First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

There is no such thing as self-identity. Sex identify is determined at birth, and it never changes. Those who try to change their sex, are lunatics.

In the 21st century that stance is less convincing coming from a moron in a robe who's educational text is over 2000 years old and doesn't even account for the scientific and social advancements of tampons let alone computers and rocket ships.

In the 21st century that stance is less convincing coming from a moron in a robe who's educational text is over 2000 years old and doesn't even account for the scientific and social advancements of tampons let alone computers and rocket ships.
That stance is convincing in any century. Nature is the source.
All sex is dirty for Christians if it's not in the missionary position for *only a married man and a woman.
And all birth control is sinful.

*Some exceptions apply for catholic priests and choir boys, nuns, etc.
What an ignorant post. You haven't got a clue.
There is no such thing as self-identity. Sex identify is determined at birth, and it never changes. Those who try to change their sex, are lunatics.
What do you mean there’s no such thing as self identity…. Of course there is
How can America become more free again when religion and politics forbid school teachers from speaking the truth?

I think that together here we have been able to nail down two of the main reasons why America is now so far down the list on freedoms!

Is it still necessary to invent the Stork for children under the age of 6, as an explanation on where babies come from.

Sexual relations isn't dirty and most importantly, children don't interpret it as dirty.
Social justice has points. It just seems to not be stopping. When we are poor enough it will be stopped and removed. History is telling.

The psychological damage done to these kids is unbelievable. These children will suffer from issues they noramlly wouldn’t have. But , because society has to live off a gov. telling them how to function on a daily basis people can’t figure out reality all on their own. Those who do know and inform well the leftist get scared and freak out then atack those who have correct information it’s how their fear factor works “ attack”. As they try to say the right is violent LOL………

You loons have no idea what information you lack and the lives it’s costing society all because of your stupidy.
This information is being kept from the public thi sis partly why sheep can’t figure it out yet when all they have to do
is research the information it’s really not that hard.
Anyone who supports this should be executed, no acceptions. This is straight up child abuse.
There is no such thing as self-identity. Sex identify is determined at birth, and it never changes.
Your denial of reality is noted.

Medical authorities differ:

Screen Shot 2021-08-28 at 1.08.31 PM.png

"The gub'ment'll tell yuh what yuh iz!
Gist drop yer drawers and ah'll decide!"
Normal people don't have any problem with other people enjoying their lives.

Gays are also natural you fucking moron. 😆
Normal people don't sexualize children.

Shapiro summarizes the matter in the light of Florida legislation.

Leftists are flaming degenerates.
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