Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

You're exactly what is wrong with America. If you woulda read the fucking article, you would see he offered to pay if they would put the fire out.. But they basically said tough luck, and it wasn't until it spread to the neighbours (who has the "coverage") that they put it out.
What happened to helping people, and not worrying about cost or profit? Imagine if this had been the mayor of this town.. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put that fire out, regardless if he'd have payed the fee.
That's because firefighters, like cops and military men , are brainwashed assholes.They don't have the ability to think. They're robots with a pulse.
He woulda let it burn if it was his grannys house and she was inside.
Just following orders, sir.
It's the rules, sir.
It's my job,sir.

Too bad the owner didn't pull out an AK and get them to stop stealing oxygen.

Yes, because taking life and liberty from others is what your all about.
Step back and look at this concept for a minute.

If ALL government services were like this, you could eliminate much of a politican's power. You simply set up the cost of each service and an appropriate penalty for not purchasing the service. I want to sink my own water well instead of city water, ok. I have a 4x4 so I don't want the roads plowed. I don't support war, so I don't pay that tax. It would quickly prioritize what the public wants and their level of financial participation.
Works well in Somalia.
No...they get paid whether they sit on their asses, hang out at the grocery store, or put out a fire.

True story.

Actually they won't be paid at all if enough peole like the jerk in this story don't pay their fee. What a pity, the town didn't ahve fire protectino, because they didn't pay the firemen. The penalty for not paying has to be more than the $75 for some people to decide to pay. Not having coverage should be a no brainer. Proving this guy didn't have one or at least didn't use it. Also, it is a system that has worked for twenty years. Then along comes, Mr. "Hey Look Everybody I can Cheat the System." Really?
And yet the city has no problem taking handouts from the county.

Deflection, improper term usage and false conclusion without factual basis. In other words, your feelings.
Actually they won't be paid at all if enough peole like the jerk in this story don't pay their fee. What a pity, the town didn't ahve fire protectino, because they didn't pay the firemen. The penalty for not paying has to be more than the $75 for some people to decide to pay. Not having coverage should be a no brainer. Proving this guy didn't have one or at least didn't use it. Also, it is a system that has worked for twenty years. Then along comes, Mr. "Hey Look Everybody I can Cheat the System." Really?
And yet the city has no problem taking handouts from the county.

Deflection, improper term usage and false conclusion without factual basis. In other words, your feelings.
Nope. The city has no problem benefiting from the county and the county and state taxpayers yet is choosy about which fires it puts out.
I can't for the life of me figure out why the libturds are in such a twist about this man's house burning down. It's obvious to me he didn't give a shit about his house or his family. He refused to pay a $75 annual fee. Think about that. $75 annually for peace of mind. He gets to build a new house. Maybe, just maybe he won't be this stupid again but who's to say? he is after all a libturd. :eusa_whistle:
Step back and look at this concept for a minute.

If ALL government services were like this, you could eliminate much of a politican's power. You simply set up the cost of each service and an appropriate penalty for not purchasing the service. I want to sink my own water well instead of city water, ok. I have a 4x4 so I don't want the roads plowed. I don't support war, so I don't pay that tax. It would quickly prioritize what the public wants and their level of financial participation.

Wonderful 'idea'; shall we name our new nation the un-united states of somalia?
Step back and look at this concept for a minute.

If ALL government services were like this, you could eliminate much of a politican's power. You simply set up the cost of each service and an appropriate penalty for not purchasing the service. I want to sink my own water well instead of city water, ok. I have a 4x4 so I don't want the roads plowed. I don't support war, so I don't pay that tax. It would quickly prioritize what the public wants and their level of financial participation.

Wonderful 'idea'; shall we name our new nation the un-united states of somalia?
Or, we can go to the other extreme - too much government that nothing gets done. Anarchy is at both ends.

We're closer to anarchy now than we ever were, thanks to those Democrats. Er, or is it Progressives?

I suppose I don't really care. I do care about efficiency and my inalienable rights.
I can't for the life of me figure out why the libturds are in such a twist about this man's house burning down. It's obvious to me he didn't give a shit about his house or his family. He refused to pay a $75 annual fee. Think about that. $75 annually for peace of mind. He gets to build a new house. Maybe, just maybe he won't be this stupid again but who's to say? he is after all a libturd. :eusa_whistle:

You can't figure out much of anything WT, being as stupid as you are. The man was interviewed by Olbermann, but being willfully ignorant (or as willful as a stupid fool can be) you libel a man based not on facts but out of ignorance and self righteous arrogance.
Step back and look at this concept for a minute.

