Fire Fauci?

Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it

Wow! It's a deadly disease with a 99% survival rate!
Shut it down
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
Please read your post.
All you said was what the outcome will be.
No where do you say what the process will be to achieve those outcomes.
It is easy to say, I will create jobs, I will create a greater GDP, I will eliminate the virus, I will not close down the economy, I will ensure this and ensure that.
Thats easy.
The question is.....what will he DO to achieve those things?
Are you retarded or lazy? Why did YOU not read all the LONG details in the Biden reference on how he would resolve the complicated pandemic issues that Trump has ignored.
It’s all there in detail ...
Ah yes,. Insult my intelligence and at the same time use a term that is a derogatory term and an insult to many who are learning disabled. That's what I expected.
You did not read my post #134 carefully. As stated, I only provided a clip of LOTS of detail in his plan to combat a COMPLICATED issue that’s required to restore the economy and most jobs.
Did you notice the REFERENCE I provided for you to read the detail, if you were really interested? I’m copying it here ...
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats

You want EASY answers like stupid Trump gives for his stupid followers, like “it will go away on its own ... by summer ... eventually”?
Well, get real and informed before you embarrass yourself next time.
Platitudes, aphorisms, empty promises, and vapid slogans.

That's not "information", it's really, really weak NLP/trance language.
I gave the source for all the information you seem to want, but DON’T. You want some INFORMATION? Check out my next post ...
I went to the source....I'm trained in linguistics and semantics....I know meaningless, run-on, word salad bullshit when I'm looking at it, Corky.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
Please read your post.
All you said was what the outcome will be.
No where do you say what the process will be to achieve those outcomes.
It is easy to say, I will create jobs, I will create a greater GDP, I will eliminate the virus, I will not close down the economy, I will ensure this and ensure that.
Thats easy.
The question is.....what will he DO to achieve those things?
Are you retarded or lazy? Why did YOU not read all the LONG details in the Biden reference on how he would resolve the complicated pandemic issues that Trump has ignored.
It’s all there in detail ...
What detail? All plagarized whiner sayings
You can’t check the reference I provided? Lazy? Like Trump?
You really want DETAIL?
This is only SOME detail in Biden’s plan ...


Stop the political theater and willful misinformation that has heightened confusion and discrimination. Biden believes we must immediately put scientists and public health leaders front and center in communication with the American people in order to provide regular guidance and deliver timely public health updates, including by immediately establishing daily, expert-led press briefings. This communication is essential to combating the dangerous epidemic of fear, chaos, and stigmatization that can overtake communities faster than the virus. Acts of racism and xenophobia against the Asian American and Pacific Islander community must not be tolerated.

Ensure that public health decisions are made by public health professionals and not politicians, and officials engaged in the response do not fear retribution or public disparagement for performing their jobs.

Immediately restore the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, which was established by the Obama-Biden Administration and eliminated by the Trump Administration in 2018.


Make Testing Widely Available and Free

Ensure that every person who needs a test can get one – and that testing for those who need it is free. Individuals should also not have to pay anything out of their own pockets for the visit at which the test is ordered, regardless of their immigration status. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must draw on advice from outside scientists to clarify the criteria for testing, including consideration of prioritizing first responders and health care workers so they can return to addressing the crisis.

Establish at least ten mobile testing sites and drive-through facilities per state to speed testing and protect health care workers. Starting in large cities and rapidly expanding beyond, the CDC must work with private labs and manufacturers to ensure adequate production capacity, quality control, training, and technical assistance. The number of tests must be in the millions, not the thousands.

Provide a daily public White House report on how many tests have been done by the CDC, state and local health authorities, and private laboratories.

Expand CDC sentinel surveillance programs and other surveillance programs so that we can offer tests not only only to those who ask but also to those who may not know to ask, especially vulnerable populations like nursing home patients and people with underlying medical conditions. This must be done in collaboration with private sector health care entities.

Task the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to help establish a diagnosis code for COVID-19 on an emergency basis so that surveillance can be done using claims data.

