Elon Musk Responds to Minneapolis Police Department’s First Noncitizen Officer

….”because I say so”. Like your earlier comments. You babble on about matters you know nothing about.

So no. You have no information about passing of any background check.
You are most likely shocked that citizenship is not a requirement for police work. They check your criminal and financial history. And HE passed.
You are most likely shocked that citizenship is not a requirement for police work. They check your criminal and financial history. And HE passed.
You are still commenting on matters you are too lazy to understand. Not shocking at all. Tell us how you know she, (she being named Vera), passed the background check.
So you don’t know, you’re just making fraudulent claims. How do you know Vera is a dude?
The dude Vera is a police officer now. He will not relinquish his birth citizenship. My guess he would be embarrassed to call himself an American. I had to spend some time in Germany last year and I passed myself off as a Canadian. It was just so embarrassing when people asked me what the hell is up in America.
The dude Vera is a police officer now. He will not relinquish his birth citizenship. My guess he would be embarrassed to call himself an American. I had to spend some time in Germany last year and I passed myself off as a Canadian. It was just so embarrassing when people asked me what the hell is up in America.
The non-citizen is Lesly Vera, a female. It’s been hilarious reading your complete absence of any facts related to your pointless babbling.

I am delighted a self-loathing type such as you would not represent yourself as American. I would also be embarrassed that anyone would associate you with America.
The non-citizen is Lesly Vera, a female. It’s been hilarious reading your complete absence of any facts related to your pointless babbling.

I am delighted a self-loathing type such as you would not represent yourself as American. I would also be embarrassed that anyone would associate you with America.
It was relentless. Everybody asked me why America went crazy and I couldn't answer. So I said that I'm Canadian.
She is not an illegal

While Vera is a legal, permanent U.S. resident, she’s not a citizen. But thanks to a recent change in state law, Vera was finally able to walk across the stage Thursday evening at the Minneapolis Police Department’s latest recruit graduation ceremony.

The dude Vera is a police officer now. He will not relinquish his birth citizenship. My guess he would be embarrassed to call himself an American. I had to spend some time in Germany last year and I passed myself off as a Canadian. It was just so embarrassing when people asked me what the hell is up in America.

Vera is a she, not a dude.

Speaking of being embarrassing
The dude Vera is a police officer now. He will not relinquish his birth citizenship. My guess he would be embarrassed to call himself an American. I had to spend some time in Germany last year and I passed myself off as a Canadian. It was just so embarrassing when people asked me what the hell is up in America.

Lesly Vera wanted to be a police officer for as long as she could remember. The 27-year-old was born in Mexico, came to the United States at age 4 and grew up in Minneapolis.

She followed the path that many young people take into the profession, working as a civilian community service officer while earning a law enforcement degree. But a big obstacle stood in her way.
Which is just an assumption on your part.

You know, educated, normal people use sources besides Elon Musk.

"Of the recruits is the first-ever Somali woman, Ikran Mohamed, and permanent resident, Lesly Vera, for the department."

I supppse the Dem / Leninist groupies will be flailing their Pom Poms for a non-citizen, (code for illegal alien?) being hired as a police officer.

How will “equity” be addressed when the federal firearms application, item 12c. Asks specifically about being in the US illegally?

How does an illegal alien pass a background check?

Fuck Elon Musk.

You know, educated, normal people use sources besides Elon Musk.

"Of the recruits is the first-ever Somali woman, Ikran Mohamed, and permanent resident, Lesly Vera, for the department."

That was another of your silly tirades. Educated, normal people use sources besides goofy internet trolls.

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