Finally !!! Someone calls out the WHO for sucking up to China....Bravo Rubio

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015

I've watched some hit pieces on this (Tucker Carlson did one, but I am very skeptical of him).

Rubio, though....great work.

From the article:

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attends a news conference after a meeting of the Emergency Committee on the coronavirus in Geneva, Switzerland January 30, 2020. (Denis Balibouse/Reuters)While its rank-and-file do essential work, its leadership shamefully appeases Beijing — and spurns Taiwan.
We are in the midst of a deadly coronavirus pandemic that has put millions of lives at stake, and yet there is grave cause for concern over the independence of the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO). To be clear: There is no concern over the frontline health-care workers, scientists, and experts who do heroic work, often at great risk to themselves. They embody the WHO’s stated values of “put[ting] people’s health interests first.”

No, the concern stems from WHO’s current leadership, who have regularly demonstrated their servility to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The latest example comes in the form of a now-viral video interview, in which a WHO senior adviser abruptly ends the interview when asked about Taiwan. Dodging questions about Taiwan to please Beijing isn’t fatal, but it is indicative of a systemic problem within WHO leadership: a subservience to Beijing that comes at the expense of its stated commitment to public health.
Examples that could prove fatal are rife. In December, the WHO refused to act on or publicize Taiwan’s warning that the new respiratory infection emerging in China could pass from human to human. In mid January, despite accumulating evidence of patients contracting what we now know as COVID-19 from other people, the organization repeated the CCP’s lie that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission. In January the WHO, at Beijing’s behest, also blocked Taiwan from participating in critical meetings to coordinate responses to the coronavirus and even reportedly provided wrong information about the virus’s spread in Taiwan. These actions are unacceptable and should not be allowed to continue.


We fund the shit out of that organizaiton and they have helped kill Americans (and others).

I think we need a long long hard look at those fuckers.
I think we need to discuss this further.

But if Rubio is right (and I am prone to believe he is), then the Chinese must be laughing at us all the way.

We are essentially paying for their propaganda machine.

What a great deal !
Finally !!! Someone calls out the WHO for sucking up to China....

That's a shame. They were one of my favorite bands.

The Left has no interest in holding WHO and China accountable. It’s all 100 percent GETTRUMP.
I think we need to discuss this further.

But if Rubio is right (and I am prone to believe he is), then the Chinese must be laughing at us all the way.

We are essentially paying for their propaganda machine.

What a great deal !
Sounds like our public schools
Trump had much more info available to him than what China & WHO put out. Our $82 billion a year intelligence agency gave Trump the correct info and he ignored it like Bush did before 9/11. Trump & Republicans are looking for scapegoats.
Trump had much more info available to him than what China & WHO put out. Our $82 billion a year intelligence agency gave Trump the correct info and he ignored it like Bush did before 9/11. Trump & Republicans are looking for scapegoats.

Fuck off.

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