The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Another day, and another Intelligence Agent from the Obama CIA posing as a Fake Diplomat, telling Deep State Fictions, full of Hear Say and Rumor.

The only Factual thing she was heard to say was that she met with Christopher Steele, and She Proof Read The Dossier with Strobe Talbot a close friend and associate of Clinton's in THE UKRAINE while working at THE UKRAINE EMBASSY. Now, how he got an advance copy of The Dirty Dossier is pretty clear, he got it from Christopher Steele who was shopping it around to different intelligence operatives in order to find different pathways in to The Obama Administration's Spy Gate Operation.

When Hill was asked about certain FACTS, she "COULDN'T REMEMBER".

Oh and BTW, she NEVER told HER BOSS, nor Notified The White House about the Russian-Ukraine Dossier that was obviously The Work of THE KREMLIN.

No Doubt this will be INVESTIGATED FURTHER if this Hoax Impeachment goes Further.

Last thing: Why are there so many Intelligence Operatives at The Ukraine Embassy rather than Diplomats?

Fiona Hill says ex-Brookings president gave her Steele dossier just before it was published

Fiona Hill, a Russia expert who served on President Trump's National Security Council, told House lawmakers on Thursday that she obtained the controversial Steele dossier just a day before it surfaced in the media.

Despite Hill's previous work with Steele, she said she had no knowledge of the dossier before Strobe Talbott, the former president of the Brookings Institution, provided it to her. Talbott, she said, had received a copy of the dossier. It's unclear how he obtained the dossier, which sparked a media firestorm after BuzzFeed released it in 2017.

Hill, who previously worked at Brookings, was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee as part of House Democrats' broader probe into the president's July 25 call with Ukraine. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had asked Hill about her relationship with Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose allegations fueled the Russia investigation.

Hill previously served under former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush's administrations. She left the Trump administration in August 2019. According to Hill, Steele was her counterpart whom she met with in 2016 and in prior years. When asked for specific dates, Hill said she didn't remember. She also characterized the dossier as a "rabbit hole."
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The moonbats tell us there's no deep state....Then they get a clown car full of its denizens trotted as "star witnesses" in this impeachment inquisition, to gasps of awe and cheers.

Simultaneous laughs and facepalms.
The moonbats tell us there's no deep state....Then they get a clown car full of its denizens trotted as "star witnesses" in this impeachment inquisition, to gasps of awe and cheers.

Simultaneous laughs and facepalms.
Just look at the backgrounds of everyone in The Ukraine Embassy. The US Embassy there is a Shit Hole of Corruption. There is no reason to have all these Intelligence Agents there running intelligence operations out of the US Embassy there. That is actually a violation of The Geneva Convention.

What is worse is the 1.) They opposed lethal aid to Ukraine as was the Obama Administration Policy, and 2.) The worked against having the Anti-Corruption Government elected in conjunction with George Soros and his NGOs in Ukraine.

And lastly 3.) $7 Billion Dollars went missing from The Ukraine Embassy during The Obama Administration sent to them via The State Department.

That Embassy needs turned over top to bottom. Something very crooked and shady went on there.
It looks to me like all this foreign aid is like a Brinks truck that gets robbed with impunity every time. These ambassadors and spies and various politicians and their families are robbing this country blind via these foreign aid scams. No wonder they are so upset that Trump wants to expose their corruption. Hell, if we can get rid of the crooks in government, we could have a yearly budget surplus.
It looks to me like all this foreign aid is like a Brinks truck that gets robbed with impunity every time. These ambassadors and spies and various politicians and their families are robbing this country blind via these foreign aid scams. No wonder they are so upset that Trump wants to expose their corruption. Hell, if we can get rid of the crooks in government, we could have a yearly budget surplus.
Think about this:

Obama gave Billions of Dollars in weapons and cash to Al Queda, Hamas, Hezbollah, The PLO and The Muslim Brotherhood, Staged COUPS and Assassinations in Libya, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt, but looked the other way when Russia took The Crimea and when Russia attacked The Ukraine and they asked for our help, he gave Ukraine Blankets instead of Bullets.
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Strobe Talbott, Hill & The Clintons

Did you know Fiona Hill is good friends with Christopher Steele, a British-Russia double agent?






