First Batch of Biden Emails Released

What a silly lie.

And you don't have any good cause, sorry. Fantasies and innuendo are not going to win over a judge.
Looks like you're the one lying here. There is plenty of good cause, certainly plenty of money flowing into the Biden bank accounts for ?. A bunch of it just today into the Biden household from China. Do you have skin in that game or are you just stupid?
Come on, Kilroy! You don't tell people not to underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up if you really want to see him in the White House! Obama never respected Biden. He was just there to help him get elected. You choose your Vice President because of what he brings to the table in a campaign. For a Junior Senator running for President...having a long time Washington insider like Biden as your running mate calms people's worries about you not having enough experience to be President. That's the only reason Biden was on the ticket.
Oldestyle, would you believe that Obama would public state just the opposite of what you believe?

Endorsement is pretty high praise

Obama also awarded him the medal of freedom

I can go on but you get it. Obama has praised Biden numerous times.

Meanwhile the Trump (formally know as the Grinch) has turned on his VP.

Let see Trump praises Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-Un. I bet he couldn't pronounce Xi on the first try. They call him Mr. X

Gee sounds like time for Best Bro's Road Trip. See the world. Either one of the above would love for Trump to visit.

Trump knows a lot of secrets. If I was Trump , I would go. No way would they torture a buddy.

Just get him drunk and have plenty of woman. May be a shot of truth serum. Well truth serum might not work on Trump.
Oldestyle, would you believe that Obama would public state just the opposite of what you believe?

Endorsement is pretty high praise

Obama also awarded him the medal of freedom

I can go on but you get it. Obama has praised Biden numerous times.

Meanwhile the Trump (formally know as the Grinch) has turned on his VP.

Let see Trump praises Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-Un. I bet he couldn't pronounce Xi on the first try. They call him Mr. X

Gee sounds like time for Best Bro's Road Trip. See the world. Either one of the above would love for Trump to visit.

Trump knows a lot of secrets. If I was Trump , I would go. No way would they torture a buddy.

Just get him drunk and have plenty of woman. May be a shot of truth serum. Well truth serum might not work on Trump.
Well aren't you the naive one! What Barack Obama said in private was what he really thought...what he said in public was because he had no choice. Joe Biden was the Democrat nominee. Obama HAD to endorse him! Let's be honest...when it comes to Joe Biden? Barry was spot on. Everything Joe Biden touches turns to shit.
Oldestyle, would you believe that Obama would public state just the opposite of what you believe?

Endorsement is pretty high praise

Obama also awarded him the medal of freedom

I can go on but you get it. Obama has praised Biden numerous times.

Meanwhile the Trump (formally know as the Grinch) has turned on his VP.

Let see Trump praises Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-Un. I bet he couldn't pronounce Xi on the first try. They call him Mr. X

Gee sounds like time for Best Bro's Road Trip. See the world. Either one of the above would love for Trump to visit.

Trump knows a lot of secrets. If I was Trump , I would go. No way would they torture a buddy.

Just get him drunk and have plenty of woman. May be a shot of truth serum. Well truth serum might not work on Trump.
And calling Joe Biden the best Vice President we've ever had when he was the most corrupt politician we've had in Washington in decades borders on farce.
When Calista Gingrich started having an affair with Newt she was the Chief Clerk at the House Committee on Agriculture, you buffoon! She was NOT a lobbyist! You can't even smear someone without looking like an idiot!
That makes it better, somehow? He was fucking a staffer while married, but he was going to impeach Clinton for an affair?

Oh, and Joey? That Reuters article written shortly before the election simply points out how the main stream media was willing to lie for the Bidens! Hunter Biden wasn't some huge asset to Burisma's day to day operations as those laughably poor journalists wanted the world to believe...he was a full blown crack addict who knew nothing about the energy sector or Ukraine and was held in such low regard by the CEO of Burisma that he told people that his DOG was smarter than Hunter! Care to try again? The coauthors of that article should be ashamed of themselves for publishing such blatant propaganda!

Uh, do you have tape of the CEO of Burisma saying that? No, you have an unnamed source who says he said that.

Again, if Hunter was so untalented, why did so many people want to hire him, INCLUDING REPUBLICANS.
That makes it better, somehow? He was fucking a staffer while married, but he was going to impeach Clinton for an affair?

