Fire Sharpton MSNBC

Oh, I'm sure that somewhere on this idiotic board someone has suggested exactly that, but I digress.

Luddly is always whining about Fox News, when he could simply change the fucking channel, and then he bemoans that those who can't stand Sharpton should do the same.

Just more of his hypocrisy.

Then your comparison fails, because "whining about" is not the same as "calling for the elimination of".
Wow! No wonder MSNBC keeps AL on the payroll

It drives wingnuts battier than thought possible

Yup, that's what the Limblob comparison means. Same thing.
Has Limbaugh incited a riot or got cops killed?

Possibly, I don't know. He certainly does what he can to polarize the atmosphere -- which is his stated objective as a radio mouth, "to make you mad".

But nobody's claiming a talking head "incited a riot" or "got cops killed" here except you.
You do know what a "strawman" is, do you not?
Well you and him have blood on your hands.

"Him" who? The strawman? Limblob?

What in the fuck are you even talking about at this point? Where do you see any "blood" on my hands?
In order to fire Sharpton those in charge of the network would have to actually care about the networks reputation and that ship sailed long ago.

Once again -- commercial broadcasting isn't about anyone's "reputation". It's about making money. That's why it's called commercial.
You don't go into that business for "reputation"".
They have fallen behind CNN in the ratings and are barely ahead of headline news if you have a lousy reputation people will not watch if they don't watch you don't make money.

are you sure about that?
As far as the ratings that was what I heard the last time they came out it's always nip and tuck between CNN and MSNBC for third place. MSNBC might be making money someway but I don't think it's through their ratings.
In order to fire Sharpton those in charge of the network would have to actually care about the networks reputation and that ship sailed long ago.

Once again -- commercial broadcasting isn't about anyone's "reputation". It's about making money. That's why it's called commercial.
You don't go into that business for "reputation"".
They have fallen behind CNN in the ratings and are barely ahead of headline news if you have a lousy reputation people will not watch if they don't watch you don't make money.

And once again as already noted -- broadcast ratings are not some kind of Mendoza Line where the ones on top make money and the trailers don't --- they ALL make money. The higher ratings simply make more, but they all do. Their very existence proves that. If they weren't making enough to pay their production costs and salaries, then the show could not exist.
Then your comparison fails, because "whining about" is not the same as "calling for the elimination of".
Wow! No wonder MSNBC keeps AL on the payroll

It drives wingnuts battier than thought possible

Yup, that's what the Limblob comparison means. Same thing.
Has Limbaugh incited a riot or got cops killed?

Possibly, I don't know. He certainly does what he can to polarize the atmosphere -- which is his stated objective as a radio mouth, "to make you mad".

But nobody's claiming a talking head "incited a riot" or "got cops killed" here except you.
You do know what a "strawman" is, do you not?
Well you and him have blood on your hands.

"Him" who? The strawman? Limblob?

What in the fuck are you even talking about at this point? Where do you see any "blood" on my hands?

Rush has nothing to do with cops being assassinated. Sharpton does.
Then your comparison fails, because "whining about" is not the same as "calling for the elimination of".

I mean I did my own whining about what Sharpton does, but that doesn't mean I'm yanking the First Amendment. I yanked my TV instead.

I think I got it right too.

LOL yeah boi, excuse that left wing whiny pussy.

PS Sharpton of course has no first amendment right to work for MSNBC, maybe I missed it, did someone in this thread suggest MSNBC should lose their FCC license? Because Sharpton doesn't have one.

Yes, a couple of people did, last night. And yes I corrected them on that.

Then they are stupid. That doesn't make Luddly any less of a whiny hypocritical pussy

Actually it does, since it was your comparison that failed.

Fatter o' mact, it was exactly one of those calls to "take MSNBC's license away" that Luddly was responding to (post 13). You could look it up.

Btw, did you notice the equally eloquent response to what Luddly said? It's worth a rerun:

... Learn how to change your channel and just move on.

Frankly I'm getting tired of being admonished by liberals to police conservatives, when I haven't as yet seen a liberal call another liberal out for ANYTHING on this site.

For fuck's sakes one idiot liberal posted on this board AT LEAST 10 times that he hopes a cop gets shot right in the fucking head and not one single liberal said boo about it, but man yall will sure jump on a conservative for ANYTHING .

So, no. I think I'm done saying shit to conservatives.

Whatever dood. Your comparison still fails; you stretched too far and pulled a rhetorical hammy.

Either we have a First Amendment, or we do not. Doesn't matter if the subject is Al Crapton or Lush Rimjob.
I'm saying we do have it.
In order to fire Sharpton those in charge of the network would have to actually care about the networks reputation and that ship sailed long ago.

Once again -- commercial broadcasting isn't about anyone's "reputation". It's about making money. That's why it's called commercial.
You don't go into that business for "reputation"".
They have fallen behind CNN in the ratings and are barely ahead of headline news if you have a lousy reputation people will not watch if they don't watch you don't make money.