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Ukraine was listed as the 3RD MOST CORRUPT NATION on EARTH, and they WERE working to HELP Hitlery, and when Trump won the election, they HAD to do a REAL FAST 180.
Another day, and another Intelligence Agent from the Obama CIA posing as a Fake Diplomat, telling Deep State Fictions, full of Hear Say and Rumor.

The only Factual thing she was heard to say was that she met with Christopher Steele, and She Proof Read The Dossier with Strobe Talbot a close friend and associate of Clinton's in THE UKRAINE while working at THE UKRAINE EMBASSY. Now, how he got an advance copy of The Dirty Dossier is pretty clear, he got it from Christopher Steele who was shopping it around to different intelligence operatives in order to find different pathways in to The Obama Administration's Spy Gate Operation.

When Hill was asked about certain FACTS, she "COULDN'T REMEMBER".

Oh and BTW, she NEVER told HER BOSS, nor Notified The White House about the Russian-Ukraine Dossier that was obviously The Work of THE KREMLIN.

No Doubt this will be INVESTIGATED FURTHER if this Hoax Impeachment goes Further.

Last thing: Why are there so many Intelligence Operatives at The Ukraine Embassy rather than Diplomats?

Fiona Hill says ex-Brookings president gave her Steele dossier just before it was published

Fiona Hill, a Russia expert who served on President Trump's National Security Council, told House lawmakers on Thursday that she obtained the controversial Steele dossier just a day before it surfaced in the media.

Despite Hill's previous work with Steele, she said she had no knowledge of the dossier before Strobe Talbott, the former president of the Brookings Institution, provided it to her. Talbott, she said, had received a copy of the dossier. It's unclear how he obtained the dossier, which sparked a media firestorm after BuzzFeed released it in 2017.

Hill, who previously worked at Brookings, was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee as part of House Democrats' broader probe into the president's July 25 call with Ukraine. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had asked Hill about her relationship with Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose allegations fueled the Russia investigation.

Hill previously served under former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush's administrations. She left the Trump administration in August 2019. According to Hill, Steele was her counterpart whom she met with in 2016 and in prior years. When asked for specific dates, Hill said she didn't remember. She also characterized the dossier as a "rabbit hole."

You Russians are a hoot. Must lie about and destroy all witnesses. But your narrative falls apart when Hill called the Dossier a "rabbit hole". This is one of your weaker attempts, but given how non-partisan and credible Hill is, it was alway an uphill slog to defame her.
The moonbats tell us there's no deep state....Then they get a clown car full of its denizens trotted as "star witnesses" in this impeachment inquisition, to gasps of awe and cheers.

Simultaneous laughs and facepalms.
Just look at the backgrounds of everyone in The Ukraine Embassy. The US Embassy there is a Shit Hole of Corruption. There is no reason to have all these Intelligence Agents there running intelligence operations out of the US Embassy there. That is actually a violation of The Geneva Convention.

What is worse is the 1.) They opposed lethal aid to Ukraine as was the Obama Administration Policy, and 2.) The worked against having the Anti-Corruption Government elected in conjunction with George Soros and his NGOs in Ukraine.

And lastly 3.) $7 Billion Dollars went missing from The Ukraine Embassy during The Obama Administration sent to them via The State Department.

That Embassy needs turned over top to bottom. Something very crooked and shady went on there.
COMRADE go home!! Stop bringing your Russian bull crud propaganda here to this board.... please!
Another day, and another Intelligence Agent from the Obama CIA posing as a Fake Diplomat, telling Deep State Fictions, full of Hear Say and Rumor.

The only Factual thing she was heard to say was that she met with Christopher Steele, and She Proof Read The Dossier with Strobe Talbot a close friend and associate of Clinton's in THE UKRAINE while working at THE UKRAINE EMBASSY. Now, how he got an advance copy of The Dirty Dossier is pretty clear, he got it from Christopher Steele who was shopping it around to different intelligence operatives in order to find different pathways in to The Obama Administration's Spy Gate Operation.

When Hill was asked about certain FACTS, she "COULDN'T REMEMBER".

