First Batch of Biden Emails Released

Yet you seem to believe a drug user and someone who visits prostitutes is a truthful person. So his partners were going to give him the 10 grand and he was going to give it to Joe. Well what about Joe's brother .

Show me the contract where Joe B gets a cut.

The big guy is just a scam by Hunter to get more money. This would not seem feasible to you because

you want Joe to be involved. It never occurs to you guys that Joe can rake in big money from doing

speeches and events. Just like any other prior VP or president. He probably has a government

pension as well. His wife has a good job. Kids are all grown. Hunter is a drain but what can you do.

One business partner says that Joe wasn't involved. Another says that he was involved. That's is all you just statements. The deal fell thru a year later. I wonder why with partners such as them.

Show me the money.

Which is more than Comer can achieve.

$2.5 million, mostly composed of pensions and real estate. But Biden was about to cash in. By the end of 2017, he and his wife Jill had earned $11.1 million. They raked in $4.6 million the next year, followed by $1 million in 2019 and $630,000 in 2020.

So why would he need 10,000 as a cut for some business deal with China that he was not involved in. Chump change and Trump will tell you that.

he doesn't need it as the bigger picture would be the presidency. keep your eye on the goal and ignore the distractions.
Don't worry, the border crisis has done Biden's ignant ace in... FACT.
Yet you seem to believe a drug user and someone who visits prostitutes is a truthful person. So his partners were going to give him the 10 grand and he was going to give it to Joe. Well what about Joe's brother .

Show me the contract where Joe B gets a cut.

The big guy is just a scam by Hunter to get more money. This would not seem feasible to you because

you want Joe to be involved. It never occurs to you guys that Joe can rake in big money from doing

speeches and events. Just like any other prior VP or president. He probably has a government

pension as well. His wife has a good job. Kids are all grown. Hunter is a drain but what can you do.

One business partner says that Joe wasn't involved. Another says that he was involved. That's is all you just statements. The deal fell thru a year later. I wonder why with partners such as them.

Show me the money.

Which is more than Comer can achieve.

$2.5 million, mostly composed of pensions and real estate. But Biden was about to cash in. By the end of 2017, he and his wife Jill had earned $11.1 million. They raked in $4.6 million the next year, followed by $1 million in 2019 and $630,000 in 2020.

So why would he need 10,000 as a cut for some business deal with China that he was not involved in. Chump change and Trump will tell you that.

he doesn't need it as the bigger picture would be the presidency. keep your eye on the goal and ignore the distractions.
With all due respect, Kilroy? Remember what was happening to Joe Biden at the end of Barack Obama's second term. He wasn't the person that Obama had chosen to be his successor. That honor was given to Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden was the guy that Obama told people that they shouldn't underestimate his innate ability to fuck things up! Hillary was the annointed one and she was the overwhelming favorite to win the election against Trump. So if you're Joe Biden? You're all done. Hillary's going to win the Presidency and she's probably going to serve two terms. You're an old man who's time has come and gone. So why not cash in on the way out? Why not take millions from China, Russia, Ukraine and the rest? It was going to be his last chance to take care of his idiot son Hunter...might as well make the best of it. What was happening back then wasn't "chump change" it was cashing in where ever and when ever possible.
With all due respect, Kilroy? Remember what was happening to Joe Biden at the end of Barack Obama's second term. He wasn't the person that Obama had chosen to be his successor. That honor was given to Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden was the guy that Obama told people that they shouldn't underestimate his innate ability to fuck things up! Hillary was the annointed one and she was the overwhelming favorite to win the election against Trump. So if you're Joe Biden? You're all done. Hillary's going to win the Presidency and she's probably going to serve two terms. You're an old man who's time has come and gone. So why not cash in on the way out? Why not take millions from China, Russia, Ukraine and the rest? It was going to be his last chance to take care of his idiot son Hunter...might as well make the best of it. What was happening back then wasn't "chump change" it was cashing in where ever and when ever possible.

Good points. We’ve seen that Biden is merely a placeholder president. His title is in name-only. Democrats spent decades brushing off his plagiarism and offered excuses about his lying. They indulged his "gaffes" and still they hand-wave off alarm for his slurred speech, public confusion and obvious signs of senility.

The pretend president is a literal disgrace to the office, the nation and its citizens. Constrained by his low IQ, lack of imagination and his glaring incompetence, he has morphed into a malicious figure who is aging poorly and suffering from mental health infirmities.
Where does it say the “Big Guy” is Biden?

(the author of that email stated that Biden wasn’t involved)

I’ll wait.
I do recognize that a small mind such as yours cannot draw conclusions. All of the evidence however points to Biden as being a benefactor for the 50 million that was dispersed. We will see as the impeachment hearings progress and bank accounts are examined. It doesn't look good for Biden however. What a corrupt son of a bitch, also traitorous and treasonous. What does that make you?
Where does it say the “Big Guy” is Biden?

(the author of that email stated that Biden wasn’t involved)

I’ll wait.
Tony Bobulinski, the business partner of Hunter Biden said the Big Guy was Joe Biden.
It's coming boy.

Here is the problem with that, the evidence does not exist.

Email dump as a bust

The Whistle Blower was Chinese Agent.

There is no evidence wrong doing by Mr. Biden.

Comer has yet find any credible evidence of Mr. Biden taking bribes.

It just ain't there
Here is the problem with that, the evidence does not exist.

Email dump as a bust

The Whistle Blower was Chinese Agent.

There is no evidence wrong doing by Mr. Biden.

Comer has yet find any credible evidence of Mr. Biden taking bribes.

It just ain't there
Biden is the kingpin and, as with crime syndicates, 'the big guy' never gets his hands dirty. Biden's own brother told Bobulinski that Joe has 'plausible deniability' when Bobulinski asked how they were getting away with their scam.
Where does it say the “Big Guy” is Biden?

(the author of that email stated that Biden wasn’t involved)

I’ll wait.
Hunter's former business partner Tony Bobulinski said quite clearly that the "Big Guy" was Joe Biden, Coyote! Be honest for once...who else would it be? The others that were getting money were named...the only one with a Code Name is that one guy that everyone was warned never to talk about.

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