Hillary doubles down on deplorables

By Lindsay Kornick Fox News

Hillary Clinton now believes "deplorables" is "too kind" a word to use for a section of people who support former President Trump.

The former Democratic presidential candidate wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post Wednesday titled, "To err is human, to empathize is superhuman." In the piece, she describes her struggle to empathize with "radicalized individuals," hearkening back to her infamous "basket of deplorables" line from 2016.

Though Clinton initially apologized for her comment, now she believes it offered "an important truth" about Trump supporters.

"In 2016, I famously described half of Trump’s supporters as ‘the basket of deplorables.’ I was talking about the people who are drawn to his racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia — you name it. The people for whom his bigotry is a feature, not a bug. It was an unfortunate choice of words and bad politics, but it also got at an important truth. Just look at everything that has happened in the years since, from Charlottesville to Jan. 6," Clinton wrote.

Hillary has doubled down on using radical left hate and fear as her primary political tools.
Hillary bragged about klansman Robert Byrd being her "mentor", not Trump, she is the racist.
Hillary has defended her pedophile rapist husband and some of Hollywood's notorious rapists such as Harvey Weinstein, democrats are the sexists.
The Republicans are opposed to gay men and transexual men trying to influence/groom other people's children, that is not "homophobia", that responsible parenting.
The Republicans are opposed to the Democratic Party's 30 million mass border invasion policy, that is not "xenophobia", that is common sense.
The Republicans are opposed to the reoccurring mass murder hate crimes by the Islamic nationalist, that is not "Islamophobia", that is common sense.
Hillary is a delusional psychopath.
Hillary is correct. Again
In what way do you imagine yourself in a position to not allow it? I love these fan fiction stories you cuck whites write because you've settled for fantasy instead of any real power. :lol:
Oh, OK. White men don't have any real power. So what are y'all griping about all the time?
What is Islamophobic?

The purpose of Islamic terrorism is to instill fear.
Why does Hillary and the Crazy Democrat Cult defend Islamic terrorism?
The Crazy Democrat Cult always get things backwards, the Islamic terrorist are not the victims of prejudice, the people whom they mass murder are the victims of prejudice.
Have you ever heard the Crazy Democrat Cult say that the people who are mass murdered by Islamic terrorists are the victims of prejudice? nope
Melania, Ivanka?

Bill was Pedo Island's #2 customer behind fellow 911 billionaire hate hoaxer "muslim" Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman

Have Melania and Ivanka deliberately lied about "other women" to protect Trump? No. Hillary did that with Paula Jones, Juanita Brodderick, Kathleen Willey, and many others telling truth about SEX PREDATOR BILL CLINTON, and Hillary knew all of them were telling the truth, and she LIED and ATTACKED THEM to ENABLE SEX PREDATOR BILL CLINTON to keep on raping and later going to Pedo Island.
"Deplorable": A person who wants to live around normal people, who pretty much look like them and share their values.
Oh, OK. White men don't have any real power. So what are y'all griping about all the time?
You don't have any power, Cuck. Some white people have power but it has nothing to do with you. You're the whites those other whites are happy to replace. :lol:

By Lindsay Kornick Fox News

Hillary Clinton now believes "deplorables" is "too kind" a word to use for a section of people who support former President Trump.

The former Democratic presidential candidate wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post Wednesday titled, "To err is human, to empathize is superhuman." In the piece, she describes her struggle to empathize with "radicalized individuals," hearkening back to her infamous "basket of deplorables" line from 2016.

Though Clinton initially apologized for her comment, now she believes it offered "an important truth" about Trump supporters.

"In 2016, I famously described half of Trump’s supporters as ‘the basket of deplorables.’ I was talking about the people who are drawn to his racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia — you name it. The people for whom his bigotry is a feature, not a bug. It was an unfortunate choice of words and bad politics, but it also got at an important truth. Just look at everything that has happened in the years since, from Charlottesville to Jan. 6," Clinton wrote.

Hillary has doubled down on using radical left hate and fear as her primary political tools.
Hillary bragged about klansman Robert Byrd being her "mentor", not Trump, she is the racist.
Hillary has defended her pedophile rapist husband and some of Hollywood's notorious rapists such as Harvey Weinstein, democrats are the sexists.
The Republicans are opposed to gay men and transexual men trying to influence/groom other people's children, that is not "homophobia", that responsible parenting.
The Republicans are opposed to the Democratic Party's 30 million mass border invasion policy, that is not "xenophobia", that is common sense.
The Republicans are opposed to the reoccurring mass murder hate crimes by the Islamic nationalist, that is not "Islamophobia", that is common sense.
Hillary is a delusional psychopath.
I feel threatened, we need to sue her!
You need a new act.
I'm just stating facts Unk. It is actually free market capitalism that is responsible for globalization and taking advantage of jobs that can be done cheaper over seas while importing a cheaper domestic workforce for the jobs that can't. I never said they were doing this for the benefit of immigrants but it sure as shit ain't for the benefit of hick whites with hopes and dreams of keeping this a majority white country.
I'm just stating facts Unk. It is actually free market capitalism that is responsible for globalization and taking advantage of jobs that can be done cheaper over seas while importing a cheaper domestic workforce for the jobs that can't. I never said they were doing this for the benefit of immigrants but it sure as shit ain't for the benefit of hick whites with hopes and dreams of keeping this a majority white country.

Tedious, obvious. Seriously, you need a new act.
She’s right. You see it on this board every day
America has all the hands taking their cut of the loaf. You did good. Prog agendas won. Instead of forming foundation you expanded into pure radicalistic stupidity. You guys want the whole loaf. Many Progs do not understand why there are failures with it. There are other issues to be sure. Of course it could be by design. Progs are frauds. Stopping police from enforcing laws as we have seen in Prog cities is not the same as removing crimes from the criminal code books. It is sleight of hand. They know the dictatorship is going to need those codes and the expansion of them.

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