Finland sees temperatures rise.

It might mean something if records went back further than what they do, as it stands it means absolutely nothing.

If temperatures were falling, I think we can be fairly sure that you would think it meant quite a lot.

Yes, it is only 113 years of data, but at least it is solid, reliable data, and it can be compared with ice core samples going back thousands of years to build up a more complete picture.
A few weeks ago, my hometown in Canada had the highest amount of snow on a single day in April in recorded history.

We are getting more snow too, apparently.

Increasing humidity at low temperatures = more snow.

yet according to the AGW's increasing drought which is a lack of humidity also signals AGW.

Serious question -
Is there a single form of weather they haven't claimed as being due to AGW?
A few weeks ago, my hometown in Canada had the highest amount of snow on a single day in April in recorded history.

We are getting more snow too, apparently.

Increasing humidity at low temperatures = more snow.

yet according to the AGW's increasing drought which is a lack of humidity also signals AGW.

Serious question -
Is there a single form of weather they haven't claimed as being due to AGW?

In a word....No.

It might mean something if records went back further than what they do, as it stands it means absolutely nothing.

If temperatures were falling, I think we can be fairly sure that you would think it meant quite a lot.

Yes, it is only 113 years of data, but at least it is solid, reliable data, and it can be compared with ice core samples going back thousands of years to build up a more complete picture.

Russian Scientists Predict Onset of Global Cooling | Heartlander Magazine


ZOMG! It's spring and the temperature is rising! Call the fucking UN!! might want to take a step back and try actually reading the thread.

The figures show an increase in temperature from 1900 - 2013.

and trying to draw conclusions from 113 years of data on a 3 billion year old climate system is like modelling a human life during a sneeze.

Interesting. And you probably haven't the faintest notion what the word paleoclimatology implies.

NOAA Paleoclimatology Program - NCDC Paleoclimatology Branch

Paleoclimatology: Climate Proxies

Paleoclimatology : Feature Articles

USGS Arctic Paleoceanography
yet according to the AGW's increasing drought which is a lack of humidity also signals AGW.

Serious question -
Is there a single form of weather they haven't claimed as being due to AGW?

No, not at all - but it is good that this came up.

If you check the thread I started the other day on the latest IIPC report being leaked, you will see that dry countries may become drier (we see this already in Spain, Australia, India) whereas wet areas may become even wetter (we see this already in Bangladesh, Queensland, the UK).

There are MANY forms of weather which would disprove climate change - falling temperatures, dereasing snow fall, and a stable climate, for instance.

If you read through the latest IIPC predictions I dare say you will find them perfectly reasonable and quite conservative - it's a long way from some of the hysteria on blogs of all persuasions.
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and on one place in the world...

Not just one fly speck of a place.

I explained this earlier - it is vital that small countries conduct their own independent research because it ensures that we do not see conspiracies or error cascades occur.

As long as a country is conducting its own research and issuing its own results, we can be fairly sure that those results are legitimate - because any manipulation of data would stand out like a sore thumb.

What a surprise to seeing you refuse to discuss the science, btw!!
I explained this earlier - it is vital that small countries conduct their own independent research because it ensures that we do not see conspiracies or error cascades occur.

So finland only does climate science for the climate within their own borders? They have developed thier own unique set of atmospheric physics different from that used by the consensus...they are using their own uniquely programmed climate models that only model the climate in finland? Is that what you are claiming? Because if it isn't, then finland is as likely to be involved in an error cascade as any other country because they all share data, they all use the same modelling, they all use the same flawed atmospheric physics as a basis for the models etc. No one is safe from an error cascade unless they are working in total isolation. Is finland working in total isolation?
If you read through the latest IIPC predictions I dare say you will find them perfectly reasonable and quite conservative - it's a long way from some of the hysteria on blogs of all persuasions.

The latest IPCC predictions are nothing more than revisions of a long string of failed predictions and soon, those will join the ever increasing ranks of failed predictions as the "newest" predictions are released.

