Political Cartoon


Show us some facts that it wouldn't be allowed if the Democrat's keep charging forward with their agenda's, and doing so at any cost. Trump is keying on the rhetoric that has been spoken by people in high places concerning the issue, so of course he's not going to leave anything out that has been alluded too by the Democrat's themselves. Hey if y'all don't want it to be an issue, then STH up about it. Why can't y'all answer the question when it is put point blank to you that says "would you allow a baby to be aborted all the way up to the 9th month" ?

Everytime I've seen the question asked, it is never answered by a Democrat or the Democrat goes instantly into deflection mode.
Rich "white" man eh ? Well that's a might racist of you..

The crazy thing is that you are probably white too, but we know how you lefty liberals have to activate the feeling's of your allies in order to tell them that it's time to pay attention so you can show them how you are taking the "white" man down for them.

Then that'll give you lefties leverage over the people (black and white whose eyes have been opened), that are not liking the direction you are attempting to take the country in. You are just manipulators and schemer's until you get your way's, then ta hell with everyone after that.
Trump has orange privilege

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