First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

Homeschooling and parents looking at charter schools is already on the rise and this won’t help stem the tide. If this keeps up, a lot of teachers will be looking for work.
Then we'll hear more "systemic racism" bullshit because the public school funding, being tied to attendance, will be reduced resulting in a lower standard of public education. This, of course, is right in line with the democrat/globalist narrative of equity worldwide. They don't promote excellence--only universal mediocrity and control.
How can America become more free again when religion and politics forbid school teachers from speaking the truth?

I think that together here we have been able to nail down two of the main reasons why America is now so far down the list on freedoms!

Is it still necessary to invent the Stork for children under the age of 6, as an explanation on where babies come from.

Sexual relations isn't dirty and most importantly, children don't interpret it as dirty.
You aren't an American, duck. Stay in Canada and out of our domestic affairs. Does Canada teach your kids that they are not male or female? Nope! Why are you trying to promote it in the US and not in Canada. The answer is obvious, you CCP commie POS.
Children respond strongly to attention and the adults in this child's life (he drag queen boy) has let so many children down or children like this boy.
He is playing a role to please mommy or daddy.
It seems to me that a lot of these kids who “come out as trans” are simply being pushed that way by disturbed parents. They wanted a boy and got a girl or vice versa, so instead of trying again or accepting the child, they try to turn the child into the one they wanted. Never mind the mental damage they’re doing to the child. These people should be brought up on child abuse charges.
Then we'll hear more "systemic racism" bullshit because the public school funding, being tied to attendance, will be reduced resulting in a lower standard of public education. This, of course, is right in line with the democrat/globalist narrative of equity worldwide. They don't promote excellence--only universal mediocrity and control.
It has to burn the left and some teacher union officials that a lot of those seeking an escape from the public schools are blacks and Hispanics. They see what’s going on and see the better results charters have been getting as far as test scores and proficiency. And (what a surprise) they want that for their children too.
The states let the people decide and some passed same-sex marriage and some didn't, but that wasn't good enough for the left, so they went to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court overstepped their authority. IMHO.
The constitution gives SCOTUS that authority. And their decisions can also be challenged and over ruled at a later time. That’s our system
No retard, his pile of shit was just that. A pile of shit. You don’t get to teach other people’s kids that mentally disturbed behavior is “normal” when it certainly is not. Parents tend to get emotional when you mess with their kids. Step over the line and get put in your place.
Normal? Who’s saying anything about normal or not normal? It just is what it is.
The constitution gives SCOTUS that authority. And their decisions can also be challenged and over ruled at a later time. That’s our system
The Constitution states that anything not mentioned in the US Constitution is left to the states. Marriage isn't mentioned in the US Constitution. Only four justices are required to determine which cases will be heard.
What do you mean there’s no such thing as self identity…. Of course there is
This post is a perfect example of how far out in the lunatic fringe, liberals have floated.
Of course, there is no such thing as self-identity. You are what you were born.

Next, they will be claiming to not be human, but some other species, or race. Pheeeew!
The Constitution states that anything not mentioned in the US Constitution is left to the states. Marriage isn't mentioned in the US Constitution. Only four justices are required to determine which cases will be heard.
Yup and the constitution also says that disputes between state courts may be taken up by SCOTUS and ruled upon. Precedent set from other court decisions also plays a factor
Normal people don't have any problem with other people enjoying their lives.

Gays are also natural you fucking moron. 😆
FALSE! gays are contrary to natural. Contrary to nature., Contrary to the body parts that they were created with, and have. Totally unnatural. How warped these fools are, to have to have this taught to them. :rolleyes:
Yup and the constitution also says that disputes between state courts may be taken up by SCOTUS and ruled upon. Precedent set from other court decisions also plays a factor
There was no dispute in state courts. States put same-sex marriage on the ballot and people voted yea or nay. You know, democracy. That wasn't good enough for the left. They would rather the issue be decided for the entire nation by five lawyers. That's why we snicker when you idiots preach about democracy.
There was no dispute in state courts. States put same-sex marriage on the ballot and people voted yea or nay. You know, democracy. That wasn't good enough for the left. They would rather the issue be decided for the entire nation by five lawyers. That's why we snicker when you idiots preach about democracy.
I doubt very much you could explain why you think the popularity of Joe Rogan is significant for anything other than gauging the popularity of Joe Rogan. I used the popular vote and census data on charging demographics and studies on the political leanings of those demographics as evidence for my argument of the popularity of Democratic and progressive policies because that's what those numbers gauge. 😄 Moron.
Popular vote and census data of the past, correct? How did that go in VA? Moron :)

So guess what?

I just spent the day organizing parents.

And I'm going to do it again, and again, and again.

All year long.

So by the time November rolls around, we'll see what's what.

You do that buddy. We'll keep flooding the media and internet with our propaganda. Question though, all those parents fighting on one front do they pay s subscription to Disney+ ?😄 Our message is everywhere and I'm guessing a lot of those parents partly fund it.

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