If ALL government services were like this, you could eliminate much of a politican's power. You simply set up the cost of each service and an appropriate penalty for not purchasing the service. I want to sink my own water well instead of city water, ok. I have a 4x4 so I don't want the roads plowed. I don't support war, so I don't pay that tax. It would quickly prioritize what the public wants and their level of financial participation.

Wonderful 'idea'; shall we name our new nation the un-united states of somalia?
Or, we can go to the other extreme - too much government that nothing gets done. Anarchy is at both ends.

We're closer to anarchy now than we ever were, thanks to those Democrats. Er, or is it Progressives?

I suppose I don't really care. I do care about efficiency and my inalienable rights.

anarchy: the absence of government; disorder, chaos in a society.
(is si modo sane?)
Three (3) of the municipal departments are offering services on a subscription basis, and five (5) municipal departments are offering services on an as needed basis without subscription or ability to pay for response. The municipal fire departments which utilize a subscription service are not bound to and do not respond to fires on rural properties which do not have a subscription for fire service. The only rural property owners guaranteed to receive fire protection services are those who choose to pay for it. If they choose not to purchase an annual subscription and require fire protection services, they fall on the mercy of a municipal department who provide services on an as needed basis. When such occurs, the responding fire department normally provides those services without compensation. County...tation Presented to the County Commission.pdf

Suppose this is what the guy was figuring would happen? The fire took a while, where were the other five departments? Not feeling charitable that day?

Even though most municipal fire departments in Obion County have benefited from AFG and CDBG grants to upgrade apparatus and equipment, each department must have operating funds to continue operations. Each individual municipality currently furnishes operating funds for their fire departments without assistance from the county or state. Federal, state and local mandates for training, apparatus, equipment and personnel are costing each fire department more money each year, and fire departments desperately need additional operating funds to stay caught up with these mandates.

This flies in the face of your claim Ravi.

Statistics indicate that the majority of all fire calls are rural in nature and are responded to by municipal fire departments. These departments are solely funded by the tax dollars belonging to each individual town or city. It is becoming more difficult to convince municipal leaders that the municipal fire departments responding to calls outside the municipal boundaries and for which no compensation is guaranteed is “just the right thing to do”.
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Wonderful 'idea'; shall we name our new nation the un-united states of somalia?
Or, we can go to the other extreme - too much government that nothing gets done. Anarchy is at both ends.

We're closer to anarchy now than we ever were, thanks to those Democrats. Er, or is it Progressives?

I suppose I don't really care. I do care about efficiency and my inalienable rights.

anarchy: the absence of government; disorder, chaos in a society.
(is si modo sane?)
When one ends up thinking more and more of others are insane one should end up looking in the mirror. Of course, that would require some insight and some ability to process ideas.

Let me dumb that down for you a bit: No cooks in the kitchen means no meal. And, too many cooks in the kitchen leads to no meal. I'd ask you to ponder that, but I doubt your ability to do so.
This is fairly common in rural areas. Not that they stand and watch but that there is no fire service. There is simply no one to show up. Many rural areas in proximity to cities or towns that have emergency services contract with them for a fee for those services. On the other hand their tax base is lower as they do not pay taxes for these services.
Three (3) of the municipal departments are offering services on a subscription basis, and five (5) municipal departments are offering services on an as needed basis without subscription or ability to pay for response. The municipal fire departments which utilize a subscription service are not bound to and do not respond to fires on rural properties which do not have a subscription for fire service. The only rural property owners guaranteed to receive fire protection services are those who choose to pay for it. If they choose not to purchase an annual subscription and require fire protection services, they fall on the mercy of a municipal department who provide services on an as needed basis. When such occurs, the responding fire department normally provides those services without compensation. County...tation Presented to the County Commission.pdf

Suppose this is what the guy was figuring would happen? The fire took a while, where were the other five departments? Not feeling charitable that day?

Even though most municipal fire departments in Obion County have benefited from AFG and CDBG grants to upgrade apparatus and equipment, each department must have operating funds to continue operations. Each individual municipality currently furnishes operating funds for their fire departments without assistance from the county or state. Federal, state and local mandates for training, apparatus, equipment and personnel are costing each fire department more money each year, and fire departments desperately need additional operating funds to stay caught up with these mandates.

