First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

What it makes them is less educated you simpleton. And no, I'm not interested in whatever cosplaying fantasy hero you imagine yourself to be. You want to impress me make a rational argument.
Really? So a plumber with 30 yrs experience is less “educated” than some dingbat with a sociology degree from NoName U? Got it.

Your idiocy never ceases to amaze me. VA is what the rest of the country will look like on Nov 8 2022 because the Democratic Party has moved too far left. Idiot goat f*ucker.
You should probably stop thinking you know things about people's children

You look ridiculous
Unlike you clowns I don't talk out of ignorance. I've seen those reports and studies as well. American children are far more likely to be progressive, have friends who are gay or non binary, and far less likely than previous generations to believe in religious fairytales.
Unlike you clowns I don't talk out of ignorance. I've seen those reports and studies as well. American children are far more likely to be progressive, have friends who are gay or non binary, and far less likely than previous generations to believe in religious fairytales.

Our oldest children would roll their eyes at your it left tard
I'm talking objective measurements.


What horseshit. You are TOTALLY full of shit.

Your bullshit might work on dumbass partisan Trump lovers, but it won't work on REAL PEOPLE. And there's way more of us than there are of you.

No, you've proven you're simply too stupid to understand. No one hates gays. This isn't about gays. I didn't name the fucking bill, YOU did asshole.

And fuck you AGAIN for diverting from the children AGAIN. Your priorities are all wrong. Your value system is completely fucked up. You think you can brainwash children with your leftist values? You fuckers burned out 65 cities last summer, you don't have a moral leg to stand on.

Fuck you. Progtards are assholes, and now they're going to be broke assholes.
Really? So a plumber with 30 yrs experience is less “educated” than some dingbat with a sociology degree from NoNamefairytale.
Less educated in sociology, absolutely.
Your idiocy never ceases to amaze me. VA is what the rest of the country will look like on Nov 8 2022 because the Democratic Party has moved too far left. Idiot goat f*ucker.
Bragging that the former Capitol of the Confederate South is a battle ground State isn't exactly impressive. If you do win the Senate and the House back it won't be because more people voted for your party, the Democratic Party has won the popular vote since 2004. It will be mostly due to gerrymandering and the structure of government. For instance California's population is 68% larger than Wyoming's but they both receive 2 Senate seats. It doesn't matter if all the Democrats who vote in California out number all the Republican voters in every mid western Republican state they will gain more Senate seats than California's 2. Now this isn't me lamenting the structure of government, it's me explaining to you that winning back Congress isn't evidence of the popularity of your idea among the American population as a whole.

What horseshit. You are TOTALLY full of shit.

Your bullshit might work on dumbass partisan Trump lovers, but it won't work on REAL PEOPLE. And there's way more of us than there are of you.
Everyone is a real person you clown. They don't stop being real people because they don't agree with you. 😄
No, you've proven you're simply too stupid to understand. No one hates gays. This isn't about gays. I didn't name the fucking bill, YOU did asshole.
It was named after what it does and you can't hide that bigotry.
And fuck you AGAIN for diverting from the children AGAIN. Your priorities are all wrong. Your value system is completely fucked up. You think you can brainwash children with your leftist values? You fuckers burned out 65 cities last summer, you don't have a moral leg to stand on.
What's wrong with burning shit down when the government acts tyrannical? We're just following the example of the Boston Tea Party. (The original, not the remix) 😄
Fuck you. Progtards are assholes, and now they're going to be broke assholes.
Still very unlikely. Soros has deep pockets. 😄
There is “ GIVING KNOWLEDGE” and there is telling them ‘ WHAT TO THINK” they not think on their own they are not thinking they are being told what to do think just like MSM tells the population what to think.
So then...
You're afraid the hate you feel might be contradicted by telling kids that these people exist and are just people?

EXACTLY the reason this is needed.
So how does the imposition of your morality, such as it is, on others via the government in violation of natural and constitutional law help anyone?
You mean by teaching children not to hate people just because they are different?

Gee, I wonder how that would help?
You're about one comment from ignore. Nobody has time for your shit, boy
You do whatever you feel you have to Princess. It's not all that surprising to me the number of you who don't have the emotional fortitude for a simple exchange of ideas. The number of you who have to run and hide from ideas you obviously and hilariously find distressing. It's a big reason this bill exists in the first place. You want to try and legislate away the gay but that message is out there. It's in media and the Internet. It's a genie that's never going back in the bottle and boulder rolling down a hill. If this legislation prevents teachers from leading on the message of inclusivity and thats its ok to be gay then the students will pick that baton up and run with it and you won't be able to sue them. They'll organize like they do for climate change and sensible gun regulation and peer pressure your children in to acting right. Hide from my comments if you need to but as you watch everything I predict happen you'll realize you can't hide from reality. This softness though is just another example that you clowns don't have what it takes to win the culture wars. You can't hide and win you pussies, you're going to need a strategy for countering all the progress we've already made. Do you think you can eliminate gay marriage? Get the mainstream media to stop promoting gay lifestyles as normal? I certainly don't see it. These are last ditch efforts rather than moves in some grand strategy. Your deplorable culture is running on fumes. 😄
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You do whatever you feel you have to Princess. It's not all that surprising to me the number of you who don't have the emotional fortitude for a simple exchange of ideas. The number of you who have to run and hide from ideas you obviously and hilariously find distressing. It's a big reason this bill exists in the first place. You want to try and legislate away the gay but that message is out there. It's in media and the Internet. It's a genie that's never going back in the bottle and boulder rolling down a hill. If this legislation prevents teachers from leading on the message of inclusivity and thats its ok to be gay then the students will pick that baton up and run with it and you won't be able to sue them. They'll organize like they do for climate change and sensible gun regulation and peer pressure your children to acting right. Hide from comments if you need to but as you watch everything I predict happen you'll realize you can't hide from reality.

Have it your way, shitstain. By the way I didn't read your rant either. Unimportant jackass

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