First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

It’s not her place to define “woman” in a hearing about her becoming a justice. As a judge she will face cases involving trans issues where the rights and definitions of what a woman is will be argued. Making a declaratory statement about what that is wouldnt have been appropriate. Besides it was an obvious gotchya question looking for a sound bite to go on Fox News and chew on
I agree. She's a leftist political activist. We're supposed to appoint Constitutional Jurists to the Supreme Court.
You're a leftist political activist. Not the same as a "teacher". More like an indoctrinator.
Haha, thank you for telling me who I am. I have jackass 1 telling me I’m a teacher and failed business owner and now I have jackass 2 telling me I’m a leftist political activist. This board is so enlightening!!!
So now Supreme Court Justices will rule on the definition of what a woman is. That's activism, not Constitutional law.
Huh? Don’t put words in my mouth. Justices should rule based on the substance of the arguments presented and how they apply to our constitution and established laws
Huh? Don’t put words in my mouth. Justices should rule based on the substance of the arguments presented and how they apply to our constitution and established laws
Yes, I agree. However, sometimes they don't. The Supreme Court changed the definition of marriage and marriage is not even mentioned in the Constitution. See why definitions are important?
Yes, I agree. However, sometimes they don't. The Supreme Court changed the definition of marriage and marriage is not even mentioned in the Constitution. See why definitions are important?
Marriage has a legal definition so it can be revised legally. What a woman is or when a fetus is considered an independent living being is not a simple legal definition. There are biological factors and there’s a lot of debate around those subjects
Marriage has a legal definition so it can be revised legally. What a woman is or when a fetus is considered an independent living being is not a simple legal definition. There are biological factors and there’s a lot of debate around those subjects
Yes, marriage has a legal definition, but the Constitution doesn't deal with marriage laws, states do. See what I mean?

The psychological damage done to these kids is unbelievable. These children will suffer from issues they noramlly wouldn’t have. But , because society has to live off a gov. telling them how to function on a daily basis people can’t figure out reality all on their own. Those who do know and inform well the leftist get scared and freak out then atack those who have correct information it’s how their fear factor works “ attack”. As they try to say the right is violent LOL………

You loons have no idea what information you lack and the lives it’s costing society all because of your stupidy.
This information is being kept from the public thi sis partly why sheep can’t figure it out yet when all they have to do
is research the information it’s really not that hard.
Weird that the article and other right wing sites used the word ALLEGED. It says alleged lesson plan.

So is it allegedly a lesson plan or was it a real lesson plan by the school district????

FYI ....Teachers don't create curriculum such as this, if it is a real school curriculum plan for that district.... The board of education does create it, if it is real and not alleged.

THE articles I read said nothing of being a Demoratic plan, but they do allege it is far left wing.
Yes, marriage has a legal definition, but the Constitution doesn't deal with marriage laws, states do. See what I mean?
Yup and if states have conflicts then cases can be held in SCOTUS which is why it is best for the judges remain objective
Yup and if states have conflicts then cases can be held in SCOTUS which is why it is best for the judges remain objective
The states let the people decide and some passed same-sex marriage and some didn't, but that wasn't good enough for the left, so they went to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court overstepped their authority. IMHO.
Everyone is a real person you clown. They don't stop being real people because they don't agree with you. 😄

It was named after what it does and you can't hide that bigotry.

What's wrong with burning shit down when the government acts tyrannical? We're just following the example of the Boston Tea Party. (The original, not the remix) 😄

Still very unlikely. Soros has deep pockets. 😄
Here you have it folks. ^^^

A prog in his own words.

They speak for themselves, don't they?

I don't even care about elections in the short term. The cultural and demographic shifts occurring in this country are infinitely more important than who wins the midterms.

So guess what?

I just spent the day organizing parents.

And I'm going to do it again, and again, and again.

All year long.

So by the time November rolls around, we'll see what's what.
I think you over estimate the ability of today's first graders to read.
Nice irrelevant AND untrue deflection. My first grader can probably read and understand better than you. For the few that can't, the teachers are forced to read this garbage to them. Try again, moron.
I read it… it was a good one! What’s with all the emotional outbursts. Can’t you just have a rational debate?
No retard, his pile of shit was just that. A pile of shit. You don’t get to teach other people’s kids that mentally disturbed behavior is “normal” when it certainly is not. Parents tend to get emotional when you mess with their kids. Step over the line and get put in your place.

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