German warships set to sail through Taiwan Strait

The return of U.S. global engagement under President Joe Biden and his administration’s emphasis on strengthening ties with allies and partners boosted confidence in U.S. leadership.
Well that kinda shit the bed when Biden pulled out from Afghanistan without informing our allies. They weren't very happy and now, thanks to Biden, the US's commitment to backing others is questionable.
No, we need to produce those items domestically, which Biden and Harris are taking efforts to do.
That's been going on in every prez administration since the uni party vendored out our manufacturing base for quick profits, porking labor unions in the quickly they forget.
The problem is, we are allying ourselves to a place that we don't actually recognize as a country.
Wonder why everybody tip toes around that. Wouldn't want to piss off our manufacturer of crucial products would we? Sweet how we've put ourselves into a corner, strategically, by relying on China. Whole world included.
You don't have your own opinion and wait for directives what to say or do?
OK, here's my opinion, the US Armed Forces are going to get their asses handed to them royally due to a fixation on DEI over war fighting. The internal failures at USSS are what has/is going on in every US department.
The people of Rosh and The Kings of the East unite................:highfive:
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OK, here's my opinion, the US Armed Forces are going to get their asses handed to them royally due to a fixation on DEI over war fighting. The internal failures at USSS are what has/is going on in every US department
So, what is the point of all that bullshit around Taiwan if you can do nothing? Take back your troops from the region and stop meddling in affairs of their countries.
Well that kinda shit the bed when Biden pulled out from Afghanistan without informing our allies. They weren't very happy and now, thanks to Biden, the US's commitment to backing others is questionable.

It was clearly stated in the Doha Accords (Negotiated by Trump) that we were pulling out. Our Allies knew darned well what was going on.

If you are going to engage in this level of dishonesty, there's no point talking to you.

Wonder why everybody tip toes around that. Wouldn't want to piss off our manufacturer of crucial products would we? Sweet how we've put ourselves into a corner, strategically, by relying on China. Whole world included.

Only if we needlessly antagonize China, which we shouldn't be doing. China is equally dependent on us for their economy.

OK, here's my opinion, the US Armed Forces are going to get their asses handed to them royally due to a fixation on DEI over war fighting. The internal failures at USSS are what has/is going on in every US department.

I'm sorry, the USSS didn't fail. Trump is still with us, so they did their job, just fine. Trump is better protected than the schoolkids who get killed every year by some maniac with a AR.
It was clearly stated in the Doha Accords (Negotiated by Trump) that we were pulling out. Our Allies knew darned well what was going on.
DOHA had a negotiated May 1st pullout. I'm pretty sure that didn't happen. Biden left many included in the agreement to fend for themselves.

London CNN

The sudden fall of Kabul and the Taliban’s near-total takeover of Afghanistan has left many of America’s long-standing partners wondering what will become of the values-based, US-led international order.

While President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of troops by August 31 is inevitable, the speed at which the situation descended into chaos, and the White House’s lack of contrition and flexibility has left allies spinning.

On Tuesday, Biden’s fellow G7 leaders, led by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, pressed the US President to extend that deadline in order to get foreign citizens, Afghan people who have aided allied troops and other vulnerable groups out of the country. But Biden stood firm.
As America’s allies – most notably in Europe – see it the United States is walking away, washing its hands of a crisis it played a large part in creating, and with scant regard for the problems that doing so creates elsewhere.
As one senior European official told CNN: “When America reversed course on Syria, it sparked a crisis in Europe – not the US.”\

I'm sorry, the USSS didn't fail.
They already have admitted that under oath and in public.

Don't let the facts get in your way, Joe.

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