THE PROBLEM.

And as has been pointed out time and again, where "THE PROBLEM" is subjectivism and those who adhere to such, a SOLUTION cannot be designed, BY THE PROBLEM, because subjectivism MUST FIND FOR ITSELF!

"Liberals" believe that government exist to 'take care of them'. Meaning that where Liberals consider "Governance", they "FIND FOR THEMSELVES"; meaning, again... that government exists to take care of THEM.

THE PROBLEM is that Liberals have made governance inviable, because viable Government is not a benefactor.

And sadly scamp, where THE PROBLEM is subjective... and as one should readily expect from subjectivism, THE PROBLEM THEREFORE REFUSES TO FIND FOR ANY SOLUTION WHICH DOES NOT SERVE ITS RELATIVE INTERESTS... Where there exists a group which rejects that solution, only three things can happen.


2- War ignites, as a means to set the will of one group violently upon the other... and where the Left prevails, THE PROBLEM PERSISTS and the government collapses

3- War ignites, as a means to set the will of one group violently upon the other... and where the Americans prevail, THE PROBLEM is SOLVED ... Government is rendered sound and viability returns to the culture, wherein, freedom, peace and prosperity return as the cultural norm.
[Edit: Outstanding Kaz position, see the post if you missed it]... Both parties suck, both are bought, you aren't fixing that by making rules to fix it, just like your gun laws don't work and all you can think of is to pass more laws. Money will seek power. You realize that, yet you don't process your own words

Yes... Both Parties SUCK! But WHY they both suck is critical and while you alluded to it, ya didn't specify so allow me to do so.


The Democrats are inalterably consumed by it; utterly lost to it... where the GOP is presently fighting to rid itself OF IT.

The last bastion of GOP Progressivism is, sadly, the top... we, the Americans, will either finish the job and lop off the top... and proceed to rebuild the GOP as an advocacy of American Principle... or we will fail to mend the GOP and leave it, where it will drift out of relativism and join the Whigs, from whence it came.

'That is all...'
[Edit: Outstanding Kaz position, see the post if you missed it]... Both parties suck, both are bought, you aren't fixing that by making rules to fix it, just like your gun laws don't work and all you can think of is to pass more laws. Money will seek power. You realize that, yet you don't process your own words

Yes... Both Parties SUCK! But WHY they both suck is critical and while you alluded to it, ya didn't specify so allow me to do so.


The Democrats are inalterably consumed by it; utterly lost to it... where the GOP is presently fighting to rid itself OF IT.

The last bastion of GOP Progressivism is, sadly, the top... we, the Americans, will either finish the job and lop off the top... and proceed to rebuild the GOP as an advocacy of American Principle... or we will fail to mend the GOP and leave it, where it will drift out of relativism and join the Whigs, from whence it came.

'That is all...'

That is a great point, many Republican State legislatures are doing an outstanding job. I live in North Carolina, and they have done a phenomenal job here reducing the burden of government and lowering and flattening taxes and reducing the burden on businesses. The Republicans in DC however are still indistinguishable from the corrupt occupants on the other side of the aisle
I hope this can happen. If not the only other option is another civil war.
A civil war is exactly what would happen if the states used such a solemn occasion simply to attack liberal concerns and causes and give a permanent advantage to republicans.

What? Using the Constitutionally enumerated method of curtailing federal power would start a civil war? When you ban ammunition and take over the internet (the modern press), you threaten civil war if we use whatever is left of the Constitution to stop the Progressive ruination of the Constitution?

You're a Domestic Enemy of the Constitution of the United States.

Molon Labe.

Thank you...

What the non-occupying occupier is telling you is that if you, the American, draw a hard American line, they'll go to war to defend GOVERNMENT OF THEM, FOR THEM, BY THEM. << Relativism, Subjectivism, Liberalism.

And THAT is why, War... is inevitable.

Personally, it can't get here fast enough. Because, it is going to happen, due to nature requiring that such is the SOLUTION to THE PROBLEM, thus it can't be avoided.

And the faster it starts, the quicker we, the Americans, can get down to doing the unenviable task at hand.

But... I'm happy that this exercise is being debated, as that means that we can get through the last viable opportunity to TRY and avoid war... and that is essential to steeling oneself in the sound moral justification to fight the war TO WIN IT.