Oh and BTW, she NEVER told HER BOSS, nor Notified The White House about the Russian-Ukraine Dossier that was obviously The Work of THE KREMLIN.

No Doubt this will be INVESTIGATED FURTHER if this Hoax Impeachment goes Further.

Last thing: Why are there so many Intelligence Operatives at The Ukraine Embassy rather than Diplomats?

Fiona Hill says ex-Brookings president gave her Steele dossier just before it was published

Fiona Hill, a Russia expert who served on President Trump's National Security Council, told House lawmakers on Thursday that she obtained the controversial Steele dossier just a day before it surfaced in the media.

Despite Hill's previous work with Steele, she said she had no knowledge of the dossier before Strobe Talbott, the former president of the Brookings Institution, provided it to her. Talbott, she said, had received a copy of the dossier. It's unclear how he obtained the dossier, which sparked a media firestorm after BuzzFeed released it in 2017.

Hill, who previously worked at Brookings, was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee as part of House Democrats' broader probe into the president's July 25 call with Ukraine. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had asked Hill about her relationship with Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose allegations fueled the Russia investigation.

Hill previously served under former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush's administrations. She left the Trump administration in August 2019. According to Hill, Steele was her counterpart whom she met with in 2016 and in prior years. When asked for specific dates, Hill said she didn't remember. She also characterized the dossier as a "rabbit hole."

You Russians are a hoot. Must lie about and destroy all witnesses. But your narrative falls apart when Hill called the Dossier a "rabbit hole". This is one of your weaker attempts, but given how non-partisan and credible Hill is, it was alway an uphill slog to defame her.
Everything I posted is Factual.

I'm not a Russian, but you are a Liar and are an America Hater.

Hill is a Deep State Operative. Why didn't she notify her supervisors about the Russian Propaganda she was Proof Reading in The Ukraine Embassy? Why did the Clinton Campaign have meetings with her & others we saw paraded in front of us by Schiff in The Ukraine Embassy around the same time? Why is The Clinton Campaign even bothering with The Ukraine Embassy at all?

Why didn't she tell her supervisors or authorities about The Russian-Ukrainian Propaganda she had in her hot little hands?

That's policy. That's The LAW, YET... She didn't tell Bolton, Volker, Sondland, The White House, NO, she told No One, and this was released the very next day in Buzz Feed, no doubt hand delivered to them by her close personal friend, Strobe Talbott who is also a closer personal friend of The Clintons.

She did proof read the Steele Dossier with Talbott!
She said so!
She is friends, and has met with Christopher Steele!
She said so!
She is an Intelligence Operative per her background with NIC, Brookings, and Eurasia!
Her Bio says so!

She had no first hand knowledge of anything, but she sure as hell was involved in some skull duggery in The Ukraine in the past 4-5 years, and that is evident.

Can't wait for her to be skewered over this if it gets to The Senate. She I guarantee you is also close personal friends with Eric Ciaramella and knows Vindman too.
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Another day, and another Intelligence Agent from the Obama CIA posing as a Fake Diplomat, telling Deep State Fictions, full of Hear Say and Rumor.

The only Factual thing she was heard to say was that she met with Christopher Steele, and She Proof Read The Dossier with Strobe Talbot a close friend and associate of Clinton's in THE UKRAINE while working at THE UKRAINE EMBASSY. Now, how he got an advance copy of The Dirty Dossier is pretty clear, he got it from Christopher Steele who was shopping it around to different intelligence operatives in order to find different pathways in to The Obama Administration's Spy Gate Operation.

When Hill was asked about certain FACTS, she "COULDN'T REMEMBER".

Oh and BTW, she NEVER told HER BOSS, nor Notified The White House about the Russian-Ukraine Dossier that was obviously The Work of THE KREMLIN.

No Doubt this will be INVESTIGATED FURTHER if this Hoax Impeachment goes Further.

Last thing: Why are there so many Intelligence Operatives at The Ukraine Embassy rather than Diplomats?

Fiona Hill says ex-Brookings president gave her Steele dossier just before it was published

Fiona Hill, a Russia expert who served on President Trump's National Security Council, told House lawmakers on Thursday that she obtained the controversial Steele dossier just a day before it surfaced in the media.