Warmists claim that every thing is due to global warming...more snow, less snow, more rain, less rain, more drought, less drought, warming, cooling, harsh winters, mild winters, harsh summers, mild summers, early spring, late spring, early fall, late fall, more huricaines, less huricaines, more tornadoes, less tornadoes, and less extreme weather and more extreme weather whatever that means... I suppose to warmists, a decent into a deep ice age would be the ultimate proof of global warming.
So finland only does climate science for the climate within their own borders?

Yes, exactly.

Surprising as it may seem, measuring temperature does not require a great deal of atmopheric physics, nor does it involve models. Those would only be required if Finland were producing future scenarios, which this particular agency is not greatly involved with.

Finland's Aalto University is involved with international research of cloud formation, but that isn't the topic of this thread.

It does amaze me how hard, and how consistently, you will beaver away to find any excuse not to look at the science.
The latest IPCC predictions are nothing more than revisions of a long string of failed predictions and soon

Actually, no, that is not true at all. The 2014 report is based on entirely new research models and methodologies in some cases. There have been updates between 2007 and today which have been revisions, but the new report is not merely an update.

Again, you are simply trying to find reasons not to look at the science, and if you can't dismiss it for one reason, you'll dismiss it for another. I guess you must have posted a good dozen reasons why you can not look at science when it is presented - none of which tally with your claim to be only interested in the science.
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My wife and I decided to move out of the East Coast meglopolis (we lived in western CT at the time) one summer afternoon in 1990 when we were hiking along the ridge-line of some of CT's highest mountains and we saw the fetid air we were living in when we were not on top of the mountains.

Between crime, population density and our growing concern for Global Weirding, we decided that we could not raise a child in that place even though where we lived at the time was really quite nice.

25 years later it looks like we made the right choice about where to put down roots.
yet according to the AGW's increasing drought which is a lack of humidity also signals AGW.

Serious question -
Is there a single form of weather they haven't claimed as being due to AGW?

No, not at all - but it is good that this came up.

If you check the thread I started the other day on the latest IIPC report being leaked, you will see that dry countries may become drier (we see this already in Spain, Australia, India) whereas wet areas may become even wetter (we see this already in Bangladesh, Queensland, the UK).

There are MANY forms of weather which would disprove climate change - falling temperatures, dereasing snow fall, and a stable climate, for instance.

If you read through the latest IIPC predictions I dare say you will find them perfectly reasonable and quite conservative - it's a long way from some of the hysteria on blogs of all persuasions.

The IPCC, in the report from 2001, predicted less snow for Austria, Germany, Italy and Australia yet all these places have received record snows in the last couple of years.

Have you ever taken the time to look at how they derive which climate scientists are surveyed, how many answer etc.? If you really really want to see some manipulation, try to get ahold of them and just find out for yourself.
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Depotoo -

It is not the IIPC's role to give weather forecasts.

I don't know if what you say is true or not, but certainly it would not surprise me if someone has greatly distorted what you have been told. If you really want to see some manipulation, you should get information from exactly where you are getting it.

Australia most certainly has not received record snows reently - it barely receives any snow at all and never has. The entire continent has a single ski field (Kocsiosko). I know Switzerland and Austria are having problems with lakes created by glacial melt - that hardly fits with record snows!
Depotoo -

It is not the IIPC's role to give weather forecasts.

I don't know if what you say is true or not, but certainly it would not surprise me if someone has greatly distorted what you have been told. If you really want to see some manipulation, you should get information from exactly where you are getting it.

Australia most certainly has not received record snows reently - it barely receives any snow at all and never has. The entire continent has a single ski field (Kocsiosko). I know Switzerland and Austria are having problems with lakes created by glacial melt - that hardly fits with record snows!

They have been giving climate forecasts for years. And for the last 15 years they have been wrong. As far as your contention that Switzerland has problems with lakes where would that be? Buffalora was -29.4, Meteo hit -27.3 and Davos only managed a paltry -20.4. But that wasn't the coldest! Glattalp hit -36, and La Brevine registered -31 degrees.

So where exactly are they having problems with lakes? The whole country is frozen solid! - News

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