Uh, do you have tape of the CEO of Burisma saying that? No, you have an unnamed source who says he said that.

Again, if Hunter was so untalented, why did so many people want to hire him, INCLUDING REPUBLICANS
That makes it better, somehow? He was fucking a staffer while married, but he was going to impeach Clinton for an affair?

Uh, do you have tape of the CEO of Burisma saying that? No, you have an unnamed source who says he said that.

Again, if Hunter was so untalented, why did so many people want to hire him, INCLUDING REPUBLICANS.
Let's recap! You claimed Calista was a lobbyist. She wasn't. Then you claimed she was on Newt Gingrich's staff? She wasn't. Why do you attempt these analogies when you obviously know nothing about the subject.

As for why Bill Clinton was impeached? He wasn't impeached for having an affair...he was impeached for lying under oath to Congress.

Republicans wanted to hire Hunter? LOL You keep shoveling your bullshit against the barn hoping something will stick, Joey! People who wanted to buy Joe Biden's influence are the people who hired Hunter and it's been going on for decades.
That makes it better, somehow? He was fucking a staffer while married, but he was going to impeach Clinton for an affair?

Uh, do you have tape of the CEO of Burisma saying that? No, you have an unnamed source who says he said that.

Again, if Hunter was so untalented, why did so many people want to hire him, INCLUDING REPUBLICANS.
The source of the report about what the Burisma CEO thought of Hunter Biden is from an FBI's FD-1023 document that the DOJ redacted to hide from the American people.
That makes it better, somehow? He was fucking a staffer while married, but he was going to impeach Clinton for an affair?

Uh, do you have tape of the CEO of Burisma saying that? No, you have an unnamed source who says he said that.

Again, if Hunter was so untalented, why did so many people want to hire him, INCLUDING REPUBLICANS.
Influence peddling. It's a crucial mistake to get amnesia about the Mary Guttieri (Metabiota) email to Hunter Biden. Pozharsky himself makes this connection in his email. duh
Dude, I don't know anything about bio labs in Ukraine nor did I make an accusation about anything other than your rather pathetic attempt to divert attention from the biggest influence peddling scandal in US history! The Washington Post? Why would any rational person buy any of the shit they pedal?
We will soon be forced to post your dismissal of the Metabiota-Burisma assemblage. Stay tuned for your ego death.
Looks like you're the one lying here. There is plenty of good cause, certainly plenty of money flowing into the Biden bank accounts for ?. A bunch of it just today into the Biden household from China. Do you have skin in that game or are you just stupid?

The Biden bank accounts isn't something you can indict in a court of law. Which Biden? You do understand it isn't illegal for people with the last name Biden to earn a living even when Joe Biden is President or Vice President, correct? Even if they earn a living doing business in China. When you have something on Joe Biden let us know.

The Biden bank accounts isn't something you can indict in a court of law. Which Biden? You do understand it isn't illegal for people with the last name Biden to earn a living even when Joe Biden is President or Vice President, correct? Even if they earn a living doing business in China. When you have something on Joe Biden let us know. call influence peddling "earning a living", Curried? Of course it's illegal!
My ego is alive and well, Sparky! It's your rather pathetic attempt at diversion that's on life support!
So for the other readers, here is Oldstyle's ego death as it happened:

After mentioning the fact of the Metabiota-Burisma assemblage, the reaction came @ post #151

The coup-de-grace occurred at post #168:
Hunter should go to jail. We need to impeach Hunter's father. Without Joe none of the influence peddling happens.

I'm curious, Fort...if 9 different members of YOUR family took in millions of dollars? Do you think you'd not know about it? Come know that's been bullshit right from the start. Joe Biden tells us he's all about family? Well if you're all about family and they're awash in cash all of a sudden? Don't you think you'd know about it?
Please stop it, you make way to much common sense... 😂
Ego death? LOL What are you babbling about? I haven't made a "claim" about Metabiota one way or the other! I don't know anything about them and quite frankly I could care less about them. You obviously think you can divert this string into a debate about Metabiota. Good luck with that.
Diversion is right... 👍
Diversion is right... 👍
Anything but a diversion. The answer can either be true or false: Did Hunter Biden introduce Metabiota to Burisma.? The emails confirm a yes answer, as we've already shown. The next thing for the prisoners to ponder is the anthrax link to Metabiota's Mary Guttieri, who wrote to Hunter Biden. She worked at Ft. Detrick, one of three suspected locations for the origin of the anthrax attack.

