Hillary doubles down on deplorables

Trump calls his opponents “vermin” and Trumpers lose their shit over being called “deplorables” by Hillary.

Trumpers call anyone they disagree with the most atrocious names, but call them “deplorable’ and they start weeping like babies.

MAGAs always the victim.

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Trump calls his opponents “vermin” and Trumpers lose their shit over being called “deplorables” by Hillary.

Trumpers call anyone they disagree with the most atrocious names, but call them “deplorable’ and they start weeping like babies.

MAGAs always the victim.

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Its called Fuck you.

Itscl a common response when dickheads call us name.

It is a common American response to assholes. Like you.
In the piece, she describes her struggle to empathize with "radicalized individuals,"
How sad that she sees herself as a "normal" person and not radicalized herself.

"In 2016, I famously described half of Trump’s supporters as ‘the basket of deplorables.’ I was talking about the people who are drawn to his racism,
Despite Trump not being a bit racist.

Because Trump is a man who actually likes women.

Because Trump does treat sexual perversions as natural choices.

Because Trump simply wants to put America first.

Despite the fact that countries like Saudi and Iran want to kill us and did 9/11?

And poor Hillary just don't get why she lost?! :auiqs.jpg:

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