Fire Sharpton MSNBC


Sharpton looks like a cast member from Planet of the Apes.

I know that sounds racist as hell, but I'm serious, the man looks like something is seriously wrong with him.
Fire him for what?

Urging peace and calm?

This is exactly what we heard from racists about ever other civil rights leader in history.

When people talk about boycotting race and hate monger drugger Lushbo, you racists start raving about free speach. Let it be someone you don't like and you want him silenced.

What are you so afraid of?

Learn how to change your channel and just move on.

everyone knows Rush is on the right and he has his own show or 25 years. Al is hiding behind a supposedly legit mainstream news org.
The dividers are the birthers and the voter ID nutjobs.

wow, you got an atta boy for that. shallow

As usual, you can't reply to content so you say the same STOOPID STUFF you always say.

Fact is, RWs are very divisive and they use burfur and voter ID lies to damage the country. And, as this thread shows, they want an end to free speech.

RWs consistently hate the Constitution when it protects those they fear.

voter id laws damage the country? :bsflag::link::nono::poke::slap:
Sharpton is disgusting and pathetic!

Yuck of a person!

So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.
If you don't know that Obama and holder confer often with sharpton then you need to be informed and come back when you're equipped.

Bzzzt. You flunked.

I just told you the question was all about your source. You came back with the old "everybody knows, because I said so" song and dance.

You have no source at all then? Is it "the voices"?
Sharpton is disgusting and pathetic!

Yuck of a person!

So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.

According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Nor, I might add, does posting an endless diarrhea of cartoons in the attempt to devolve what could be rational discourse into a child's coloring book because you can't think of anything to say and your attention whore factor just an't stand the idea of not being able to compete...
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Sharpton is disgusting and pathetic!

Yuck of a person!

So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.
If you don't know that Obama and holder confer often with sharpton then you need to be informed and come back when you're equipped.

Bzzzt. You flunked.

I just told you the question was all about your source. You came back with the old "everybody knows, because I said so" song and dance.

You have no source at all then? Is it "the voices"?
So you're denying Al Sharpton often confers with Obama and Holder. LOL.
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Sharpton is disgusting and pathetic!

Yuck of a person!

So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.

According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard. news...

I better let you know that the moon landings really happened.
Sharpton is disgusting and pathetic!

Yuck of a person!

So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.

According to this

Visitor Access Records The White House

Sharpton spends quite a bit of time visiting the White House.

I doubt it's for the cookies.

I doubt so too. Is there anyone left here who actually doesn't know Al Sharpton is an opportunist? Really?

No, I don't think being on the visitor roll means higher-ups are "conferring" with you. I doubt Richard Nixon "conferred" with Elvis either.


The reason I ask Hayseed specifically what his source is is that such suggestion-memes, propagated by master baiters (and Fox Noise has already been exposed here) take on a belief system of their own without regard to veracity. We just "know" that Willie Sutton said he robs banks because "that's where the money is". He didn't. Point being, if you can't document where you got a fact, then it just might be it isn't one. "Everybody knows" just don't cut the mustard.

Did Elvis visit the White House 81 times? Did Elvis claim to be having some input on policy?

See, this is what I'm talking about here, You KNOW that Sharpton has Obama's ear, yet you can't bring yourself to just admit that is so. Saying " I don't like Sharpton" is as far as you can go.

By the way, how stupid are black people? I mean seriously. This man has gotten rich off them and done NOTHING for them. I mean can anyone name a single positive thing Sharpton has done to help the blacks? Meanwhile, can anyone name a single time that Martin Luther King Jr made a single thin dime protesting for equal rights?
Sharpton is disgusting and pathetic!

Yuck of a person!

So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.
If you don't know that Obama and holder confer often with sharpton then you need to be informed and come back when you're equipped.

Bzzzt. You flunked.

I just told you the question was all about your source. You came back with the old "everybody knows, because I said so" song and dance.

You have no source at all then? Is it "the voices"?
So you're denying Al Sharpton often confers with Obama and Holder. LOL.

"Denying"? How the fuck would I know?

My question was, how the fuck do you? You failed to even touch it. Guess where that puts you.
So why do Obama, Holder and DeBlasio confer with him?

Who says they do?

I mean that question literally. It's kind of important.
If you don't know that Obama and holder confer often with sharpton then you need to be informed and come back when you're equipped.

Bzzzt. You flunked.

I just told you the question was all about your source. You came back with the old "everybody knows, because I said so" song and dance.

You have no source at all then? Is it "the voices"?
So you're denying Al Sharpton often confers with Obama and Holder. LOL.

"Denying"? How the fuck would I know?

My question was, how the fuck do you? You failed to even touch it. Guess where that puts you.

Nope. This is the part where you play dumb. All Sharpton stench is all over you. I can smell you from here.

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