Fire Sharpton MSNBC

Fire him? Put him in jail.
the above poster knows nothing about laws and the judiciary, justice, or the US Constitution
You don't think not paying your taxes can make you end up in jail? T r y again.
can, but won't as long as you use the system to appeal

get a life. Al Sharpton is a clown and what are you but an imbecilic dolt

So why do Holder and Obama confer with Sharpton?
The LEAD imbecilic dolt for the left!

More from the article:
His antics have had more than a few people wondering how MSNBC manages to allow Reverend Al to continue hosting a show each weeknight on their network.

For a bit more perspective on this, let’s take a trip in the Way Back Machine to 2013, when one of the writers at Redstate had a bit of prophecy which seems to be coming true today. (Emphasis added.)

Sharpton is not a journalist, he is not even a commentator; he is a hard left racial activist He is also one more thing: The Rev Al is 100% bulletproof. When he was given the host job at MSNBC, I opined that one day, in the near future they’re gonna wake up and realize, “OMG…we can’t fire him.”
This won’t end well, these ginned-up protests about the Zimmerman verdict. There will be demonstrations, and they will turn into riots. There will be extensive property damage, and even loss of life. And smack dab in the middle of all of it will be the Rev Al, broadcasting his show nightly from ground zero, surrounded by the mob…
Be assured, MSNBC will soon realize that they have a Frankenstein on their hands, and they have no idea how to control it. I suspect that Tom Brokaw might well be the one to deliver the ultimatum: “he goes or I go!”
Those comments were written in the wake of the George Zimmerman incident. They didn’t come true then, but when you fast forward a bit more than a year to the current unrest, you might want to grab that author and see if he has any hot stock tips for you. It’s all rather frightening in its prescience.

Sharpton says 8220 no 8221 to holding off protests until after police officers 8217 funerals Hot Air

What makes somebody a commentator on television or radio? A job where they get paid to -- uhm -- err -- ahh, comment?
Fire him? Put him in jail.
the above poster knows nothing about laws and the judiciary, justice, or the US Constitution
You don't think not paying your taxes can make you end up in jail? T r y again.
can, but won't as long as you use the system to appeal

get a life. Al Sharpton is a clown and what are you but an imbecilic dolt

So why do Holder and Obama confer with Sharpton?
Confer? Well I guess they meet up every once in a while to get their talking points straight. You know, the talking points designed to push people like you over the edge?

Fire him? Put him in jail.
the above poster knows nothing about laws and the judiciary, justice, or the US Constitution
You don't think not paying your taxes can make you end up in jail? T r y again.
can, but won't as long as you use the system to appeal

get a life. Al Sharpton is a clown and what are you but an imbecilic dolt

So why do Holder and Obama confer with Sharpton?
Confer? Well I guess they meet up every once in a while to get their talking points straight. You know, the talking points designed to push people like you over the edge?


Apparently it doesn't take any kind of strategy to do that. Hayseed comes with his own shovel.
Yep, Thats what we were saying about the special prosecutor too. Welcome to reality

The difference is your were WRONG and we are RIGHT... It's a bitch when you scum are ALWAYS on the WRONG SIDE OF RIGHT!!!

Well not according to you because the lack of indictments means there was no wrong doing, right? lol

Were they brought before a GRAND JURY and refuse indictment, or did the black THUG enabler, just say he was not going to prosecute?..... Never mind you're too stupid to realize the difference!
Yep, Thats what we were saying about the special prosecutor too. Welcome to reality

The difference is your were WRONG and we are RIGHT... It's a bitch when you scum are ALWAYS on the WRONG SIDE OF RIGHT!!!

Well not according to you because the lack of indictments means there was no wrong doing, right? lol

Were they brought before a GRAND JURY and refuse indictment, or did the black THUG enabler, just say he was not going to prosecute?..... Never mind you're too stupid to realize the difference!

He's a prosecuter, he can do that
Nudley, Al Sharpton isn't calling for peace and calm. He is creating racists on both sides, and a name for himself. He is not doing his community any good by working them into a frenzy, pointing out a target, and then letting them go. His success is at their expense. The next time someone calls for help, the cops won't show up, but Sharpton will. Good luck with that..........

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