Despite Hill's previous work with Steele, she said she had no knowledge of the dossier before Strobe Talbott, the former president of the Brookings Institution, provided it to her. Talbott, she said, had received a copy of the dossier. It's unclear how he obtained the dossier, which sparked a media firestorm after BuzzFeed released it in 2017.

Hill, who previously worked at Brookings, was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee as part of House Democrats' broader probe into the president's July 25 call with Ukraine. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had asked Hill about her relationship with Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose allegations fueled the Russia investigation.

Hill previously served under former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush's administrations. She left the Trump administration in August 2019. According to Hill, Steele was her counterpart whom she met with in 2016 and in prior years. When asked for specific dates, Hill said she didn't remember. She also characterized the dossier as a "rabbit hole."
I don't see anything in there about her proofreading or otherwise having any input into the Dossier. It had been sitting in the in baskets of major news outlets, the FBI etc. for months before it came out in Buzzfeed. No one was adding/detracting or altering it in any way by the point she read it.
Everyone in media had a copy of the dossier before it was put in print by full. The others did not print the salacious parts.... but printed the rest. Or storied the rest. No doubt The Brookings institute would have a copy the night before or earlier.....
The moonbats tell us there's no deep state....Then they get a clown car full of its denizens trotted as "star witnesses" in this impeachment inquisition, to gasps of awe and cheers.

Simultaneous laughs and facepalms.
Just look at the backgrounds of everyone in The Ukraine Embassy. The US Embassy there is a Shit Hole of Corruption. There is no reason to have all these Intelligence Agents there running intelligence operations out of the US Embassy there. That is actually a violation of The Geneva Convention.

What is worse is the 1.) They opposed lethal aid to Ukraine as was the Obama Administration Policy, and 2.) The worked against having the Anti-Corruption Government elected in conjunction with George Soros and his NGOs in Ukraine.

And lastly 3.) $7 Billion Dollars went missing from The Ukraine Embassy during The Obama Administration sent to them via The State Department.

That Embassy needs turned over top to bottom. Something very crooked and shady went on there.
COMRADE go home!! Stop bringing your Russian bull crud propaganda here to this board.... please!
So, why don't you be honest with us?

Are you living in Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, or are you just some deluded Religious Left Tard Zealot living in Libphuckistan?

If you don't want to discuss the topic, then run away with your tail between your legs, COMRADE!
Everyone in media had a copy of the dossier before it was put in print by full. The others did not print the salacious parts.... but printed the rest. Or storied the rest. No doubt The Brookings institute would have a copy the night before or earlier.....

Obama despite paying to this piece of shit Kremlin Krap with his own money, used it as a weapon and spied, wiretapped and surveilled The Trump Campaign over something EVERYONE ALREADY HAD, and KNEW came straight from THE KREMLIN with PUTIN's BLESSING and was paid for by Obama Bin Lying and Hillary Rotten Clinton.


Another day, and another Intelligence Agent from the Obama CIA posing as a Fake Diplomat, telling Deep State Fictions, full of Hear Say and Rumor.

The only Factual thing she was heard to say was that she met with Christopher Steele, and She Proof Read The Dossier with Strobe Talbot a close friend and associate of Clinton's in THE UKRAINE while working at THE UKRAINE EMBASSY. Now, how he got an advance copy of The Dirty Dossier is pretty clear, he got it from Christopher Steele who was shopping it around to different intelligence operatives in order to find different pathways in to The Obama Administration's Spy Gate Operation.

When Hill was asked about certain FACTS, she "COULDN'T REMEMBER".

Oh and BTW, she NEVER told HER BOSS, nor Notified The White House about the Russian-Ukraine Dossier that was obviously The Work of THE KREMLIN.

No Doubt this will be INVESTIGATED FURTHER if this Hoax Impeachment goes Further.

Last thing: Why are there so many Intelligence Operatives at The Ukraine Embassy rather than Diplomats?

Fiona Hill says ex-Brookings president gave her Steele dossier just before it was published

Fiona Hill, a Russia expert who served on President Trump's National Security Council, told House lawmakers on Thursday that she obtained the controversial Steele dossier just a day before it surfaced in the media.