And once again as already noted -- broadcast ratings are not some kind of Mendoza Line where the ones on top make money and the trailers don't --- they ALL make money. The higher ratings simply make more, but they all do. Their very existence proves that. If they weren't making enough to pay their production costs and salaries, then the show could not exist.
Then your comparison fails, because "whining about" is not the same as "calling for the elimination of".
Wow! No wonder MSNBC keeps AL on the payroll

It drives wingnuts battier than thought possible

Yup, that's what the Limblob comparison means. Same thing.
Has Limbaugh incited a riot or got cops killed?

Possibly, I don't know. He certainly does what he can to polarize the atmosphere -- which is his stated objective as a radio mouth, "to make you mad".

But nobody's claiming a talking head "incited a riot" or "got cops killed" here except you.
You do know what a "strawman" is, do you not?
Well you and him have blood on your hands.

"Him" who? The strawman? Limblob?

What in the fuck are you even talking about at this point? Where do you see any "blood" on my hands?

Rush has nothing to do with cops being assassinated. Sharpton does
In order to fire Sharpton those in charge of the network would have to actually care about the networks reputation and that ship sailed long ago.

Once again -- commercial broadcasting isn't about anyone's "reputation". It's about making money. That's why it's called commercial.
You don't go into that business for "reputation"".
They have fallen behind CNN in the ratings and are barely ahead of headline news if you have a lousy reputation people will not watch if they don't watch you don't make money.

And once again as already noted -- broadcast ratings are not some kind of Mendoza Line where the ones on top make money and the trailers don't --- they ALL make money. The higher ratings simply make more, but they all do. Their very existence proves that. If they weren't making enough to pay their production costs and salaries, then the show could not exist.
Actually they could since MSNBC is bundled in as part of NBC news they can use the money from the broadcast network part to prop up MSNBC. If it were not for that MSNBC would have probably already gone the way of Al Gores Current TV.
In order to fire Sharpton those in charge of the network would have to actually care about the networks reputation and that ship sailed long ago.

Once again -- commercial broadcasting isn't about anyone's "reputation". It's about making money. That's why it's called commercial.
You don't go into that business for "reputation"".
They have fallen behind CNN in the ratings and are barely ahead of headline news if you have a lousy reputation people will not watch if they don't watch you don't make money.

are you sure about that?
As far as the ratings that was what I heard the last time they came out it's always nip and tuck between CNN and MSNBC for third place. MSNBC might be making money someway but I don't think it's through their ratings.

Ratings have a grand sum total of one (1) purpose, and that is to set advertising rates. As such, they mean something only relative to each other. That's why they're expressed in "shares". The more eyeballs you can claim, the more money you can charge for ad time. A program with lower ratings (relative to higher ones) simply doesn't get to charge as much. All this means is that the higher-rated shows are charging more money -- not that the lower ones are starving.

Nobody makes money through their ratings; they make money through their ads. That is after all the whole purpose of TV -- to sell ads. That's how things are paid for. Higher ratings make more money, but that's simply excess over and above break-even.

EVERYTHING on commercial media that continues to exist, makes money. If it wasn't making money -- it wouldn't exist.
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In order to fire Sharpton those in charge of the network would have to actually care about the networks reputation and that ship sailed long ago.

Once again -- commercial broadcasting isn't about anyone's "reputation". It's about making money. That's why it's called commercial.
You don't go into that business for "reputation"".
They have fallen behind CNN in the ratings and are barely ahead of headline news if you have a lousy reputation people will not watch if they don't watch you don't make money.

are you sure about that?
As far as the ratings that was what I heard the last time they came out it's always nip and tuck between CNN and MSNBC for third place. MSNBC might be making money someway but I don't think it's through their ratings.

Ratings have a grand sum total of one (1) purpose, and that is to set advertising rates. As such, they mean something only relative to each other. That's why they're expressed in "shares". The more eyeballs you can claim, the more money you can charge for ad time.

EVERYTHING on commercial media that continues to exist, makes money. If it wasn't making money -- it wouldn't exist.
If you are driven solely by political ideology which MSNBC is you will continue with it even it cost you money which is what happens with them. With most companies profit will override ideology with MSNBC it's the exact opposite.

Don't fire Sharpton.

Punishment for expressing opinions is the realm of the PC Police.

Better to point at what he says and say, "holy crap, look at THAT."

MSNBC fired Don Imus for far less.
NPR fired Juan Williams for far less.

Promoting "what we want? Dead cops. When we want it? Now!" Is OK. Speaking truth is not.
Al Sharpton DID NOT PROMOTE "what we want ? Dead cops. when we want it? Now!"

WHY ARE YOU LYING? Sharpton's rally was peaceful....

or are you another one that believed the DOCTORED video on Fox and Fox and friends where Fox inserted footage from another rally making those shout outs in between footage from Sharpton's peaceful rally, to give you fools the notion that al Sharpton supported those messages to kill cops, like Tucker Carlson did?

Shame on you...

Once again -- commercial broadcasting isn't about anyone's "reputation". It's about making money. That's why it's called commercial.
You don't go into that business for "reputation"".
They have fallen behind CNN in the ratings and are barely ahead of headline news if you have a lousy reputation people will not watch if they don't watch you don't make money.

are you sure about that?
As far as the ratings that was what I heard the last time they came out it's always nip and tuck between CNN and MSNBC for third place. MSNBC might be making money someway but I don't think it's through their ratings.

