First Batch of Biden Emails Released

Befuddled Trump Can't Figure Out Which Bush Did What In Bizarre Rant.

Donald Trump on Monday confused former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with either his brother, former President George W. Bush, or father, former President George H.W. Bush.

During a campaign stop in South Carolina, Trump reminisced about defeating Jeb Bush for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

Trump is correct in that Bush was considered the favorite for the Republican nomination in 2015, with an early lead in the polls and a $100 million war chest. But his campaign flatlined, early and he was out of the race in February 2016.

P01135809 boasted he "had the best memory".....but cannot even which got our country involved in idiotic invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq.
Why blame Trump when the confusion of incest is involved?
You are nothing is not consistant.

You're very seldom if ever right (never really) and that so consistant.

Bettr luck next time
It's expected that right wing snowflakes would fabricate more nonsense to cry over
Without some viable rightwing this country would already
be a Prime example of a Banana Republic.All that would be missing would
be streets littered with Banana Peels.Or like the fabulous 60's movie
- The Fortune Cookie - { 1966 } first teaming of Jack Lemmon and
Walter Matthau in B & W. One of Billy Wilder's best use of his
quirkiness within dialogue.Ex. " this guy { Willie Gingrich } is so
full of gimmicks and twists ; he starts to describe a donut and it
comes out a pretzel. "
{ to kids making too much noise in the hospital }
Actually breezing down hallways on a skateboard }
" Why don't you kids go play on the freeway ".
Willie Gingrich { Walter Matthau }
Why blame Trump when the confusion of incest is involved?
There are many different words to describe that condition.
Or words describing blaming others.
Since to my knowledge very few Otters are interested in
that kinda game.Or the Blaming others game.
With all due respect, Kilroy? Remember what was happening to Joe Biden at the end of Barack Obama's second term. He wasn't the person that Obama had chosen to be his successor. That honor was given to Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden was the guy that Obama told people that they shouldn't underestimate his innate ability to fuck things up! Hillary was the annointed one and she was the overwhelming favorite to win the election against Trump. So if you're Joe Biden? You're all done. Hillary's going to win the Presidency and she's probably going to serve two terms. You're an old man who's time has come and gone. So why not cash in on the way out? Why not take millions from China, Russia, Ukraine and the rest? It was going to be his last chance to take care of his idiot son Hunter...might as well make the best of it. What was happening back then wasn't "chump change" it was cashing in where ever and when ever possible.
Absolute outstanding read on past and current events. Now the knucklehead is trying to lock arms with the union striker's against their companies, in which IMO is probably against a law somewhere in the constitution or elsewhere. The guy has no gate that he won't breach, even if it's against the law.
Absolute outstanding read on past and current events. Now the knucklehead is trying to lock arms with the union striker's against their companies, in which IMO is probably against a law somewhere in the constitution or elsewhere. The guy has no gate that he won't breach, even if it's against the law.
Yes. Incestuous.
With all due respect, Kilroy? Republican repeated the same story for the past 7 years
Remember what was happening to Joe Biden at the end of Barack Obama's second term. He wasn't the person that Obama had chosen to be his successor. That honor was given to Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden was the guy that Obama told people that they shouldn't underestimate his innate ability to fuck things up! Hillary was the annointed one and she was the overwhelming favorite to win the election against Trump. So if you're Joe Biden? You're all done. Hillary's going to win the Presidency and she's probably going to serve two terms. You're an old man who's time has come and gone. So why not cash in on the way out? Why not take millions from China, Russia, Ukraine and the rest? It was going to be his last chance to take care of his idiot son Hunter...might as well make the best of it. What was happening back then wasn't "chump change" it was cashing in where ever and when ever possible.
Well with all due respect , Oldestyle?

This is nothing but a rehash that Obama never endorsed Biden by republicans to show that Obama didn't respect him.

Polls showed Biden at about 9% and Hillary was in the high 30's

Biden didn't jump into the race and waited until Oct 2015 to decide not to run. His son had just died. Also Obama had already endorsed Clinton as Biden had not decided to run.

So that is the main reason Obama didn't endorse Biden. he had already endorsed Clinton and could not change that.

Hillary was ahead in most polls as the democratic nominee. She lost. Biden would have won.

He did win against an incumbent president in the next election.

I guess Hillary was not interested in VP status , but Biden did choose a woman as his VP

Bottom line when Joe ran for president, Obama did endorse him.

You do not choose a VP whom you do not have faith in as he is a heartbeat away from being president.

Biden was put in charge of many of Obama initiatives as president. He present Biden with the President medal of honor.

Obama did endorse Biden in the next election.
George W. Bush appointed him to the AmTrak board. He was pulling down millions of dollars before his Dad became Vice President. In fact, he had to give up a very lucrative lobbying gig in Washington to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

By 1998, Hunter Biden had risen to the rank of executive vice president at MBNA.[18] Biden departed from MBNA in 1998. He then served at the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on eCommerce policy for President Bill Clinton's administration.[30] Biden then became a lobbyist, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair.[31] According to Adam Entous of The New Yorker, Biden and his father established a relationship in which "Biden wouldn't ask Hunter about his lobbying clients, and Hunter wouldn't tell his father about them."[18]

