Fire Fauci?

But the Commievirus cooties are completely banished from the grocery store.....and WalMart.....And Homeboy Depot....and Costco....
What about those places?

That's WHERE you spread this horror after you stupidly go bar hopping in a pandemic
Does such stupidity as that which you are displaying here cause physical pain?

It ought to.
wow. What a solid and mature response. If one can not refute the response of a debater, one must insult the intelligence of the debater
It's the only response worthy of such stupidity.

Are the Covid cooties banished from all the places I mentioned, or are they only allowed in bars and restaurants?

Trick question. The answer is Covid only infects bars, but only bars that don't serve food, and only after 10 pm.
But the Commievirus cooties are completely banished from the grocery store.....and WalMart.....And Homeboy Depot....and Costco....
What about those places?

That's WHERE you spread this horror after you stupidly go bar hopping in a pandemic
Does such stupidity as that which you are displaying here cause physical pain?

It ought to.
wow. What a solid and mature response. If one can not refute the response of a debater, one must insult the intelligence of the debater
It's the only response worthy of such stupidity.

Are the Covid cooties banished from all the places I mentioned, or are they only allowed in bars and restaurants?

Trick question. The answer is Covid only infects bars, but only bars that don't serve food, and only after 10 pm.
Its the virus version of global warming. Libbers always have to fear something
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
Why? The President is correct more often about the virus than Changeyourmind Fauci.
But the Commievirus cooties are completely banished from the grocery store.....and WalMart.....And Homeboy Depot....and Costco....
What about those places?

That's WHERE you spread this horror after you stupidly go bar hopping in a pandemic
Does such stupidity as that which you are displaying here cause physical pain?

It ought to.
wow. What a solid and mature response. If one can not refute the response of a debater, one must insult the intelligence of the debater
It's the only response worthy of such stupidity.

Are the Covid cooties banished from all the places I mentioned, or are they only allowed in bars and restaurants?

Trick question. The answer is Covid only infects bars, but only bars that don't serve food, and only after 10 pm.
That video clip is distracting (your post #121)!
I was trying to think, but my 3rd leg was getting in the way.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
He can barely repeat what is being whispered in his ear to say.
If one bar hops one can infect someone somewhere else, yes. But that person who may be infected chose to be somewhere else.
So for YOU to have the privilege of bar hopping...more sensible people can't safely buy groceries or go to the doctor.

Thanks. You're a peach

Makes no sense unless one goes bar hopping before going to the store or doctor.
If you wash your hand, one trip has no effect on the other.
Bullshit. One stupid bar trip can give you the virus and no amount of hand washing is going to keep you from spreading it everywhere you go after that
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
."I will listen to the professionals"....

Translation: I will take no responsibility if the "experts" are wrong.
If one bar hops one can infect someone somewhere else, yes. But that person who may be infected chose to be somewhere else.
So for YOU to have the privilege of bar hopping...more sensible people can't safely buy groceries or go to the doctor.

Thanks. You're a peach

Makes no sense unless one goes bar hopping before going to the store or doctor.
If you wash your hand, one trip has no effect on the other.
Bullshit. One stupid bar trip can give you the virus and no amount of hand washing is going to keep you from spreading it everywhere you go after that
and one stupid trip to the grocery store can give you the ever see people squeeze the melons? The tomato's? Pick up a box and see what the caloric value is of the product? You see them run to wash their hands each time they pick something up?
My mom doesn't have her stuff hand delivered because of Bar Hoppers. She has her stuff hand delivered because she in concerned about contracting COVID. But exactly how is someone sitting 6 feet away from a stranger in a bar more likely to spread COVID than someone who squeezes melons and tomato's and put them back because they are not ripe enough?
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fake News. Herd immunity through vaccines is how we will conquer this Chinese Attack.

The Trump Effect and an ‘anti-science’ mayor? “Anti-science” is a BS political phrase, one that’s especially ironic given the sorry state of the Covid science. The issue isn’t science. It’s the political use some people are making of science.


Not a disinterested neutral party.​

Fauci funded Wuhan lab's risky coronavirus research.

In 2019, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), with the backing of Fauci-led National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), committed $3.7 million over six years for research on bat coronaviruses in China. The research also included manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans.

The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.

US intelligence conceded that the pandemic may have originated in a leak from the Wuhan lab.

Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
Why? The President is correct more often about the virus than Changeyourmind Fauci.
You can make up shit, or you can support your claim with evidence like honest people do.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
Why? The President is correct more often about the virus than Changeyourmind Fauci.
You can make up shit, or you can support your claim with evidence like honest people do.
So I ask again. What will Biden do?
And dont say "listen to the professionals"....because apparently he has been for months but has yet to tell us what he will do.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
Please read your post.
All you said was what the outcome will be.
No where do you say what the process will be to achieve those outcomes.
It is easy to say, I will create jobs, I will create a greater GDP, I will eliminate the virus, I will not close down the economy, I will ensure this and ensure that.
Thats easy.
The question is.....what will he DO to achieve those things?
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
It doesn’t matter how many times you show them this, they’ll just act like they never saw it and ask again
  • Thanks
Reactions: PK1
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
Please read your post.
All you said was what the outcome will be.
No where do you say what the process will be to achieve those outcomes.
It is easy to say, I will create jobs, I will create a greater GDP, I will eliminate the virus, I will not close down the economy, I will ensure this and ensure that.
Thats easy.
The question is.....what will he DO to achieve those things?
Are you retarded or lazy? Why did YOU not read all the LONG details in the Biden reference on how he would resolve the complicated pandemic issues that Trump has ignored.
It’s all there in detail ...
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
It doesn’t matter how many times you show them this, they’ll just act like they never saw it and ask again
interesting. Another dig at the intelligence of a debate opponent; a dig that has no substance.
Stating "intentions" without a "means" to acheive those intentions is nothing more than a wish list.
I can read it, which I did; read it again; which I did; but nowhere do I see anything that explains how to achieve those goals.

Gove me substance. According to Biden, he will NOT shut down the economy but he WILL control the spread of the virus because he will follow the science.

So what in the science says he can do that? Exactly what will he do?
Biden is a puppet, and never thinks to add hunting down the reservoir in nature to the list posted above. Using the term 'chlorox' is not too bright, either, because the difference between a medicine and a poison is the amount. Hydroxychloroquine contains only two atoms of chlorine.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
Please read your post.
All you said was what the outcome will be.
No where do you say what the process will be to achieve those outcomes.
It is easy to say, I will create jobs, I will create a greater GDP, I will eliminate the virus, I will not close down the economy, I will ensure this and ensure that.
Thats easy.
The question is.....what will he DO to achieve those things?
Are you retarded or lazy? Why did YOU not read all the LONG details in the Biden reference on how he would resolve the complicated pandemic issues that Trump has ignored.
It’s all there in detail ...
Ah yes,. Insult my intelligence and at the same time use a term that is a derogatory term and an insult to many who are learning disabled. That's what I expected.

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