First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

Normal people don't sexualize children.

Shapiro summarizes the matter in the light of Florida legislation.

Leftists are flaming degenerates.

Normal people don't accuse everyone they disagree with of sexualizing or grooming children unless it's the catholic church.
You seem to be saying that sexual distinctions is the same as sexual relations.

Your revulsion against sexual relations is understood and expected. Informing children of established facts on people's physical differences isn't something to fear.

To not inform children puts them at risk of growing up like you, fearing the facts of established science.

We should get back to the topic. It's my responsibility to try doing that.

What exactly would you like 6 and 7 year olds informed on?

Frightened cowards. You know that's what you clowns project to the world right?
Hey - listen up - keep your grubby little paws off my kid.

I don't care what your reason is. Sexual, political, or woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

You're going to keep your hands off my kid, and that's final. I will enforce that. Very, very harshly if need be.
Morality is subjective, natural law exists only in your imagination and the Constitution can't help you shield your children from information in the digital age. All you're doing is socially stunting the poor bastards.
Textbook progressive. ^^^

No, you fucking leftist piece of shit, we are teaching our children a DIFFERENT value system.


We can all see exactly what kind of dimwitted two faced hypocrites are running your show, and we don't want any part of it.

Fuck your social utopia. You fuckers were out there looting and rioting and pillaging ALL SUMMER LONG, you don't have a moral leg to stand on and no one wants that kind of "morality".

Now begone, lest we kick your sorry asses out the door before your term is over.
Yes or no question. That way I know who I'm dealing with.
I don’t think first graders need to learn about sex or sex change operations. I think learning that trans and gay people exist in this world is not a big deal
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This is BRAIN WASHING. It is also CHILD ABUSE, to teach them to PUROSEFULLY accept MENTAL ILLNESS.

Those behind this disgusting perversion should be INDICTED, tried, CONVICTED and SENTENCED TO PRISON.
Okay dude CALM down, no REASON to ALL CAPS
Hey - listen up - keep your grubby little paws off my kid.

I don't care what your reason is. Sexual, political, or woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

You're going to keep your hands off my kid, and that's final. I will enforce that. Very, very harshly if need be.
Have you seen what these perverts are teaching children?
Take a look.
This nonsense has no place in the education of very young children. If this keeps on, teachers are going to start paying a price.

We all are.

This is "defund the police" for conservatives, and soon enough for all of us.

What I mean is: conservatives find one example like this in one uber lefty district. Then apply it to every first grade teacher everywhere. In a society with little trust and cohesion, this is tearing us apart even more. Teachers already dealing with kids in worse shape than ever due to pandemic stressors (I just read an article about a school that had SEVEN incoming kinders and first graders who were not TOILET TRAINED) now having to deal with parents who are sure she is grooming their kids, when in the vast majority of the cases this is just not true.

The Left owns a great deal of this due to their panic about genders, but so do we. We do not have to assume, in response, that every or even MOST elementary teachers are pedo groomers. But away we go anyway. The fallout will be ugly. But who gives a rip about that anymore?

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