Fire Sharpton MSNBC

Sharpton is disgusting and pathetic!

Yuck of a person!

So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.

According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.
So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.

According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.

Still playing dumb, just like Obama does.
So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.

According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.

So what is it exactly that Sharpton has been doing at these protests?
So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.

According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.

People don't get admitted to the White House so that the POTUS can be sympathetic Pogo, god damned.
Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.
If you don't know that Obama and holder confer often with sharpton then you need to be informed and come back when you're equipped.

Bzzzt. You flunked.

I just told you the question was all about your source. You came back with the old "everybody knows, because I said so" song and dance.

You have no source at all then? Is it "the voices"?
So you're denying Al Sharpton often confers with Obama and Holder. LOL.

"Denying"? How the fuck would I know?

My question was, how the fuck do you? You failed to even touch it. Guess where that puts you.

Nope. This is the part where you play dumb. All Sharpton stench is all over you. I can smell you from here.

Not making a claim because I don't know if it's true isn't "denial" -- it's called "logic".
Going ahead with some meme you don't know is true is called "being full of shit".
Kind of a subtle distinction. I realize not everybody gets it.
Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.

According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.

People don't get admitted to the White House so that the POTUS can be sympathetic Pogo, god damned.

Perhaps there's an English version of this post?

Here it is in Latin: Argumentum ad populum
Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.

According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.

So what is it exactly that Sharpton has been doing at these protests?

I wouldn't know. This thread is about Sharpton and MSNBC. Is he doing broadcasts from the protests?
If you don't know that Obama and holder confer often with sharpton then you need to be informed and come back when you're equipped.

Bzzzt. You flunked.

I just told you the question was all about your source. You came back with the old "everybody knows, because I said so" song and dance.

You have no source at all then? Is it "the voices"?
So you're denying Al Sharpton often confers with Obama and Holder. LOL.

"Denying"? How the fuck would I know?

My question was, how the fuck do you? You failed to even touch it. Guess where that puts you.

Nope. This is the part where you play dumb. All Sharpton stench is all over you. I can smell you from here.

Not making a claim because I don't know if it's true isn't "denial" -- it's called "logic".
Going ahead with some meme you don't know is true is called "being full of shit".
Kind of a subtle distinction. I realize not everybody gets it.

No, we get it. You have a problem with honesty and integrity.
According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.

So what is it exactly that Sharpton has been doing at these protests?

I wouldn't know. This thread is about Sharpton and MSNBC. Is he doing broadcasts from the protests?

You don't see any conflict of interest at all, right?
According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.

People don't get admitted to the White House so that the POTUS can be sympathetic Pogo, god damned.

Perhaps there's an English version of this post?

Here it is in Latin: Argumentum ad populum

Just can't help being a hack can you. Just when I thought you might be honest for a change.

I thought he was just there for comedy relief! There is no other reason. Obama would be better served picking up a random black guy on the street and listening to him. I bet the guy would have more common sense then either sharpton or Jackson. And 100% less baggage.
I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.

People don't get admitted to the White House so that the POTUS can be sympathetic Pogo, god damned.

Perhaps there's an English version of this post?

Here it is in Latin: Argumentum ad populum

Just can't help being a hack can you. Just when I thought you might be honest for a change.

It's what you just did dood. Run away from it like a coward if that's you're style, but I asked a question and got no answer beyond "everybody knows".

I'm from Missouri, metaphorically. If you can't show me, then you don't have it. This ain't a poker game.
People should know that Answer is a communist/Socialist/anarchist group. this has nothing to do anymore with "black lives". And Sharptons a POS.

Sharpton says “no” to holding off protests until after police officers’ funerals
posted at 11:01 am on December 23, 2014 by Jazz Shaw
I was somewhat encouraged this week when New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called for a pause in the protests and quiet on the streets until after the funerals of the two slain NYPD officers. It seemed a prudent move, giving everyone a chance to pause and reflect, to allow tensions to ease a bit and just maybe allow everyone to retire with their families for Christmas. The horrific tragedy of the police officers’ assassinations might have a chance to settle in and bring everyone to a more sober realization of the need to bring the social temperatures down a notch. It was a responsible decision on the Mayor’s part and I commend him for it.

