FIREWORKS! Rep. Jim Jordan Reveals McCabe, Strzok, Page And Ohr Family Will Be Subpoenaed (VIDEO)

Either Sessions has informed/assured the President that there are SERIOUS behind the scenes bombshells he is going to drop on the corrupt FBI leadership very soon OR Sessions is about to be replaced by Trey Gowdey.
Either way the LIBs are royally fucked!
And Crissy Matthews won't be around to spin and bullshit the FACTS anymore.
Either Sessions has informed/assured the President that there are SERIOUS behind the scenes bombshells he is going to drop on the corrupt FBI leadership very soon OR Sessions is about to be replaced by Trey Gowdey.
Either way the LIBs are royally fucked!
And Crissy Matthews won't be around to spin and bullshit the FACTS anymore.
Precisely, especially about Chrissy Tingles Matthews.

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