Firefox is screwed up. Bad update

It's not terrible. To me it was more of an interface/aesthetics update.

It's taking some getting used to but all in all it hasn't driven me away from the browser.
On every Firefox update, they screw up your settings. You just have to go in and reset them to where they were. You also have to make sure that when you install an update, you unclick the extra boxes. They always try to stick Chrome in my system, and I always unclick that part. They got me once, but Chrome seems to act like a virus and tries to incorporate itself in all your Internet functions. I don't like that, so Chrome is no longer welcome on my PC.
I am using Iceweasel, which is the unbranded Firefox. The current update for Debian Wheezy is 24.5.0. I have no such issues and never have to reset anything. It may be a Windows thing or maybe the Microsoft version, I don't know. But have you looked under view>toolbars and selected what you want displayed?

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