Of course, Al Sharpton was having none of this namby pamby nonsense.

… Rev. Al Sharpton told Reuters late Monday that de Blasio’s request was too “ill-defined” to heed.
“Is a vigil a protest? Is a rally?” Sharpton asked.
Another group, The Answer Coalition, said it would go ahead with a long-planned march Tuesday evening, and denounced the mayor for what it called an “outrageous” attempt to chill free speech. The
New York Post reported that a few dozen protesters staged a “die-in” at Grand Central Terminal before marching toward Times Square.
“We will not let recent tragic moments derail this movement,” one protester shouted. “This is the revolution and we will not be repressed.”

If you were holding out some hope for things to get better sooner rather than later, I would say that this response pretty much puts the kibosh that idea. It is only four days until the funeral of Rafael Ramos on Saturday. (Services for Wenjian Liu can not be finalized until travel plans for relatives from China can be arranged.) Of those four days, two of them are Christmas Eve and Christmas day. To think that a brief pause over such a period of time is an excessive demand is absurd. Nobody is trying to chill free speech or shut the conversation down. It was a simple, civil request to not add insult to injury by having crowds out in the street chanting Hands Up Don’t Shoot (or even What Do We Want, Dead Cops) while the bodies are awaiting interment.

Sharpton was given the opportunity to step up to the plate here, take some responsibility for the consequences of his involvement in all of this and show that he could respectfully understand both sides in the ongoing debate. He has declined to do so and, in effect, thrown salt in the wounds of the entire police force and all those who stand behind them. If the situation deteriorates even further from here on out, Al Sharpton should look back on this moment and ask himself if there wasn’t a possibility that he could have given an inch in exchange for significant possible benefits.

ALL of it here:
Sharpton says 8220 no 8221 to holding off protests until after police officers 8217 funerals Hot Air
I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

I know no such thing. I wouldn't presume to know in either case without a source. But in both cases I doubt it.

If Elvis had claimed to have had input on policy, would you have believed him? I mean, if it wasn't already something you wanted to hear and could use on a message board? He did claim to have been appointed a DEA agent. You buyin'? I'm not.

I've had crazy psychotic people with crazy psychotic agendas follow me around when I had a position of influence; sometimes the course of least conflict is to just nod your head in mock agreement and send them home self-satisfied. I'm sure I wasn't the first one to figure that out.

I had one lady walk into my office and rant on and on and on about how she was petitioning "President Bush and former President Clinton" (this was during the Clinton administration) to do something about radio waves being transmitted into citizens' heads. I just nodded sympathetically. When she was finally out of breath and left the office, we all burst out laughing simultaneously.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?

Wouldn't know. I don't speak for "black people". Nor does Al Sharpton, self-delusions of grandeur notwithstanding.

So what is it exactly that Sharpton has been doing at these protests?

I wouldn't know. This thread is about Sharpton and MSNBC. Is he doing broadcasts from the protests?

You don't see any conflict of interest at all, right?

Between what?
Bzzzt. You flunked.

I just told you the question was all about your source. You came back with the old "everybody knows, because I said so" song and dance.

You have no source at all then? Is it "the voices"?
So you're denying Al Sharpton often confers with Obama and Holder. LOL.

"Denying"? How the fuck would I know?

My question was, how the fuck do you? You failed to even touch it. Guess where that puts you.

Nope. This is the part where you play dumb. All Sharpton stench is all over you. I can smell you from here.

Not making a claim because I don't know if it's true isn't "denial" -- it's called "logic".
Going ahead with some meme you don't know is true is called "being full of shit".
Kind of a subtle distinction. I realize not everybody gets it.

No, we get it. You have a problem with honesty and integrity.

Look shit-for-brains, YOU are the assclown who "knows" something yet doesn't know how he knows it. That does raise an honesty/integrity question, but not mine.
All I did was expose your bluff. Change your diaper and grow up.

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