First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

It's just another instance of curtailing freedoms in America, based on politics and religious superstitions.

Is there any better explanation for why America has fallen to 58th. in the world on freedom?

This will be demonstrated on this board many more times during the day.
Unless public school teachers are free to sexualize 1st graders, are we really a "Free Country"?
Sure. You are teaching your children--makes no difference what race they are--that people who help them, that they should trust--are their "servants". And work for them. You have already said it. Your children's teachers are their "servants". Really? What if your child said that point blank like you did? "Mrs. Smith is my servant. She has to do what I say."


I have raised two children. Let me tell you. All that crap comes out in the wash.
What an idiot. See? This is the kind of crap our kids get in "school".

Haven't you ever heard the Bob Dylan song? "You gotta serve somebody"?

If I'm your employer, you're my servant for those 8 hours. I *pay* you to be my servant, to do exactly what I tell you, when I tell you, and nothing more at any other time. ALL employers are this way, those who aren't dont stay in business.

Don't play semantic games, the simple point is us parents are your bosses, and if we're not then something's wrong and we're going to fix it.

Why do liberals insist on trampling over everyone's boundaries? There are millions of good families out here who are shocked and deeply disturbed by this business. And there's more of us than there are of you.

I don't give a diminutive turd about government mandates. If you want to talk to my child about sex, AT ALL, you go through me and my wife. You don't surreptitiously slip your bullshit into English lessons. You don't get to that, it's propaganda and we'll stop you.
Yes, children are indoctrinated into believing religious superstitions at an early age, then become incapable of escaping from it.

Therein lies the reason why there are physicists who believe in the creation myths.

Just like a baby duckling being imprinted on the Fox as its mother.
OK groomer!

Faggit teachers are the new catholic priests

No way around it sickos

Thiers an awful lot of Lqbt activists who are elementary school teachers ...
It's by design....


Anyone who says it about tolerance ,love , and" helping children understand" is full of shit
That last teacher is going to jail.

We'll need to make examples of some of these people, she can be the first one.
What an idiot. See? This is the kind of crap our kids get in "school".

Haven't you ever heard the Bob Dylan song? "You gotta serve somebody"?

If I'm your employer, you're my servant for those 8 hours. I *pay* you to be my servant, to do exactly what I tell you, when I tell you, and nothing more at any other time. ALL employers are this way, those who aren't dont stay in business.

Don't play semantic games, the simple point is us parents are your bosses, and if we're not then something's wrong and we're going to fix it.

Why do liberals insist on trampling over everyone's boundaries? There are millions of good families out here who are shocked and deeply disturbed by this business. And there's more of us than there are of you.

I don't give a diminutive turd about government mandates. If you want to talk to my child about sex, AT ALL, you go through me and my wife. You don't surreptitiously slip your bullshit into English lessons. You don't get to that, it's propaganda and we'll stop you.

If you have a business and you treat employees--especially GOOD employees--like "servants" you will not be in business for long. If you train your children to treat those who would help and guide them as "servants" they will grow up to be crappy humans.

But they are your children. You are stuck with them; I am not.
The focus of education at that age level should be reading, writing, and 'rithmetic, not hot-button social issues.
Hey - listen up - keep your grubby little paws off my kid.

I don't care what your reason is. Sexual, political, or woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

You're going to keep your hands off my kid, and that's final. I will enforce that. Very, very harshly if need be.

Sure you will internet tough guy.
Textbook progressive. ^^^

No, you fucking leftist piece of shit, we are teaching our children a DIFFERENT value system.

Of course not, because you're a bunch of bigots and racists.
We can all see exactly what kind of dimwitted two faced hypocrites are running your show, and we don't want any part of it.
Your demographic is probably the dumbest in the country. You are the least educated, we know that much.
Fuck your social utopia. You fuckers were out there looting and rioting and pillaging ALL SUMMER LONG, you don't have a moral leg to stand on and no one wants that kind of "morality".
A majority certainly seems to, over 80 million people voted for Biden and the Democrats.
Now begone, lest we kick your sorry asses out the door before your term is over.
That's exactly the kind of move an internet tough guy would pull, threaten something you have no fucking chance of doing. 😆

Just who else did you think it came from, if not the Democrats?
If you think it didn't exist when Trump was there you are a bigger fool than I thought. You never said a word until Biden got in. Now it's all being constructed by dems to ruin children's live. Its OK to teach them about devils, sins and hell. But perish the thought someone might teach them some facts.
They're the ONLY one's doing this stuff! No one else is doing it!
Of course you're right. Youre such an encyclopaedia of truth and facts supported with evidence. Fuck off idiot.

