First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

They're already paying a price.

I personally got one fired.

I'm very sorry, I'm not going to put up with abuse from the left. The buck stops here, with me.

And the world needs more parents like me

Oh you are definitely making more like you.

It's not gonna be pretty. It won't take even five years. Probably more like two.
Hey - listen up - keep your grubby little paws off my kid.

I don't care what your reason is. Sexual, political, or woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

You're going to keep your hands off my kid, and that's final. I will enforce that. Very, very harshly if need be.

Tell us about it tough guy. You chased a bad teacher out, good for you. Tell us the story and I'll tell you about three good teachers with one foot out the door in no small part because of you too. Or wait are you intentionally supporting the good teachers? Yes? No?

The psychological damage done to these kids is unbelievable. These children will suffer from issues they noramlly wouldn’t have. But , because society has to live off a gov. telling them how to function on a daily basis people can’t figure out reality all on their own. Those who do know and inform well the leftist get scared and freak out then atack those who have correct information it’s how their fear factor works “ attack”. As they try to say the right is violent LOL………

You loons have no idea what information you lack and the lives it’s costing society all because of your stupidy.
This information is being kept from the public thi sis partly why sheep can’t figure it out yet when all they have to do
is research the information it’s really not that hard.
Firstly, there's no evidence any of it came directly from the democrats or government. There is several "allegeds" in there with diffuses my confidence.

There is no evidence if by teaching kids the facts about their bodies will have emotional damage.
Youre coming from a religious source and the usual forbidden words about mentioning sex to kids. The other is the ridiculous insinuation teachers are persuading them to be gay etc. That's because you hate teachers because you think they are all democrats.

Have I made myself clear on that?
We all are.

This is "defund the police" for conservatives, and soon enough for all of us.

What I mean is: conservatives find one example like this in one uber lefty district. Then apply it to every first grade teacher everywhere. In a society with little trust and cohesion, this is tearing us apart even more. Teachers already dealing with kids in worse shape than ever due to pandemic stressors (I just read an article about a school that had SEVEN incoming kinders and first graders who were not TOILET TRAINED) now having to deal with parents who are sure she is grooming their kids, when in the vast majority of the cases this is just not true.

The Left owns a great deal of this due to their panic about genders, but so do we. We do not have to assume, in response, that every or even MOST elementary teachers are pedo groomers. But away we go anyway. The fallout will be ugly. But who gives a rip about that anymore?
This isn't just one district. It's happening all over the country.

The liberals are blaming this on "state education guidelines", and ultimately federal education guidelines. Which of course, they themselves wrote.

We need to throw these leftards out, it's that simple. They think they can sneak their leftist bullshit into English class, they're sneaky little bastards and parents have to be vigilant
This isn't just one district. It's happening all over the country.

The liberals are blaming this on "state education guidelines", and ultimately federal education guidelines. Which of course, they themselves wrote.

We need to throw these leftards out, it's that simple. They think they can sneak their leftist bullshit into English class, they're sneaky little bastards and parents have to be vigilant

What do you plan to do when you throw too many teachers out of classrooms?

Will you be happy with three day school weeks with gangs of teenagers roaming around? No bitching when that happens. You did that too. Better yet: 2.5 day weeks, teacher shortage will be that bad. Kids go to school for half a week so teacher have double the load.

You did that. You did, tough guy.
Tell us about it tough guy. You chased a bad teacher out, good for you. Tell us the story and I'll tell you about three good teachers with one foot out the door in no small part because of you too. Or wait are you intentionally supporting the good teachers? Yes? No?
Yes. There will be collateral damage.

Too damn bad. No sympathy. The teachers could have stood up when they had the chance, and they didn't.

I don't care about teachers. I care about MY CHILD. Teachers are my servants. Maybe if they teach how I want them to teach, I'll pay them a little more.

If not, they're free to find other work. I'm not paying them a dime for corrupting children. Not a farthing
Truth?! According to whom?

Behold why the only thing leftists will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.
Isn't that typical of a gun nut. You stinking piece of shit. Is that the best youve got to solve the problem? Is that how you really think usa should be run?
Youre nothing but a complete ignorant fascist moron.
Note to monitors: that is not a threat of any kind; it is an apt observation regarding the staggering stupidity, insensitivity, and rank narcissism of statist bootlicks They are the threat to liberty and peace.
Really? Explain exactly how dickhead.
You always bring that shit forward every time something goes against your wishes. They same curriculum was veing offered under Trump but the freedoms weren't threatened then ay? How coincidental they are now when you ignorantly blame democrats. Grow up imbecile.
What do you plan to do when you throw too many teachers out of classrooms?

