Find the CIA Liberal Mole to Washington Post

Some high level operative in the CIA is leaking fake news to Washington Post. They need to be found and destroyed. Even ultra liberal Dennis Kucinich was concerned over this possibility months ago.
Kucinich: Intelligence leaks point to possible ‘trap’ set by Washington Post owner, CIA
I say waterboard the reporter. Find the mole, waterboard him. On and on and on until we have the skinny lying half black muslim and the kuuunt lined up against a wall.
Hate the first amendment don't ya, whiny little peckerwood
Trump is a total disaster.

No moles required ...
then why are there so many there? i mean, not needed and all.

if trump is so bad, why is so much "fake news" needed?

questions - valid questions - i'm sure will get ignored by the left.
LOL Dumb little rightwingnut cocksuck is worried about someone telling what the senile old orange clown is up to, and in the meantime, the clown is giving the Russians info that can seriously damage our intel network. What we need are more leaks, so the damage can be contained. And we need to start impeachment proceedings. Failure to do so is going to damage the GOP for a long time.
Trump is a total disaster.

No moles required ...
then why are there so many there? i mean, not needed and all.

if trump is so bad, why is so much "fake news" needed?

questions - valid questions - i'm sure will get ignored by the left.
Naw, won't ignore you, just tell you you are full of shit. It is the orange clown's own mouth that is the most damaging to his Presidency, a Presidency that needs to be ended ASAP.
Trump is a total disaster.

No moles required ...
then why are there so many there? i mean, not needed and all.

if trump is so bad, why is so much "fake news" needed?

questions - valid questions - i'm sure will get ignored by the left.
Naw, won't ignore you, just tell you you are full of shit. It is the orange clown's own mouth that is the most damaging to his Presidency, a Presidency that needs to be ended ASAP.

many felt the same way about obama. and i wasn't talking about *me* being ignored, but why people who hate trump cause he's so bad and evil are so quick to jump on fake stories to justify their hate? why do they do that? i mean, trump is bad and evil, fake news shouldn't be necessary.

if you say "but there isn't!" i'll first start off with "pee-gate" where CNN and others said he hired russian prostitutes to pee on them. 4chan owned right there. but why is the press so quick to run unverified stories about trump, if bad?

i mean, he's bad on his own - just wait a bit and get it right.

when the liberal press does that, they will start getting credibility back.
Trump is a total disaster.

No moles required ...
Ever notice the term "Anonymous Source" is thrown around so much these days? So by claiming that, couldn't literally anyone make these statements? Aside from it most probably stemming from the reporter writing the story, it might have originated from the janitor that's mopping the floor or even a taxi cab driver on the street.
Got to laugh at the bumbling Trump

Trump can't keep his mouth shut and his own people can't keep their mouth shut
The staff at WaPo should all be subpoenaed until we find out who the anti-American scumbag is. Oh wait...the entire WaPo are anti-American qu33rs.
Trump is a total disaster.

No moles required ...
Ever notice the term "Anonymous Source" is thrown around so much these days? So by claiming that, couldn't literally anyone make these statements? Aside from it most probably stemming from the reporter writing the story, it might have originated from the janitor that's mopping the floor or even a taxi cab driver on the street.
These fucking losers don't give a rat shit about the facts. The losers have zero ability to think for themselves and it was proven beyond the shadow of any doubt on the Colbert show the other night.

This is really no longer a debate. They believe every fucking lie told by their gods in the media. Confirmed lie after confirmed lie after confirmed lie.

Even after the lies are confirmed, they repeat it over and over again. All while defending their pathetic confirmed lying kuuuunt in a pants suit, who violated the law and that was also confirmed.

These motherfuckers like this Corky piece of shit and the losers that approve his ignorant tripe deserve nothing less than having their teeth kicked out of their fucking fat arrogant heads, before being thrown into an active volcano.
LOL Dumb little rightwingnut cocksuck is worried about someone telling what the senile old orange clown is up to, and in the meantime, the clown is giving the Russians info that can seriously damage our intel network. What we need are more leaks, so the damage can be contained. And we need to start impeachment proceedings. Failure to do so is going to damage the GOP for a long time.
/---- Daily Reminder to the deranged Hildabeast voters.
not president.jpg

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