Hunter Biden was appointed to a five-year term on the board of directors of Amtrak by President George W. Bush in 2006.[32] Biden was the board's vice chairman from July 2006 until 2009, was replaced as vice chairman in January 2010,[33], and resigned from the board in February [34] shortly after his father became vice president. Biden said during his father's vice-presidential campaign that it was time for his lobbying activities to end.[18]
In 2006, Biden and his uncle, James Biden, purchased international hedge fund Paradigm Global Advisors; they began to dissolve the company in 2010.[35] In September 2008, Biden founded a consultancy company named Seneca Global Advisors that offered to help companies expand into foreign markets.[36] Biden was a partner in investment vehicles that included the name "Seneca" to denote his participation.[37] In 2009, he, Devon Archer, and Christopher Heinz founded the investment and advisory firm Rosemont Seneca Partners.[31] He also co-founded venture capital firm Eudora Global.[26] He held the position of counsel in the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP in 2014.[18] Biden was on the board of directors of World Food Program USA, a 501(c)(3) charity based in Washington, D.C., that supports the work of the UN World Food Programme from 2011 to 2017; he served as board chairman from 2011 to 2015.[38] While an unpaid chair of World Food Program USA, Hunter Biden helped increase funding 60 percent in five years - to more than $2 billion.[39]

Frankly, sounds like the kind of guy I would hire if I wanted to get stuff done.
Oh really now, so maybe George W. Bush needs to be brought in for questioning for investigative reasoning or maybe he should get a look see at for his dealings, otherwise if they included the likes of a Hunter Biden in the mix.... Once the full inquiry investigation goes is into full swing, and it boldly goes to see where a Biden has gone before.
Oh really now, so maybe George W. Bush needs to be brought in for questioning for investigative reasoning or maybe he should get a look see at for his dealings, otherwise if they included the likes of a Hunter Biden in the mix.... Once the full inquiry investigation goes is into full swing, and it boldly goes to see where a Biden has gone before.
A slowly-walked Biden investigation ironically may not even need the one being investigated to be successful: the father. The son holds much potential for changing the vote in 2024.
You mean other than all the contracts they signed with foreign corporations?

Just because you don't understand it, Chatbot, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

You’re having a hard time with critical thinking, Chatbot. But, that’s not a surprise.

With regard to Burisma, your silly slogans about “consultancy and corporate governance services” becomes a laughable joke. Hunter Biden had no qualifications for the position he filled. He was simply a “brand” sales-buffoon for access to the Big Guy.
That's nice, where's your evidence?
They provided consultancy and corporate governance services. Frankly, I've always wondered about consultants, but they are big business because companies often don't trust their own people.
Let me get this think that Hunter Biden was providing "consultancy and corporate governance services" to Burisma? How exactly? He knew nothing about the energy sector...knew nothing about Ukraine and seldom even visited the country or Burisma's headquarters.
Here's a clue, Joe! When someone starts coming up with obscure titles like a corporate governance services consultant...they're hiding the fact that it's all BULLSHIT! Hunter Biden wasn't a consultant to Burisma...he was the bag man for the Biden family's influence peddling scam!
Where does it say the “Big Guy” is Biden?

(the author of that email stated that Biden wasn’t involved)

I’ll wait.
In their heads. I keep saying it and saying it:

They don't remember what is made up and what isn't. They hear something and say something enough, and it becomes ingrained as fact.
George W. Bush appointed him to the AmTrak board. He was pulling down millions of dollars before his Dad became Vice President. In fact, he had to give up a very lucrative lobbying gig in Washington to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

By 1998, Hunter Biden had risen to the rank of executive vice president at MBNA.[18] Biden departed from MBNA in 1998. He then served at the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on eCommerce policy for President Bill Clinton's administration.[30] Biden then became a lobbyist, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair.[31] According to Adam Entous of The New Yorker, Biden and his father established a relationship in which "Biden wouldn't ask Hunter about his lobbying clients, and Hunter wouldn't tell his father about them."[18]

Hunter Biden was appointed to a five-year term on the board of directors of Amtrak by President George W. Bush in 2006.[32] Biden was the board's vice chairman from July 2006 until 2009, was replaced as vice chairman in January 2010,[33], and resigned from the board in February [34] shortly after his father became vice president. Biden said during his father's vice-presidential campaign that it was time for his lobbying activities to end.[18]
In 2006, Biden and his uncle, James Biden, purchased international hedge fund Paradigm Global Advisors; they began to dissolve the company in 2010.[35] In September 2008, Biden founded a consultancy company named Seneca Global Advisors that offered to help companies expand into foreign markets.[36] Biden was a partner in investment vehicles that included the name "Seneca" to denote his participation.[37] In 2009, he, Devon Archer, and Christopher Heinz founded the investment and advisory firm Rosemont Seneca Partners.[31] He also co-founded venture capital firm Eudora Global.[26] He held the position of counsel in the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP in 2014.[18] Biden was on the board of directors of World Food Program USA, a 501(c)(3) charity based in Washington, D.C., that supports the work of the UN World Food Programme from 2011 to 2017; he served as board chairman from 2011 to 2015.[38] While an unpaid chair of World Food Program USA, Hunter Biden helped increase funding 60 percent in five years - to more than $2 billion.[39]

Frankly, sounds like the kind of guy I would hire if I wanted to get stuff done.
Hunter was exploiting his father's influence as a long time Senator with great clout in both Washington and in Delaware. The millions that you say he made BEFORE Joe became Vice President? He only made that money because of who his dad was and that goes all the way back to when he came out of college! Hunter wasted no time at all using the power of his father to enrich himself.
That isn't going to happen. The banks will say no, and the judge will side with the banks.
If that is actually what happens then our system is so corrupt and broken your grandchildren will truly suffer. If they do look at Biden's bank records the shock waves will be tremendous.
Absolute outstanding read on past and current events. Now the knucklehead is trying to lock arms with the union striker's against their companies, in which IMO is probably against a law somewhere in the constitution or elsewhere. The guy has no gate that he won't breach, even if it's against the law.
Biden is trying desperately to shore up support among unions...if he loses them he's toast and just a few days ago the head of the UAW pretty much told Biden that he was on really thin ice with them. The push by this White House to go to all EV's is going to create layoffs to auto workers and they're not happy about it.

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