Fire Sharpton MSNBC

Let him talk, it only shows what a ass he is!
The other plus is that when people agree with him it outs them as ass wipes.
But the main reason is that he is entitled to his opinion and has the right to speak it.
I may not agree with it, but I will defend his right to say it.

This is a free country, for the time being, and he's not doing or saying anything illegal.

You don't destroy someone because you don't fucking like what they say.

Leave that nasty tactic to the PC Police, that's their thing.


The cognitive dissonance it takes to come into a thread BY REPUBLICANS seeking to shut down FREE SPEECH and claim that this is NOT the PC POLICE is nothing short of Amazing
Why is that idiot fuck sitting there? Buncha fucking morons.
Al Sharpton is an exceptionally slick political operative who paid his dues in terms of activism during the rise of Black political power in the New York City area (mainly Brooklyn) in the mid-1960s. He was introduced and schooled by Jesse Jackson and other experienced Black political figures.

While Jackson and his fellow Black movers and shakers of that era concentrated their efforts on activism, Sharpton shrewdly divided his efforts between activism and patronizing the White power structure by delivering blocks of Black votes to those White politicians who were receptive and willing to reciprocate. Gradually this slippery little con artist spread himself around until his name gained National prominence, mainly by lending his voice via his network of connections to local protest issues, primarily those involving complaints of police excess and brutality (ref: the infamous Tawana Brawley incident).

His influence in the Nationwide Black community is readily apparent in his current proximity to the Obama Administration. Briefly stated, Sharpton has carefully and expertly cultivated the ability to deliver Black votes.
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Here's an online petition to fire his ass that was just started that you can sign.

Petition Demand the FCC pull NBC MSNBC s Broadcasting Licenses Unitl they Fire Al Sharpton
The way to deal with Sharpton is not via petition but by boycotting his sponsor's products or services. A sufficient number of intelligently presented complaints will motivate MSNBC to pull the plug on him.

At the present time, White America remains under the influence of subliminal guilt for the eras of slavery and Jim Crow
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"Fire Sharpton MSNBC"

You're at liberty of course to demand of MSNBC to fire Sharpton, and no one would presume to deny you that right; provided you realize that as a conservative your desire to limit Sharpton's avenues of communication is consistent with the hostility and fear most on the right exhibit toward expressions of diversity and dissent.
There is a great deal of expressed diversity and dissent on television today, but Sharpton's background and his style are offensive to those who recognize him as a provocateur and a self-serving political opportunist.
[QUOTE="C_Clayton_Jones, post: 10400495, member: Dissent is one thing, but Sharpton is one of the most divisive individuals in America today and employers like MSNBC need to know that millions of Americans are going to hold them responsible for allowing him a stage to further divide us.
I would hope there are such perceptive and motivated millions. I tend to doubt it.

This is a free country, for the time being, and he's not doing or saying anything illegal.

You don't destroy someone because you don't fucking like what they say.

Leave that nasty tactic to the PC Police, that's their thing.


The cognitive dissonance it takes to come into a thread BY REPUBLICANS seeking to shut down FREE SPEECH and claim that this is NOT the PC POLICE is nothing short of Amazing
PC Police = Hardcore left wing partisan ideologues leveraging political correctness for intimidation and control.

And I thought the PC Police didn't exist!

Okay, go ahead, deny the very existence of PC now, I realize that anything that doesn't fit your partisan ideology just ain't there!

Talk about cognitive dissonance. Ironic.

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If he is drawing ratings, I'd keep him, if he doesn't draw ratings, I'd replace him. What he says would be irrelevant to me, I'd want ratings.

Bravo! :eusa_clap: Here's a guy who gets what commercial broadcasting is all about.

That's prolly why I can't watch Sharpton or TV at all -- I'm always looking for aesthetic value, and that's just not what they're selling.

I don't care much for TV either. Look at all those stupid reality shows. People love that annoying crap.
It's amazing to me that any network could continue to employ this man.
Just shows you how far MSNBC will go for their liberal viewers.
It's amazing to me that any network could continue to employ this man.
Just shows you how far MSNBC will go for their liberal viewers.
I remember back when he got the gig, he was originally just a fill-in for a while when someone got canned.

Obviously he wanted to stay -- do you want to try to get rid of Al Sharpton? Can you imagine what he would do?

The network didn't think that one through very well.


This is a free country, for the time being, and he's not doing or saying anything illegal.

You don't destroy someone because you don't fucking like what they say.

Leave that nasty tactic to the PC Police, that's their thing.


The cognitive dissonance it takes to come into a thread BY REPUBLICANS seeking to shut down FREE SPEECH and claim that this is NOT the PC POLICE is nothing short of Amazing
PC Police = Hardcore left wing partisan ideologues leveraging political correctness for intimidation and control.

And I thought the PC Police didn't exist!

Okay, go ahead, deny the very existence of PC now, I realize that anything that doesn't fit your partisan ideology just ain't there!

Talk about cognitive dissonance. Ironic.


Just because you claim it doesnt mean it exists anywhere outside of your mind.
Nonsense, that dimwitted neanderthal provides too much comic relief .

What language is he attempting to speak ?
It's amazing to me that any network could continue to employ this man.
Just shows you how far MSNBC will go for their liberal viewers.
I remember back when he got the gig, he was originally just a fill-in for a while when someone got canned.

Obviously he wanted to stay -- do you want to try to get rid of Al Sharpton? Can you imagine what he would do?

The network didn't think that one through very well.


The entire NBC network would be a target for Sharpton's $hakedown tactics, if they were to pull the plug on him.
Even the IRS is afraid to go after him.

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