Surge Capacity for Prevention, Response, and Treatment

Task all relevant federal agencies to take immediate action to ensure that America’s hospital capacity can meet the growing need, including by:

  • Preparing to stand up multi-hundred-bed temporary hospitals in any city on short notice by deploying existing Federal Medical Stations in the strategic national stockpile and preemptively defining potential locations for their use as needed.
  • Directing the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to prepare for potential deployment of military resources, both the active and reserve components, and work with governors to prepare for potential deployment of National Guard resources, to provide medical facility capacity, logistical support, and additional medical personnel if necessary. This includes activating the Medical Reserve Corps, which consists of nearly 200,000 volunteer health care professionals who stand ready to serve across America; training and deploying additional surge capacity, including U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs/DOD medical equipment and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Disaster Assistance Medical Teams; and directing and assisting existing hospitals to surge care for 20% more patients than current capacity through flexible staffing, use of telemedicine support, and delaying elective procedures.
  • Instructing the CDC to establish real-time dashboards tracking (1) hospital admissions related to COVID-19, especially for ICUs and emergency departments, in concert with the American Hospital Association and large hospital chains, for which the HHS must ensure data is able to be shared, as needed; and (2) supply chain information – including availability, allocation, and shipping – for essential equipment and personal protective equipment, including in the various places where there may be federal reserves. The strategic national stockpile must be used to supplement any shortages that exist, especially for essential medical supplies, like oxygen, ventilators, and personal protective equipment.
  • Ensuring that training, materials, and resources reach federally qualified health centers, rural health clinics, and safety-net hospitals, which are typically resource-poor and care disproportionately for vulnerable populations that will bear the brunt of COVID-19. This effort will lay the foundation for a deeper and more lasting public health infrastructure for accessible national health care for all.
Because its ridiculous and there isn't any detail, and if there was any detail, not enough money on the planet to do all this unnecessary crap. Shutting down the country and taxing us even more to battle a silly flu virus is idiotic.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
Please read your post.
All you said was what the outcome will be.
No where do you say what the process will be to achieve those outcomes.
It is easy to say, I will create jobs, I will create a greater GDP, I will eliminate the virus, I will not close down the economy, I will ensure this and ensure that.
Thats easy.
The question is.....what will he DO to achieve those things?
Are you retarded or lazy? Why did YOU not read all the LONG details in the Biden reference on how he would resolve the complicated pandemic issues that Trump has ignored.
It’s all there in detail ...
What detail? All plagarized whiner sayings
You can’t check the reference I provided? Lazy? Like Trump?
You really want DETAIL?
This is only SOME detail in Biden’s plan ...


Stop the political theater and willful misinformation that has heightened confusion and discrimination. Biden believes we must immediately put scientists and public health leaders front and center in communication with the American people in order to provide regular guidance and deliver timely public health updates, including by immediately establishing daily, expert-led press briefings. This communication is essential to combating the dangerous epidemic of fear, chaos, and stigmatization that can overtake communities faster than the virus. Acts of racism and xenophobia against the Asian American and Pacific Islander community must not be tolerated.

Ensure that public health decisions are made by public health professionals and not politicians, and officials engaged in the response do not fear retribution or public disparagement for performing their jobs.

Immediately restore the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, which was established by the Obama-Biden Administration and eliminated by the Trump Administration in 2018.


Make Testing Widely Available and Free

Ensure that every person who needs a test can get one – and that testing for those who need it is free. Individuals should also not have to pay anything out of their own pockets for the visit at which the test is ordered, regardless of their immigration status. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must draw on advice from outside scientists to clarify the criteria for testing, including consideration of prioritizing first responders and health care workers so they can return to addressing the crisis.

Establish at least ten mobile testing sites and drive-through facilities per state to speed testing and protect health care workers. Starting in large cities and rapidly expanding beyond, the CDC must work with private labs and manufacturers to ensure adequate production capacity, quality control, training, and technical assistance. The number of tests must be in the millions, not the thousands.

Provide a daily public White House report on how many tests have been done by the CDC, state and local health authorities, and private laboratories.

Expand CDC sentinel surveillance programs and other surveillance programs so that we can offer tests not only only to those who ask but also to those who may not know to ask, especially vulnerable populations like nursing home patients and people with underlying medical conditions. This must be done in collaboration with private sector health care entities.

Task the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to help establish a diagnosis code for COVID-19 on an emergency basis so that surveillance can be done using claims data.

