First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

here's a little story that may make u feel better:

a child about 10 years old went to school in a lib state/city... the teacher had a fag give a presentation to the class.. Keep in mind this is a child who was NOT taught one way or the other RE homosexuality and actually, sadly, had no father in his home...

the child (I believe as soon as the speaker had said just a few words but when he said being gay is another lifestyle) stood up and said

"That's sick!"

Yes, sadly, he got sent to the principal's office.... but hey...

he learned more about the world in that one day than... maybe some people learn in 10 years
Something is wrong with you
Can't agree: children taught to be religious often become quite religious for life. So I would think there is a like danger that children taught that sex is indeterminate will in many cases believe that, too, and it will harm them.

Children at very young ages don’t need to be taught about sex, when’s the last time you had to worry about a
5 yr old getting pregnant, so oh we better get that class going in school.
This has all been engineered to demonize the populous on every level. And on each level
the public refuse to believe what’s right in front of them.
It’s a pyschology the average mind won’t ever pick up on and can easily be manipulated into
you see how Hitler had all his loves board the train to their own death chambers but oh well.
The difference is manifest. Only a moron would fail to grasp it. Religion does not necessarily entail a belief in the supernatural, and your derision in this instance just makes you look stupid.
if you don't believe in God or religions, what would the difference be?
Children at very young ages don’t need to be taught about sex, when’s the last time you had to worry about a
5 yr old getting pregnant, so oh we better get that class going in school.
This has all been engineered to demonize the populous on every level. And on each level
the public refuse to believe what’s right in front of them.
It’s a pyschology the average mind won’t ever pick up on and can easily be manipulated into
you see how Hitler had all his loves board the train to their own death chambers but oh well.
so true

I especially appreciate this line

This has all been engineered to demonize the populous on every level.

I know

I tell my priest about it every now and then

He absolves me

but you will of course say there is something wrong w/ him as well...

oh well... free country...
Very assumptive of you. Do you normally assume you know the actions of strangers before they do them?
if you don't believe in God or religions, what would the difference be?
Everybody necessarily adheres to a worldview and its attending metaphysics. Only the most ill-educated, dumbed-down, or thoughtless don't grasp that inescapable reality.
Hopefully this helps some understand how this is taking place in our schools.
Since I can’t sit here and write out what this entire article says, nor do I have the time to break it down.
Everybody necessarily adheres to a worldview and its attending metaphysics. Only the most ill-educated, dumbed-down, or thoughtless don't grasp that inescapable reality.
so people who don't believe in religion or God are ill educated? or are you simply saying I am?
so people who don't believe in religion or God are ill educated? or are you simply saying I am?
If you fail to understand that your worldview essentially is your religion, I'm saying that you're a silly-ass. :cool:

If the shoe fits. . . .

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