Next, prisoners have the choice of dismissing Guttieri's link to Dr. Robert Garry: they both hold the same patent. That patent is the Crimea link. Good luck.

We have linked Hunter Biden emails to Ukraine even though this thread is supposed to be about the father. duh
Oh, and Joey? That Reuters article written shortly before the election simply points out how the main stream media was willing to lie for the Bidens! Hunter Biden wasn't some huge asset to Burisma's day to day operations as those laughably poor journalists wanted the world to believe...he was a full blown crack addict who knew nothing about the energy sector or Ukraine and was held in such low regard by the CEO of Burisma that he told people that his DOG was smarter than Hunter! Care to try again? The coauthors of that article should be ashamed of themselves for publishing such blatant propaganda!
The real scary thing is that Biden is in full fledged unconditional support of Ukraine regardless of what the Americans think, and this is because the Democrat's have made the Russians out to be the world's worst enemy ever (even though they are a modern day society just like many other modern day societies are in 2023).

Now let me think back here for a second, oh that's right, wasn't Russia the victim of a scam being run by the Democrat's, otherwise where they were basically using a Russia, Russia, Russia collusion hoax in a false lying way, and it was all in order to oust Donald Trump before he became President, and then before he might become it twice ????

Then they adopted this catch phrase "Russian disinformation", in which they attempted to use in a cover up for the Hunter lap top from HELL, so it makes one wonder what the parallel timelines were when Russia finally decided that it was time to go into Ukraine to (decapitate?) it's leadership, and make it friendly towards Russia again.......

Now was it then that Biden and his allies figured that they weren't having any of Russia breaching the borders of Ukraine, although we had all these lies in play about the Russians before hand ???

Did they (the Democrat's ),decide to double down on Russia being the world's worst enemy that had to be pushed back in order to hide something maybe ??? Is this a summary or synopsis in which most people believe in, otherwise in all of this mess it believes in to date ???

The big picture is scary, because if we were in the wrong when accusing Russia by falsely lying on them or accusing them of crimes by connection that it had nothing to do with, otherwise being that it was all a ruse in order to keep Trump out of the office of the presidency in both elections, then have we unleashed a roaring tiger over in Europe in our midst ??

If so, then the only way out is to take care of business here by showing that we are able to render justice where justice is due, and this by way of our legal processes..... It has to be done (if crimes were committed by us), before someone else in the world tries to render some kind of justice upon us next.

I hope that the political parties, and this nation, the CIA, the Pentagon along with Homeland security are hopefully monitoring the situation in the right ways, and hopefully they will not stand and let a compromised bumbling old man cause this nation anymore pain and suffering or worse degrade our national security any farther than it already has been degraded.

Time to impeach Biden and clear out the deep state.
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Oldestyle, would you believe that Obama would public state just the opposite of what you believe?

Endorsement is pretty high praise

Obama also awarded him the medal of freedom

I can go on but you get it. Obama has praised Biden numerous times.

Meanwhile the Trump (formally know as the Grinch) has turned on his VP.

Let see Trump praises Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-Un. I bet he couldn't pronounce Xi on the first try. They call him Mr. X

Gee sounds like time for Best Bro's Road Trip. See the world. Either one of the above would love for Trump to visit.

Trump knows a lot of secrets. If I was Trump , I would go. No way would they torture a buddy.

Just get him drunk and have plenty of woman. May be a shot of truth serum. Well truth serum might not work on Trump.
Doubling down on Democrat lies I see.

First Batch of Biden Emails​

First Batch of Biden Emails Undercuts G.O.P. Claims​

House Republicans have suggested that President Biden used an email alias to abuse his office and cover it up, but an initial tranche of the messages reveals banal content and personal information.





More than second hand smoke?

I wonder what this will all show. Many outrageous clams have been made -- par for the course, but like most claims against President Biden, will it all amount to less than zero?

We shall see.


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