Surge Capacity for Prevention, Response, and Treatment

Task all relevant federal agencies to take immediate action to ensure that America’s hospital capacity can meet the growing need, including by:

  • Preparing to stand up multi-hundred-bed temporary hospitals in any city on short notice by deploying existing Federal Medical Stations in the strategic national stockpile and preemptively defining potential locations for their use as needed.
  • Directing the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to prepare for potential deployment of military resources, both the active and reserve components, and work with governors to prepare for potential deployment of National Guard resources, to provide medical facility capacity, logistical support, and additional medical personnel if necessary. This includes activating the Medical Reserve Corps, which consists of nearly 200,000 volunteer health care professionals who stand ready to serve across America; training and deploying additional surge capacity, including U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs/DOD medical equipment and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Disaster Assistance Medical Teams; and directing and assisting existing hospitals to surge care for 20% more patients than current capacity through flexible staffing, use of telemedicine support, and delaying elective procedures.
  • Instructing the CDC to establish real-time dashboards tracking (1) hospital admissions related to COVID-19, especially for ICUs and emergency departments, in concert with the American Hospital Association and large hospital chains, for which the HHS must ensure data is able to be shared, as needed; and (2) supply chain information – including availability, allocation, and shipping – for essential equipment and personal protective equipment, including in the various places where there may be federal reserves. The strategic national stockpile must be used to supplement any shortages that exist, especially for essential medical supplies, like oxygen, ventilators, and personal protective equipment.
  • Ensuring that training, materials, and resources reach federally qualified health centers, rural health clinics, and safety-net hospitals, which are typically resource-poor and care disproportionately for vulnerable populations that will bear the brunt of COVID-19. This effort will lay the foundation for a deeper and more lasting public health infrastructure for accessible national health care for all.
A bunch of nonsense that says absolutely nothing. Blah blah blah.

highlight one actionable thing
highlight one actionable thing
Establish at least ten mobile testing sites and drive-through facilities per state to speed testing and protect health care workers. Starting in large cities and rapidly expanding beyond, the CDC must work with private labs and manufacturers to ensure adequate production capacity, quality control, training, and technical assistance. The number of tests must be in the millions, not the thousands.
highlight one actionable thing
Establish at least ten mobile testing sites and drive-through facilities per state to speed testing and protect health care workers. Starting in large cities and rapidly expanding beyond, the CDC must work with private labs and manufacturers to ensure adequate production capacity, quality control, training, and technical assistance. The number of tests must be in the millions, not the thousands.
Cha-ching, cha-ching, what, government hired scientists to do all this testing while we all hide in our basements? You wackos are comical.
Here is my plan for COVID and the economy:

1) I will control the virus without shutting down the nation
2) I will allow children to go to school without fear of contracting the virus
3) I will ensure there are testing sits in every town in America at no cost to the people or the municipalities
4) I will make sure restaurants can open without fear of virus spreading
5) I will eliminate the deficit over a period of 10 years
6) I will increase the minimum wage to 15 an hour nationwide while business owners increase their profit margin
7) I will have both sides of the aisle work in harmony and pass productive legislation
8) I will ensure there is no violence on the streets
9) I will eradicate racism and ensure no American will ever feel racist sentiments. why not vote for me? Look what my plans are!
Is Fauci the only one qualified to advise over this crisis? I would prefer someone who evaluates ALL of the scientific evidence out there, not just what has been accepted by the powers that be.
Fauci just repeats the scientific consensus.

View attachment 410187

Wear masks

After he said nobody needed them?
Atlas is a dangerous quack. And quack that duckee, as your ducking truth.

I never said he had to appoint Scott Atlas. Atlas also seems to be married to his opinions. I said why can't we have someone that looks at ALL of the data instead of just the consensus or anti-consensus. All of these people with widely varying opinions, Fauci, Atlas, etc. need to be part of the solution because that's how the scientific process works. Scientific dogma doesn't get us there.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
Please read your post.
All you said was what the outcome will be.
No where do you say what the process will be to achieve those outcomes.
It is easy to say, I will create jobs, I will create a greater GDP, I will eliminate the virus, I will not close down the economy, I will ensure this and ensure that.
Thats easy.
The question is.....what will he DO to achieve those things?
Are you retarded or lazy? Why did YOU not read all the LONG details in the Biden reference on how he would resolve the complicated pandemic issues that Trump has ignored.
It’s all there in detail ...
Ah yes,. Insult my intelligence and at the same time use a term that is a derogatory term and an insult to many who are learning disabled. That's what I expected.
You did not read my post #134 carefully. As stated, I only provided a clip of LOTS of detail in his plan to combat a COMPLICATED issue that’s required to restore the economy and most jobs.
Did you notice the REFERENCE I provided for you to read the detail, if you were really interested? I’m copying it here ...
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats

You want EASY answers like stupid Trump gives for his stupid followers, like “it will go away on its own ... by summer ... eventually”?
Well, get real and informed before you embarrass yourself next time.
Platitudes, aphorisms, empty promises, and vapid slogans.