So, this is a good thing.
not all liberals are into gun control they just don't fetishize them and mistakenly think that they are a guarantee of freedom.

If firearms are not a guarantee of freedom, then what is?

According to American Principle... Private Ownership and the effective use of firearms is essential to the very state of freedom itself.

Now I've said that THE PROBLEM is the Ideological Left and right there is a Leftist demanding otherwise... in direct defiance of American principle.

Huh... Go figure.
not all liberals are into gun control they just don't fetishize them and mistakenly think that they are a guarantee of freedom.

If firearms are not a guarantee of freedom, then what is?

According to American Principle... Private Ownership and the effective use of firearms is essential to the very state of freedom itself.

Now I've said that THE PROBLEM is the Ideological Left and right there is a Leftist demanding otherwise... in direct defiance of American principle.

Huh... Go figure.
There are places around the world that are full of guns and yet do not enjoy freedom, such as the middle east, and places that have few weapons and yet are pretty free and just (much of Europe). Perhaps I should have said that guns alone do not guarantee freedom. It seems that freedom from fear and respect for the rights of others is a much better predictor of overall freedom than gun ownership.
I come here to discuss politics and current events with folks who are intelligent enough to follow along.

Intelligence of course referring to blind adherence to the Democratic Party

Odd since I have voted for far more Rebublicans than Democrats

None of you leftists are Democrats, it's amazing
Lol and none of you nazis are racists. Go figure

That one got away from you, didn't it?

Obama can't possibly be President, there isn't a Democrat anywhere, they don't exist. Democrats are all Republicans. Romney must have won unanimously
What the heck are you babbling about? I'm sorry but I don't speak dipshit.
Obama can't possibly be President, there isn't a Democrat anywhere, they don't exist. Democrats are all Republicans. Romney must have won unanimously
What the heck are you babbling about? I'm sorry but I don't speak dipshit.

You don't get it? Seriously?

OK, I'll dumb it down for you. You said you vote more Republican than Democrat. I mocked you because one authoritarian leftist after another who endlessly stumps for the left claims to be a Republican. Jake, Siete, g5000, rightwinger, Odium, JoeTheBigot, Nutz, one leftist shill after is a Republican. Republicans are racist, sexist, xenophobic haters of the elderly and the poor and lovers of the rich and corporations and you know that because you are one.

Yeah, right
Good luck getting enough Democratic-controlled state legislatures to support this admittedly badly needed action. It's not impossible, but it seems unlikely.

Even as we're staring at an $18 trillion national debt, federal budget deficits for as far as the eye can see, and a real unemployment rate of 11%, Democrats think the federal government should suck more money out of the economy and that the government needs to be even bigger than it is already.
Do you dummies actually think you could hold such a convention and leave the liberals outside and deny them a say in the matter? Not on your fucking lives you fucking fascists.

Well, that's the nature of war.

The Convention merely provides the LAST OPPORTUNITY for the Left to recognize the situation for what it is, and to take their position as passengers on the culturally viable train and hopefully to understand that they're jsut lucky to BE HERE!

I agree that there's no chance that they'll find the strength of character to do the right thing... which again, is the nature of war.
This topic is getting dumber by the minute, conservatives like to make accusations of liberals not following the constitution but here we have a bunch of conservatives wanting to go under our nation's hood and start monkeying around with the belts and hoses. One comment would require abolishing at least three amendments of the bill of rights. It's you guys that hate the constitution because it will not allow you to have the single party fascist nation you desire. So now you talk of of civil war to get what you want? Well, all I can say is get your gun and go out your front door and get it started.
The Constitutuiondoesnt mention political parties, so it doesn't matter if we abolish the Capitalism is our party. There is no room for socialism.
not all liberals are into gun control they just don't fetishize them and mistakenly think that they are a guarantee of freedom.

If firearms are not a guarantee of freedom, then what is?

According to American Principle... Private Ownership and the effective use of firearms is essential to the very state of freedom itself.

Now I've said that THE PROBLEM is the Ideological Left and right there is a Leftist demanding otherwise... in direct defiance of American principle.

Huh... Go figure.
There are places around the world that are full of guns and yet do not enjoy freedom, such as the middle east, and places that have few weapons and yet are pretty free and just (much of Europe). Perhaps I should have said that guns alone do not guarantee freedom. It seems that freedom from fear and respect for the rights of others is a much better predictor of overall freedom than gun ownership.

