Fire Sharpton MSNBC

You can't tell these guys nothing. Sharpton calls for calm means he's inciting a riot. Sharpton hands are clean but they're really dirty. The families call him but he just "shows up".

Btw, how dare these families ask for his his help? Shame on them

And how dare he have the nerve to respond to those families?

Is not like someone was killed or something. The real problem isn't the police shooting unarmed black people! The problem is not police power abuse! The problem is AL SHARPTON has the nerve to use words to describe the police abuse!!!

If Al Sharpton just didn't say anything about it no one would really be mad about their dead relatives. What a bastard
Heard an interesting take on this situation tonight, seems MANY in NYC are FED UP with these race baiter wasn't that way UNTIL these scum, even with that feckless mayor, and that all around GOOD GUY Al " Prosecutor Steven Pagonis Raped that poor Twana Brawley" Sharpton, asked the protestors NOT TO MARCH in RESPECT for the 2 police officers ASSASSINATED, and the THUGS and SCUM of the black society, and pond scum liberal whites went ahead anyway and protested those hero's funerals!!! These POS are now compared DIRECTLY to the scum of the Westboro Baptist church, with their marches on dead Soldier's and GAYS funerals.... Seems these Ape brained bastards just BLEW whatever sympathy they had from the AVERAGE CITIZEN of NYC.... But you subversives on the USMB keep rallying for these Neanderthals and Socialist scum!
So yg r you didn't listen to Al huh? Tell me more about how they shouldn't listen to Al.

Sorry on the phone. ... they didn't listen to Al huh? Tell me more about how they shouldn't listen to Al again.


So you called her and she wanted to talk???...good for her and you.
Nice when you all get together, did you give her a nice kiss???...she just ate my banana.

Always remember:
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You can't tell these guys nothing. Sharpton calls for calm means he's inciting a riot. Sharpton hands are clean but they're really dirty. The families call him but he just "shows up".

Btw, how dare these families ask for his his help? Shame on them

And how dare he have the nerve to respond to those families?

Is not like someone was killed or something. The real problem isn't the police shooting unarmed black people! The problem is not police power abuse! The problem is AL SHARPTON has the nerve to use words to describe the police abuse!!!

If Al Sharpton just didn't say anything about it no one would really be mad about their dead relatives. What a bastard
Post of the thread.

Well said, very well said.
As long as Al Sharpton has the ear and tongue of the white house he will not be fired. He brings in the government grants.
If he is drawing ratings, I'd keep him, if he doesn't draw ratings, I'd replace him. What he says would be irrelevant to me, I'd want ratings.
If he is drawing ratings, I'd keep him, if he doesn't draw ratings, I'd replace him. What he says would be irrelevant to me, I'd want ratings.

Bravo! :eusa_clap: Here's a guy who gets what commercial broadcasting is all about.

That's prolly why I can't watch Sharpton or TV at all -- I'm always looking for aesthetic value, and that's just not what they're selling.
Sorry on the phone. ... they didn't listen to Al huh? Tell me more about how they shouldn't listen to Al again.


I guess you can't tell when Sharpy is PANDERING!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yeah I'm bad at telling things. Like I cant tell you why you cry about people not listening to Al while telling everyone they shouldnt listen to Al.

Should people listen to him or not?

Your answer: Yes

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