Fired IRS Commissioner Claims He Was Leaving His Post In June Anyway


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama fires acting IRS commissioner as pressure grows surrounding political targeting of conservative groups that sought tax-exempt status

Steven Miller is ousted but writes face-saving email announcing departure when his 'assignment ends in early June.'
Obama: IRS 'misconduct' is 'inexcusable and Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it.'
Jacob Lew, Obama's trusted Treasury Secretary and former chief of staff, gave Miller his walking papers
IRS reportedly targeted 300 right-wing groups while letting left-wing organizations slide through with far less scrutiny

By David Martosko In Washington

President Barack Obama has thrown his acting IRS commissioner overboard, making Steven Miller the highest-ranking political casualty thus far in a series of scandals that have swept his administration in recent weeks.

In a hastily called press conference in the East Room of the White House, Obama told reporters that he had asked Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew to find out who was responsible for a program that targeted tea party groups and other conservative organizations for a special level of intrusive questioning after they applied for tax-exempt charitable statuses.

'Lew took the first step by requesting and accepting the resignation of the acting director of the IRS,' Obama said.

'It’s important,' he added, 'to institute new leadership that can help restore confidence going forward.'

But in an email to IRS employees, Miller claimed he would only be leaving next month because his assignment would be over.

Read more: Obama fires acting IRS commissioner as pressure grows surrounding political targeting of conservative groups that sought tax-exempt status | Mail Online
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The outgoing Acting IRS commish will still be around for at least 2 weeks to assure a smooth transition.

Way to fire that jerk Obama. :clap2:
why am I not surprised? Thus the acting in front of his title.
It was all just another lie. He didn't get fired and he didn't even have to resign. He will just get another appointment. It was all just another democrat lie.
His was going to resign in June anyway! so what's the big deal!

Lame! Lame! Lame! too little too late as usual from Obama!
Am I wrong, or did I read elsewhere that he does not plan to take the fifth when questioned? That tells me that he has something to tell and the arrows won't be pointing at him.
Am I wrong, or did I read elsewhere that he does not plan to take the fifth when questioned?

IIRC it was drink a fifth.

That tells me that he has something to tell and the arrows won't be pointing at him.

There is nothing really to tell. This situation is merely fodder for the opposition blow up or for Obama to mask some other screw up.
This IRS thing has been going on since the Tea Party was formed over 3 years ago yet this 'Acting' commish wasn't even in that position until recently. Looks like he's simply a fallguy selected by Obama to make it appear he's taking action. There are still conservative groups that submitted their 501a applications 3 years ago and are still waiting for approvals.

This is like the Gulf oil BS. The Obama administration claims they've been opening it back up for drilling yet it takes forever for licenses to be granted. The companies that lost their licenses during the BP oil spill couldn't wait any longer and instead pulled up stakes and left for friendlier waters.

The Administration is still playing games. They're giving everyone Bull Shit, stringing it out till the mainstreamers run out of gas and started defending the White House from GOP attacks again. They'll begin calling it a partisan attack or if they really get desperate they'll claim racism.
This guy hasn't been fired. According to what Fox News put out this morning, he isn't leaving until the end of the month and he was quitting in June anyway. Proves my point. Owe Bama is nothing but a big old liar.

Obama fires acting IRS commissioner as pressure grows surrounding political targeting of conservative groups that sought tax-exempt status

Steven Miller is ousted but writes face-saving email announcing departure when his 'assignment ends in early June.'
Obama: IRS 'misconduct' is 'inexcusable and Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it.'
Jacob Lew, Obama's trusted Treasury Secretary and former chief of staff, gave Miller his walking papers
IRS reportedly targeted 300 right-wing groups while letting left-wing organizations slide through with far less scrutiny

By David Martosko In Washington

President Barack Obama has thrown his acting IRS commissioner overboard, making Steven Miller the highest-ranking political casualty thus far in a series of scandals that have swept his administration in recent weeks.

In a hastily called press conference in the East Room of the White House, Obama told reporters that he had asked Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew to find out who was responsible for a program that targeted tea party groups and other conservative organizations for a special level of intrusive questioning after they applied for tax-exempt charitable statuses.

'Lew took the first step by requesting and accepting the resignation of the acting director of the IRS,' Obama said.

'It’s important,' he added, 'to institute new leadership that can help restore confidence going forward.'

But in an email to IRS employees, Miller claimed he would only be leaving next month because his assignment would be over.

Read more: Obama fires acting IRS commissioner as pressure grows surrounding political targeting of conservative groups that sought tax-exempt status | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The outgoing Acting IRS commish will still be around for at least 2 weeks to assure a smooth transition.

Way to fire that jerk Obama. :clap2:

And here's the fun part.

Sen. Marco Rubio demands resignation of non-existent IRS commissioner | The Raw Story

Obama did EXACTLY what the GOP wonderboy demanded!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

This guy hasn't been fired. According to what Fox News put out this morning, he isn't leaving until the end of the month and he was quitting in June anyway. Proves my point. Owe Bama is nothing but a big old liar.

Well no.

A resignation was sought.

And that's what the GOP wanted.

Win win.