That's not "information", it's really, really weak NLP/trance language.
I gave the source for all the information you seem to want, but DON’T. You want some INFORMATION? Check out my next post ...
I went to the source....I'm trained in linguistics and semantics....I know meaningless, run-on, word salad bullshit when I'm looking at it, Corky.
Oh yeah?
Feel free to provide SPECIFICS that include evidence or rationality, and not just “trained in linguistics and semantics”.
Is Fauci the only one qualified to advise over this crisis? I would prefer someone who evaluates ALL of the scientific evidence out there, not just what has been accepted by the powers that be.
Fauci just repeats the scientific consensus.

View attachment 410187

Wear masks

After he said nobody needed them?
Atlas is a dangerous quack. And quack that duckee, as your ducking truth.

I never said he had to appoint Scott Atlas. Atlas also seems to be married to his opinions. I said why can't we have someone that looks at ALL of the data instead of just the consensus or anti-consensus. All of these people with widely varying opinions, Fauci, Atlas, etc. need to be part of the solution because that's how the scientific process works. Scientific dogma doesn't get us there.
Dude, you're being an asshat for suggesting there's any chance masks, distancing and washing are the useful defenses against covid. Just stop, for your sake.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Fire Trump, not Fauci.
I say go with scientific evidence over egocentric political rhetoric like “it will go away soon” without any rational explanation.

Looks like you agree.
OK. Fair enough. Lets go with the scientific evidence.
So with that scientific evidence, what will Biden do that wont create loss of jobs that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create a loss in GDP that he has blamed Trump for that wont cause an increase in depression that he has blamed Trump for; that wont create more dependence on alcohol and drugs that he blamed Trump for.
Exactly what will he do differently seeing as he will go with the scientific evidence?
And dont give me the same rhetoric I keep on hearing from him...."I will listen to the professionals"....
All you gotta do is check the legit sources.
There’s LOTS of detail in Biden’s plan to combat the pandemic on US shores, but here is a clip ...

The Biden Plan calls for:
  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats
Please read your post.
All you said was what the outcome will be.
No where do you say what the process will be to achieve those outcomes.
It is easy to say, I will create jobs, I will create a greater GDP, I will eliminate the virus, I will not close down the economy, I will ensure this and ensure that.
Thats easy.
The question is.....what will he DO to achieve those things?
Are you retarded or lazy? Why did YOU not read all the LONG details in the Biden reference on how he would resolve the complicated pandemic issues that Trump has ignored.
It’s all there in detail ...
Ah yes,. Insult my intelligence and at the same time use a term that is a derogatory term and an insult to many who are learning disabled. That's what I expected.
You did not read my post #134 carefully. As stated, I only provided a clip of LOTS of detail in his plan to combat a COMPLICATED issue that’s required to restore the economy and most jobs.
Did you notice the REFERENCE I provided for you to read the detail, if you were really interested? I’m copying it here ...
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats

You want EASY answers like stupid Trump gives for his stupid followers, like “it will go away on its own ... by summer ... eventually”?
Well, get real and informed before you embarrass yourself next time.
Platitudes, aphorisms, empty promises, and vapid slogans.

That's not "information", it's really, really weak NLP/trance language.
I gave the source for all the information you seem to want, but DON’T. You want some INFORMATION? Check out my next post ...
I went to the source....I'm trained in linguistics and semantics....I know meaningless, run-on, word salad bullshit when I'm looking at it, Corky.
Oh yeah?
Feel free to provide SPECIFICS that include evidence or rationality, and not just “trained in linguistics and semantics”.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to waste on Kool-Aid mainliners.
highlight one actionable thing
Establish at least ten mobile testing sites and drive-through facilities per state to speed testing and protect health care workers. Starting in large cities and rapidly expanding beyond, the CDC must work with private labs and manufacturers to ensure adequate production capacity, quality control, training, and technical assistance. The number of tests must be in the millions, not the thousands.
Number 1....testing IS in the millions
Number 2....if you feel sick, get a test or quarantine yourself. If you plan to qiuarantine yourself, a test is not necessary.
Number 3....if you dont feel sick, but believe you may have been exposed, quarantine yourself. With or without a test, it is the smart thing to do.
Number 4....if you test positive, do what is suggested in 2 and 3...because that is exactly what you are told to do when you are tested and test positive
Number 5....if you have a problem breathing, do not worry about getting a test. GO TO THE HOSPITAL...>COVID or not, you need to go to the hospital.
Number 6....what good is a test anyway? You feel sick, stay home. You cant breathe, go to the hospital. COVID or not, that has been what I have been doing all my life.