This flies in the face of your claim Ravi.

Statistics indicate that the majority of all fire calls are rural in nature and are responded to by municipal fire departments. These departments are solely funded by the tax dollars belonging to each individual town or city. It is becoming more difficult to convince municipal leaders that the municipal fire departments responding to calls outside the municipal boundaries and for which no compensation is guaranteed is “just the right thing to do”.
And yet, the city itself benefits from the county and state does the fire department by way of roads and water/sewer systems.

Crocker said a major
accomplishment for city officials and the entire community in 2008 was
the reopening of the bridge on Forrestdale Avenue in South Fulton. He
said initial estimates were close to $300,000 for redoing the bridge,
but Vowell worked with Obion County Mayor Benny McGuire and the Obion
County Highway Department for the labor and the repairs were completed
for less than $20,000. “It’s already been inspected and passed and
reopened. That’d be the highlight of last year,” Crocker said. Vowell
also recalled several highlights from the past year, including the
city’s police and fire departments receiving some grant funding to help with operations

Sewer Systems
South Fulton: $500,000
Bredesen Announces 72 Community Development Block Grants | Newsroom

Obion County Schools - South Fulton Elementary
Obion County

There you have it. South Fulton benefits from the tax dollars of the county and state and yet will stand by idly as a taxpayers home burns down.
The right thing to do would have been to put the fire out and then sent the homeowner a bill for the services.

Instead, they took the typical conservative prick route.
I can't for the life of me figure out why the libturds are in such a twist about this man's house burning down. It's obvious to me he didn't give a shit about his house or his family. He refused to pay a $75 annual fee. Think about that. $75 annually for peace of mind. He gets to build a new house. Maybe, just maybe he won't be this stupid again but who's to say? he is after all a libturd. :eusa_whistle:

You can't figure out much of anything WT, being as stupid as you are. The man was interviewed by Olbermann, but being willfully ignorant (or as willful as a stupid fool can be) you libel a man based not on facts but out of ignorance and self righteous arrogance.

I'm supposed to be impressed that he was interviewd by olbernotaman? ha! Here's hoping he has sense enough to pay up the $75 next time.
The right thing to do would have been to put the fire out and then sent the homeowner a bill for the services.

Instead, they took the typical conservative prick route.

Yep and your guy took the typical librul prick route. gimmie gimmie gimmie,, let the other guy pay.
Or, we can go to the other extreme - too much government that nothing gets done. Anarchy is at both ends.

We're closer to anarchy now than we ever were, thanks to those Democrats. Er, or is it Progressives?

I suppose I don't really care. I do care about efficiency and my inalienable rights.

anarchy: the absence of government; disorder, chaos in a society.
(is si modo sane?)
When one ends up thinking more and more of others are insane one should end up looking in the mirror. Of course, that would require some insight and some ability to process ideas.

Let me dumb that down for you a bit: No cooks in the kitchen means no meal. And, too many cooks in the kitchen leads to no meal. I'd ask you to ponder that, but I doubt your ability to do so.

To many cooks may spoil the soup, but soup will be served. Given that some of the cooks hope to ruin the meal - lead by Boehner and McConnell (OMG, who would follow such fools [oh, yeah, the callous conservatives do!]) what needs to get done is not.
That's not the fault of the Democrats, it is the goal of the callous conservatives desperate need for power and disregard for the American people, some of whom are too stupid to see (present company included).
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anarchy: the absence of government; disorder, chaos in a society.
(is si modo sane?)
When one ends up thinking more and more of others are insane one should end up looking in the mirror. Of course, that would require some insight and some ability to process ideas.

Let me dumb that down for you a bit: No cooks in the kitchen means no meal. And, too many cooks in the kitchen leads to no meal. I'd ask you to ponder that, but I doubt your ability to do so.

To many cooks may spoil the soup, but soup will be served. Given that some of the cooks hope to ruin the meal - lead by Boehner and McConnell (OMG, who would follow such fools [oh, yeah, the callous conservatives do!]) what needs to get done is not.
That's not the fault of the Democrats, it is the goal of the callous conservatives desperate need for power and disregard for the American people, some of whom are to stupid to see (present company included).


Keep being you, Wry. I enjoy the entertainment value.
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These conservative assholes are all tough talk until they're at the shit-end of the stick.

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