Despite Hill's previous work with Steele, she said she had no knowledge of the dossier before Strobe Talbott, the former president of the Brookings Institution, provided it to her. Talbott, she said, had received a copy of the dossier. It's unclear how he obtained the dossier, which sparked a media firestorm after BuzzFeed released it in 2017.

Hill, who previously worked at Brookings, was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee as part of House Democrats' broader probe into the president's July 25 call with Ukraine. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had asked Hill about her relationship with Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose allegations fueled the Russia investigation.

Hill previously served under former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush's administrations. She left the Trump administration in August 2019. According to Hill, Steele was her counterpart whom she met with in 2016 and in prior years. When asked for specific dates, Hill said she didn't remember. She also characterized the dossier as a "rabbit hole."
Ridiculous conspiracy theory.

For starters why don't you show me a published copy of the pee pee dossier.
All the Russia Bots and other Enemies of The UNITED STATES are coming out of the Wood Work on this one.
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Another day, and another Intelligence Agent from the Obama CIA posing as a Fake Diplomat, telling Deep State Fictions, full of Hear Say and Rumor.

The only Factual thing she was heard to say was that she met with Christopher Steele, and She Proof Read The Dossier with Strobe Talbot a close friend and associate of Clinton's in THE UKRAINE while working at THE UKRAINE EMBASSY. Now, how he got an advance copy of The Dirty Dossier is pretty clear, he got it from Christopher Steele who was shopping it around to different intelligence operatives in order to find different pathways in to The Obama Administration's Spy Gate Operation.

When Hill was asked about certain FACTS, she "COULDN'T REMEMBER".

Oh and BTW, she NEVER told HER BOSS, nor Notified The White House about the Russian-Ukraine Dossier that was obviously The Work of THE KREMLIN.

No Doubt this will be INVESTIGATED FURTHER if this Hoax Impeachment goes Further.

Last thing: Why are there so many Intelligence Operatives at The Ukraine Embassy rather than Diplomats?

Fiona Hill says ex-Brookings president gave her Steele dossier just before it was published

Fiona Hill, a Russia expert who served on President Trump's National Security Council, told House lawmakers on Thursday that she obtained the controversial Steele dossier just a day before it surfaced in the media.

Despite Hill's previous work with Steele, she said she had no knowledge of the dossier before Strobe Talbott, the former president of the Brookings Institution, provided it to her. Talbott, she said, had received a copy of the dossier. It's unclear how he obtained the dossier, which sparked a media firestorm after BuzzFeed released it in 2017.

Hill, who previously worked at Brookings, was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee as part of House Democrats' broader probe into the president's July 25 call with Ukraine. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had asked Hill about her relationship with Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose allegations fueled the Russia investigation.

Hill previously served under former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush's administrations. She left the Trump administration in August 2019. According to Hill, Steele was her counterpart whom she met with in 2016 and in prior years. When asked for specific dates, Hill said she didn't remember. She also characterized the dossier as a "rabbit hole."
Ridiculous conspiracy theory.

For starters why don't you show me a published copy of the pee pee dossier.
It's not a conspiracy theory. SHE MADE those statements herself that she had The Dossier and was proof reading it before it was ever published.
Another day, and another Intelligence Agent from the Obama CIA posing as a Fake Diplomat, telling Deep State Fictions, full of Hear Say and Rumor.

The only Factual thing she was heard to say was that she met with Christopher Steele, and She Proof Read The Dossier with Strobe Talbot a close friend and associate of Clinton's in THE UKRAINE while working at THE UKRAINE EMBASSY. Now, how he got an advance copy of The Dirty Dossier is pretty clear, he got it from Christopher Steele who was shopping it around to different intelligence operatives in order to find different pathways in to The Obama Administration's Spy Gate Operation.

When Hill was asked about certain FACTS, she "COULDN'T REMEMBER".

Oh and BTW, she NEVER told HER BOSS, nor Notified The White House about the Russian-Ukraine Dossier that was obviously The Work of THE KREMLIN.

No Doubt this will be INVESTIGATED FURTHER if this Hoax Impeachment goes Further.