The whole testing thing is political. I know many who got tested....none told to go to the hospital. I know many who felt sick and didnt get tested. They did the responsible thing and quarantined themselves.

You people are too wrapped up in the whole testing thing.
Is Fauci the only one qualified to advise over this crisis? I would prefer someone who evaluates ALL of the scientific evidence out there, not just what has been accepted by the powers that be.
Fauci just repeats the scientific consensus.

View attachment 410187

Wear masks

After he said nobody needed them?
Atlas is a dangerous quack. And quack that duckee, as your ducking truth.

I never said he had to appoint Scott Atlas. Atlas also seems to be married to his opinions. I said why can't we have someone that looks at ALL of the data instead of just the consensus or anti-consensus. All of these people with widely varying opinions, Fauci, Atlas, etc. need to be part of the solution because that's how the scientific process works. Scientific dogma doesn't get us there.
Dude, you're being an asshat for suggesting there's any chance masks, distancing and washing are the useful defenses against covid. Just stop, for your sake.

Washing hands, of course. Distancing, probably. However, there is plenty of conflicting evidence on the efficacy of mask wearing. Herd immunity is also a valid scientific strategy.
I just want to know why we’re still driving cars?
The fact that Obama did not ban driving cars on New Years Eve tells me he must hate people that drive sober and who may die due to a drunk driver.
Likewise, the fact that Obama did not ban cigarette manufacturing must mean he hates those that may die of Lung Cancer.
What a bad, hateful selfish man he must be.
I just want to know why we’re still driving cars?
The fact that Obama did not ban driving cars on New Years Eve tells me he must hate people that drive sober and who may die due to a drunk driver.
Likewise, the fact that Obama did not ban cigarette manufacturing must mean he hates those that may die of Lung Cancer.
What a bad, hateful selfish man he must be.
So please....tell me....what will Biden do?
Presumably, President Biden will respect science and the expertise of epidemiological experts and public health professional, and not pretend that the pandemic is of little importance, is just going to "go away" or suggest that it can be cured by injecting disinfectants or shining a light up one's trumper. That would be a sensible start.

Trump's narcissistic derangement induces severe delusion:
So please....tell me....what will Biden do?
Presumably, President Biden will respect science and the expertise of epidemiological experts and public health professional, and not pretend that the pandemic is of little importance, is just going to "go away" or suggest that it can be cured by injecting disinfectants or shining a light up one's trumper. That would be a sensible start.

Trump's narcissistic derangement induces severe delusion:
True. After all, Trump did absolutely nothing. All he did was order the travel ban from China in late January (I know, because he is a xenophobe), he deployed the two hospital ships to areas of need, he had the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers. He entered into an agreement with domestic manufacturers to retro fit their production lines to build ventilators and PPE's, he initiated a lightening fast directive to PHARMA to develop a vaccine. He heeded the advice of Fauci by NOT mandating masks and when Fauci changed his mind he suggested masks.
True, Trump sat back and did nothing.
True. After all, Trump did absolutely nothing. All he did was order the travel ban from China in late January (I know, because he is a xenophobe), he deployed the two hospital ships to areas of need, he had the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers. He entered into an agreement with domestic manufacturers to retro fit their production lines to build ventilators and PPE's, he initiated a lightening fast directive to PHARMA to develop a vaccine. He heeded the advice of Fauci by NOT mandating masks and when Fauci changed his mind he suggested masks.
True, Trump sat back and did nothing
You can pretend that he "did nothing" if that is what you need to do, but parroting the fake claims does not work.

As a matter of record, he praised Xi - Trump Praises Xi for Handling of Coronavirus Outbreak as Death Toll Passes 600 | National Review - for his dealing with the coronavirus.

He did NOT ban travel from China.

A restriction on foreigners traveling from mainland China took effect on Feb. 2, 2020, but thousands of Chinese and foreign nationals from Hong Kong and Macau entered the U.S. in the three months following. Thousands of Americans and foreigners still arrived in the U.S. on direct flights from China after the restrictions were imposed. There was no ban on travel from China’s administrative zones, as thousands of travelers managed to enter the U.S. from Hong Kong and Macau, regions also struck by COVID-19. Many travelers did not receive the same enhanced screenings for the virus as those required by Americans returning from mainland China.

Trump is on record as claiming that he had it "under control," that it was "a problem that's going away," and that "the people are getting better, they're all getting better!" Those fake statements are tragically contradicted by the dismal plight that he has placed the nation in today.


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