The bigger win comes when 501c..finally become what they were meant to be. :clap2:
This guy hasn't been fired. According to what Fox News put out this morning, he isn't leaving until the end of the month and he was quitting in June anyway. Proves my point. Owe Bama is nothing but a big old liar.

Well no.

A resignation was sought.

And that's what the GOP wanted.

Win win.

The bigger win comes when 501c..finally become what they were meant to be. :clap2:

So you approve of the president playing games instead of getting to the bottom of the scandal.

Duly noted.
How nice.

The guy violates people's constitutional rights, he perverts the law and he gets what?

He gets to retire?

Fuck that shit, put the asshole in prison where he belongs.

Yes, I say this even though I think the Tea Party is a load of fucking assholes.

Even complete assholes deserve FAIR TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW.

When this IRS administrator decided he got to impose his POV on the rest of us?

He didn't JUST violate their rights, he violated ALL of our rights.
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Personally I think if Obama felt that scum like Swallow disapproved of his nonsense he probably wouldn't try it. But Obama's base is essentially blacks, homosexuals, and smart-ass liberals that feel this country is just one big fucken joke, so he's going to continue to give them what they want.

It would be nice if we could get this country back into the hands of adults rather than these Harvard Dickwads.
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How nice.

The guy violates people's consitutiopnal rights. he pervert the law and he gets what?

He gets to retire?

Fuck that, put the asshole in prison where he belongs.

Yes, I say this even though I think the Tea Party is a load of fucking assholes.

Even complete assholes deserve FAIR TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW.

When this IRS administrator decided he got to impose his POV on the rest of us?

He didn't JUST violate their rights, he violated ALL of our rights.

Miller didn't do anything. He's just acting as the scapegoat. Everyone involved that they've been able to nail down have said they are just following orders from their boss.

This is not isolated to just a few rogue agents. When anyone who Obama feels is a unfair critic comes under immediate attack from the IRS, it's pretty clear who is calling the shots on this.
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WELL, how convenient..?

Obama is one bad ass firing a guy who was leaving in a month..

Is this administration a JOKE or what? as we see it is a DAMN nightmare and WE THE PEOPLE are living in it

his base will eat it up though
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WELL, how convenient..?

Obama is one bad ass firing a guy who was leaving in a month..

Is this administration a JOKE or what? as we see it is a DAMN nightmare and WE THE PEOPLE are living in it

his base will eat it up though

I think it was Swallow who said he likes the way Obama "Fucks with people".
How nice.

The guy violates people's consitutiopnal rights. he pervert the law and he gets what?

He gets to retire?

Fuck that, put the asshole in prison where he belongs.

Yes, I say this even though I think the Tea Party is a load of fucking assholes.

Even complete assholes deserve FAIR TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW.

When this IRS administrator decided he got to impose his POV on the rest of us?

He didn't JUST violate their rights, he violated ALL of our rights.

Miller didn't do anything. He's just acting as the scapegoat. Everyone involved that they've been able to nail down have said they are just following orders from their boss.

Then FOLLOW the trail until we find MR BIG.

This is not isolated to just a few rogue agents. When anyone who Obama feels is a unfair critic comes under immediate attack from the IRS, it's pretty clear who is calling the shots on this.

You post this as though you know something that as yet has not been proven.

Do you know more than the rest of us?

If so, how do you KNOW this?
How nice.

The guy violates people's consitutiopnal rights. he pervert the law and he gets what?

He gets to retire?

Fuck that, put the asshole in prison where he belongs.

Yes, I say this even though I think the Tea Party is a load of fucking assholes.

Even complete assholes deserve FAIR TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW.

When this IRS administrator decided he got to impose his POV on the rest of us?

He didn't JUST violate their rights, he violated ALL of our rights.

Then FOLLOW the trail until we find MR BIG.

This is not isolated to just a few rogue agents. When anyone who Obama feels is a unfair critic comes under immediate attack from the IRS, it's pretty clear who is calling the shots on this.

You post this as though you know something that as yet has not been proven.

Do you know more than the rest of us?

If so, how do you KNOW this?

All they have to do is put together a timeline on each case. Obama has been using the IRS as a sort of Gestapo going after anyone who pisses him off.

We've had several names surfacing in the last couple of days and more will surface next week. I'm sure the White House is trying to keep it quiet but eventually it will all come out. As Phil Valentine here in Nashville has said; "The defecation is about to contact the rotary-oscillator".
Then FOLLOW the trail until we find MR BIG.

You post this as though you know something that as yet has not been proven.

Do you know more than the rest of us?

If so, how do you KNOW this?

All they have to do is put together a timeline on each case.

Who is "THEY"?

Obama has been using the IRS as a sort of Gestapo going after anyone who pisses him off.

Maybe true. Do we have a smoking gun to prove that?

We've had several names surfacing in the last couple of days and more will surface next week. I'm sure the White House is trying to keep it quiet but eventually it will all come out. As Phil Valentine here in Nashville has said; "The defecation is about to contact the rotary-oscillator".

Like I said, when (if) the evidence supports the narrative that OBAMA ordered this, then OBAMA is ripe for impeachment.

This is exactly the same sort of shit NIXXON pulled, ya know?

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