Will you be happy with three day school weeks with gangs of teenagers roaming around? No bitching when that happens. You did that too. Better yet: 2.5 day weeks, teacher shortage will be that bad. Kids go to school for half a week so teacher have double the load.

You did that. You did, tough guy.
Bring it.

There are plenty of good teachers.

Maybe that's what we should do. Like Reagan did to the air traffic controllers. Fire the whole lot of them and start over.
Yes. There will be collateral damage.

Too damn bad. No sympathy. The teachers could have stood up when they had the chance, and they didn't.

I don't care about teachers. I care about MY CHILD. Teachers are my servants. Maybe if they teach how I want them to teach, I'll pay them a little more.

If not, they're free to find other work. I'm not paying them a dime for corrupting children. Not a farthing

Got news for you. I do not work for you. I work for a school district. I am not YOUR. SERVANT.

Take that talk straight to admin and see how far it gets you. BTW. Are you drunk or high?
Bring it.

There are plenty of good teachers.

Maybe that's what we should do. Like Reagan did to the air traffic controllers. Fire the whole lot of them and start over.

Yes there are. But you just talked out of both sides of your mouth you realize. Do you?

Good teachers like me do not work as YOUR SERVANT. Oh but we do talk a lot. You come in blustery with your jerk suit on, see how that serves your children. Good teachers like me will not take it out on them. You being a hideous blowhard is not their fault. But go a single extra step for you? Not one.
Yes. There will be collateral damage.

Too damn bad. No sympathy. The teachers could have stood up when they had the chance, and they didn't.

I don't care about teachers. I care about MY CHILD. Teachers are my servants. Maybe if they teach how I want them to teach, I'll pay them a little more.

If not, they're free to find other work. I'm not paying them a dime for corrupting children. Not a farthing

You do not hire your child's teachers. The school district does.

Homeschool your kids. Do your school district a big fat favor.

I'm serious. Pull your kids out
Firstly, there's no evidence any of it came directly from the democrats or government. There is several "allegeds" in there with diffuses my confidence.

There is no evidence if by teaching kids the facts about their bodies will have emotional damage.
Youre coming from a religious source and the usual forbidden words about mentioning sex to kids. The other is the ridiculous insinuation teachers are persuading them to be gay etc. That's because you hate teachers because you think they are all democrats.

Have I made myself clear on that?

Just who else did you think it came from, if not the Democrats?

They're the ONLY one's doing this stuff! No one else is doing it!
Yes there are. But you just talked out of both sides of your mouth you realize. Do you?

Good teachers like me do not work as YOUR SERVANT. Oh but we do talk a lot. You come in blustery with your jerk suit on, see how that serves your children. Good teachers like me will not take it out on them. You being a hideous blowhard is not their fault. But go a single extra step for you? Not one.
I pay your salary

Yes, I do

Parents pay your salary

You work for us.
Yes. There will be collateral damage.

Too damn bad. No sympathy. The teachers could have stood up when they had the chance, and they didn't.

I don't care about teachers. I care about MY CHILD. Teachers are my servants. Maybe if they teach how I want them to teach, I'll pay them a little more.

If not, they're free to find other work. I'm not paying them a dime for corrupting children. Not a farthing

I'd love to see this cat stroll into the admin building and tell the people there, yeah, I'd like to up the pay of my servants--uh I mean the teachers--a little....

Sure guy. Uh huh
I pay your salary

Yes, I do

Parents pay your salary

You work for us.

I have known this from day one of my 27 year teacher career. That does not make me YOUR SERVANT.

You have no business having your child in public schooling with that attitude and I'm serious. Pull your kids out. We don't want you in our system. Get out.

You think they're going to turn me down? :p

I'd love to see this cat stroll into the admin building and tell the people there, yeah, I'd like to up the pay of my servants--uh I mean the teachers--a little....

Sure guy. Uh huh
I have known this from day one of my 27 year teacher career. That does not make me YOUR SERVANT.

You have no business having your child in public schooling with that attitude and I'm serious. Pull your kids out. We don't want you in our system. Get out.
Way ahead of you.

I don't want my children in the public system either.

My kids were in the public system for ONE year. That was enough.

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