Last thing: Why are there so many Intelligence Operatives at The Ukraine Embassy rather than Diplomats?

Fiona Hill says ex-Brookings president gave her Steele dossier just before it was published

Fiona Hill, a Russia expert who served on President Trump's National Security Council, told House lawmakers on Thursday that she obtained the controversial Steele dossier just a day before it surfaced in the media.

Despite Hill's previous work with Steele, she said she had no knowledge of the dossier before Strobe Talbott, the former president of the Brookings Institution, provided it to her. Talbott, she said, had received a copy of the dossier. It's unclear how he obtained the dossier, which sparked a media firestorm after BuzzFeed released it in 2017.

Hill, who previously worked at Brookings, was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee as part of House Democrats' broader probe into the president's July 25 call with Ukraine. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had asked Hill about her relationship with Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose allegations fueled the Russia investigation.

Hill previously served under former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush's administrations. She left the Trump administration in August 2019. According to Hill, Steele was her counterpart whom she met with in 2016 and in prior years. When asked for specific dates, Hill said she didn't remember. She also characterized the dossier as a "rabbit hole."
Ridiculous conspiracy theory.

For starters why don't you show me a published copy of the pee pee dossier.
It's not a conspiracy theory. SHE MADE those statements herself that she had The Dossier and was proof reading it before it was ever published.
When was it published?
Ukraine was listed as the 3RD MOST CORRUPT NATION on EARTH, and they WERE working to HELP Hitlery, and when Trump won the election, they HAD to do a REAL FAST 180.
Yet to hear these Intelligence Operatives The Other DAY SAY, "NO, NOTHING WRONG IN UKRAINE...."

They pretty much were saying.....please don't look at us...please don't look at our crooked UKRAINE EMBASSY.

It was nauseating and Unbelievable.
Another day, and another Intelligence Agent from the Obama CIA posing as a Fake Diplomat, telling Deep State Fictions, full of Hear Say and Rumor.

The only Factual thing she was heard to say was that she met with Christopher Steele, and She Proof Read The Dossier with Strobe Talbot a close friend and associate of Clinton's in THE UKRAINE while working at THE UKRAINE EMBASSY. Now, how he got an advance copy of The Dirty Dossier is pretty clear, he got it from Christopher Steele who was shopping it around to different intelligence operatives in order to find different pathways in to The Obama Administration's Spy Gate Operation.

When Hill was asked about certain FACTS, she "COULDN'T REMEMBER".

Oh and BTW, she NEVER told HER BOSS, nor Notified The White House about the Russian-Ukraine Dossier that was obviously The Work of THE KREMLIN.

No Doubt this will be INVESTIGATED FURTHER if this Hoax Impeachment goes Further.

Last thing: Why are there so many Intelligence Operatives at The Ukraine Embassy rather than Diplomats?

Fiona Hill says ex-Brookings president gave her Steele dossier just before it was published

Fiona Hill, a Russia expert who served on President Trump's National Security Council, told House lawmakers on Thursday that she obtained the controversial Steele dossier just a day before it surfaced in the media.

Despite Hill's previous work with Steele, she said she had no knowledge of the dossier before Strobe Talbott, the former president of the Brookings Institution, provided it to her. Talbott, she said, had received a copy of the dossier. It's unclear how he obtained the dossier, which sparked a media firestorm after BuzzFeed released it in 2017.

Hill, who previously worked at Brookings, was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee as part of House Democrats' broader probe into the president's July 25 call with Ukraine. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had asked Hill about her relationship with Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose allegations fueled the Russia investigation.

Hill previously served under former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush's administrations. She left the Trump administration in August 2019. According to Hill, Steele was her counterpart whom she met with in 2016 and in prior years. When asked for specific dates, Hill said she didn't remember. She also characterized the dossier as a "rabbit hole."

You Russians are a hoot. Must lie about and destroy all witnesses. But your narrative falls apart when Hill called the Dossier a "rabbit hole". This is one of your weaker attempts, but given how non-partisan and credible Hill is, it was alway an uphill slog to defame her.
You say some of the most RETARDED, IGNORANT, DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA things on this board.

I do believe you're a democrat asset, here to spread that crap and probably getting paid for it.

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