Sure you will internet tough guy.

Of course not, because you're a bunch of bigots and racists.

Your demographic is probably the dumbest in the country. You are the least educated, we know that much.

A majority certainly seems to, over 80 million people voted for Biden and the Democrats.

That's exactly the kind of move an internet tough guy would pull, threaten something you have no fucking chance of doing. 😆
"My demographic".


Same old shit from these lefties. Has no idea who I am or what I look like, but sure knows my demographic. lmao :p

You'll forgive me if I have a belly laugh.

I love the sound of laughter in the morning, it's great stuff.
"My demographic".


Same old shit from these lefties. Has no idea who I am or what I look like, but sure knows my demographic. lmao :p

You'll forgive me if I have a belly laugh.

I love the sound of laughter in the morning, it's great stuff.
The demographic I was referring to are homophobic bigots, which most certainly are. We know that much.
If you think it didn't exist when Trump was there you are a bigger fool than I thought. You never said a word until Biden got in. Now it's all being constructed by dems to ruin children's live. Its OK to teach them about devils, sins and hell. But perish the thought someone might teach them some facts.

Of course you're right. Youre such an encyclopaedia of truth and facts supported with evidence. Fuck off idiot.
All right - so you have a stick up the butt about religion. Well, that's not my problem. Take it up with the Bible thumpers.

Yes, the Democrats are the only ones doing it. The Bible thumpers you speak of, don't ply their trade in public schools with public money. They don't do that, because they're forbidden from doing it. And they know it. So they don't do it.

Now it's the liberals that need to learn about boundaries. These stupid leftist "true believers" that don't think they have to include parents in the loop, are going to start going to jail. One way or the other, you WILL learn to respect the boundaries.
All right - so you have a stick up the butt about religion. Well, that's not my problem. Take it up with the Bible thumpers.

Yes, the Democrats are the only ones doing it. The Bible thumpers you speak of, don't ply their trade in public schools with public money. They don't do that, because they're forbidden from doing it. And they know it. So they don't do it.

Now it's the liberals that need to learn about boundaries. These stupid leftist "true believers" that don't think they have to include parents in the loop, are going to start going to jail. One way or the other, you WILL learn to respect the boundaries.
😆 Teachers aren't going to be dragged off to jail you delusional cuck.
😆 Teachers aren't going to be dragged off to jail you delusional cuck.
Wait and see.

First they're going to be sued in civil court.

Then they'll be charged with civil rights violations.

Then if they're in Florida or half a dozen other states, there's a very good chance they'll do some time.

Ot maybe pick up garbage along the freeway for six months. Whatever works
Wait and see.

First they're going to be sued in civil court.

Then they'll be charged with civil rights violations.

Then if they're in Florida or half a dozen other states, there's a very good chance they'll do some time.

Ot maybe pick up garbage along the freeway for six months. Whatever works

Not likely. Your children will continue to be taught to be inclusive and empathetic no matter what their ignorant parents want. If they don't like it they can homeschooling them.

Not likely. Your children will continue to be taught to be inclusive and empathetic no matter what their ignorant parents want. If they don't like it they can homeschooling them.
You really don't get this, do you?

I told this forum I'm ready to play hardball, and I meant it.

You and your little leftist buzz words don't impress me in the least.

You will be forced to respect the boundaries, whether you like it or not. I'm organizing parent groups even as we speak. We're going to sue the piss out of anyone who engages in this crap. We're going to make it very, very expensive to be an arrogant fucktard leftist.
You really don't get this, do you?

I told this forum I'm ready to play hardball, and I meant it.
I know, it's fucking hilarious every single time. 😄
You and your little leftist buzz words don't impress me in the least.
You mean inclusion and empathy...? 😆
You will be forced to respect the boundaries, whether you like it or not. I'm organizing parent groups even as we speak. We're going to sue the piss out of anyone who engages in this crap. We're going to make it very, very expensive to be an arrogant fucktard leftist.
It's okay. We have money and it might be worth it to watch you clowns argue in court that teaching your children it's okay to be gay is a violation of your rights. Do you know what happened in Florida after that bill passed? Your children walked out of class in protest. They want education to reflect this reality, not just us. The bigots have lost. 😄

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