Ratings have a grand sum total of one (1) purpose, and that is to set advertising rates. As such, they mean something only relative to each other. That's why they're expressed in "shares". The more eyeballs you can claim, the more money you can charge for ad time.

EVERYTHING on commercial media that continues to exist, makes money. If it wasn't making money -- it wouldn't exist.
If you are driven solely by political ideology which MSNBC is you will continue with it even it cost you money which is what happens with them. With most companies profit will override ideology with MSNBC it's the exact opposite.

Believe me, neither MSNBC nor any other commercial broadcaster is "driven solely by political ideology". That would never work. Ideology (or what passes for it on TV) is just another marketing tool to hook the gullible. Because that does work.

You hook the gullible so you can gather eyeballs; you gather eyeballs so you can sell ads.
That, and only that, is what it's all about, and always has been, whirled without end, amen.

Don't fire Sharpton.

Punishment for expressing opinions is the realm of the PC Police.

Better to point at what he says and say, "holy crap, look at THAT."

MSNBC fired Don Imus for far less.
NPR fired Juan Williams for far less.

Promoting "what we want? Dead cops. When we want it? Now!" Is OK. Speaking truth is not.
Al Sharpton DID NOT PROMOTE "what we want ? Dead cops. when we want it? Now!"

WHY ARE YOU LYING? Sharpton's rally was peaceful....

or are you another one that believed the DOCTORED video on Fox and Fox and friends where Fox inserted footage from another rally making those shout outs in between footage from Sharpton's peaceful rally, to give you fools the notion that al Sharpton supported those messages to kill cops, like Tucker Carlson did?

Shame on you...

Fox Noise is playing musical videos again? Didn't Hannity get nailed by Jon Stewart for the same thing?

Thanks, this video explains a lot of what's going on with the wags in this thread.
Why this guy wields any power at all is beyond me.

The strength of any entity occurs in relation to its opposition's weakness.

The majority of middle Americans have been so thoroughly brainwashed by perpetuated vestiges of 1960s style civil rights dogma and propaganda it would not occur to these sheep to express their opposition, not only to Al Sharpton but to any minority personality or social program. Instead they quietly turn away rather than risk being accused of "racism."

An analogy to this situation is found in H.G. Wells', The Time Machine, in which the Eloi, formerly the ruling class, weakened by generations of complacent apathy, are being gradually vanquished by the Morlocks, formerly the subservient class who are strengthened and angered by generations of strife and hardship.
Sharpton is disgusting and pathetic!

Yuck of a person!

Don't fire Sharpton.

Punishment for expressing opinions is the realm of the PC Police.

Better to point at what he says and say, "holy crap, look at THAT."

MSNBC fired Don Imus for far less.
NPR fired Juan Williams for far less.

Promoting "what we want? Dead cops. When we want it? Now!" Is OK. Speaking truth is not.
Al Sharpton DID NOT PROMOTE "what we want ? Dead cops. when we want it? Now!"

WHY ARE YOU LYING? Sharpton's rally was peaceful....

or are you another one that believed the DOCTORED video on Fox and Fox and friends where Fox inserted footage from another rally making those shout outs in between footage from Sharpton's peaceful rally, to give you fools the notion that al Sharpton supported those messages to kill cops, like Tucker Carlson did?

Shame on you...

Fox Noise is playing musical videos again? Didn't Hannity get nailed by Jon Stewart for the same thing?

Thanks, this video explains a lot of what's going on with the wags in this thread.

Fox isn't calling for dead cops. Your mob is.

Don't fire Sharpton.

Punishment for expressing opinions is the realm of the PC Police.

Better to point at what he says and say, "holy crap, look at THAT."

MSNBC fired Don Imus for far less.
NPR fired Juan Williams for far less.

Promoting "what we want? Dead cops. When we want it? Now!" Is OK. Speaking truth is not.
Al Sharpton DID NOT PROMOTE "what we want ? Dead cops. when we want it? Now!"

WHY ARE YOU LYING? Sharpton's rally was peaceful....

or are you another one that believed the DOCTORED video on Fox and Fox and friends where Fox inserted footage from another rally making those shout outs in between footage from Sharpton's peaceful rally, to give you fools the notion that al Sharpton supported those messages to kill cops, like Tucker Carlson did?

Shame on you...

Fox Noise is playing musical videos again? Didn't Hannity get nailed by Jon Stewart for the same thing?

Thanks, this video explains a lot of what's going on with the wags in this thread.

Fox isn't calling for dead cops. Your mob is.

My "mob"?
And who would that be? Broadcasters?

I never worked in that kind of broadcasting but I got close enough to smell it. What Fox is doing with the video editing here is baiting. Baiting is what Fox is built around. It's a setup to gather the unwashed so they show up in this thread and post what some of these more unwashed wags have been posting.

Baiting sells. That's why they do it.
Got you here, didn't it? OK then. It's exactly the same reason MSNBC pays Al Sharpton.
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