Yep... Guns in the hands of unprincipled people are a real bitch.

Which is why, where the goal is cultural viability, it is essential to rid the culture of relativists; which is to say those incapable of objective reason; which is to say unprincipled people... OKA: Leftists... and their cousins, the Muslims.

There's simply no way to sustain viability where any significant percentage of the culture is evil.
Do you dummies actually think you could hold such a convention and leave the liberals outside and deny them a say in the matter? Not on your fucking lives you fucking fascists.

Well, that's the nature of war.

The Convention merely provides the LAST OPPORTUNITY for the Left to recognize the situation for what it is, and to take their position as passengers on the culturally viable train and hopefully to understand that they're jsut lucky to BE HERE!

I agree that there's no chance that they'll find the strength of character to do the right thing... which again, is the nature of war.
This topic is getting dumber by the minute, conservatives like to make accusations of liberals not following the constitution but here we have a bunch of conservatives wanting to go under our nation's hood and start monkeying around with the belts and hoses. One comment would require abolishing at least three amendments of the bill of rights. It's you guys that hate the constitution because it will not allow you to have the single party fascist nation you desire. So now you talk of of civil war to get what you want? Well, all I can say is get your gun and go out your front door and get it started.
The Constitutuiondoesnt mention political parties, so it doesn't matter if we abolish the Capitalism is our party. There is no room for socialism.
There is no room for rigid dogmatic absolutism in a supposedly free society, history shows that it always leads to tyranny no matter what high ideals the fanatics who advocate it start out with. Trying to make a society of chaotic humans adhere to some social theory always requires coercion and brute force.
not all liberals are into gun control they just don't fetishize them and mistakenly think that they are a guarantee of freedom.

If firearms are not a guarantee of freedom, then what is?

According to American Principle... Private Ownership and the effective use of firearms is essential to the very state of freedom itself.

Now I've said that THE PROBLEM is the Ideological Left and right there is a Leftist demanding otherwise... in direct defiance of American principle.

Huh... Go figure.
There are places around the world that are full of guns and yet do not enjoy freedom, such as the middle east, and places that have few weapons and yet are pretty free and just (much of Europe). Perhaps I should have said that guns alone do not guarantee freedom. It seems that freedom from fear and respect for the rights of others is a much better predictor of overall freedom than gun ownership.

Yep... Guns in the hands of unprincipled people are a real bitch.

Which is why, where the goal is cultural viability, it is essential to rid the culture of relativists; which is to say those incapable of objective reason; which is to say unprincipled people... OKA: Leftists... and their cousins, the Muslims.

There's simply no way to sustain viability where any significant percentage of the culture is evil.
Wow, what a giant load of horse shit. You people call European social democracies leftists and also Muslims even though they seem to be a great odds these days. Orthodox/militant Muslims are so conservative they make you silly rightists look liberal by comparison while European counties without a lot of civilian guns are so stable and orderly they make the US look like the wild west.
I love Mark. There are may a many a night I am screaming a back " geeze louize man can you cut me a break?"
not all liberals are into gun control they just don't fetishize them and mistakenly think that they are a guarantee of freedom.

If firearms are not a guarantee of freedom, then what is?

According to American Principle... Private Ownership and the effective use of firearms is essential to the very state of freedom itself.

Now I've said that THE PROBLEM is the Ideological Left and right there is a Leftist demanding otherwise... in direct defiance of American principle.

Huh... Go figure.
There are places around the world that are full of guns and yet do not enjoy freedom, such as the middle east, and places that have few weapons and yet are pretty free and just (much of Europe). Perhaps I should have said that guns alone do not guarantee freedom. It seems that freedom from fear and respect for the rights of others is a much better predictor of overall freedom than gun ownership.

Yep... Guns in the hands of unprincipled people are a real bitch.

Which is why, where the goal is cultural viability, it is essential to rid the culture of relativists; which is to say those incapable of objective reason; which is to say unprincipled people... OKA: Leftists... and their cousins, the Muslims.

There's simply no way to sustain viability where any significant percentage of the culture is evil.

And how would one 'rid the culture of relativists'. Specifically.

Its certainly not going to be you using your own relativistic reasoning to convince them not to be relativists. So what will it be?

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