First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

Well then clue me in by answering my questions!
This is NOT ok kids do not need to know this kids DO NOT THINK about SEX unless they are being told/taught to think about sex.
Then you have these schools telling the children DO NOT TELL YOUR PARENTS!


This tells it well,.

This is NOT ok kids do not need to know this kids DO NOT THINK about SEX unless they are being told/taught to think about sex.
Then you have these schools telling the children DO NOT TELL YOUR PARENTS!

View attachment 623009

This tells it well,.


Frightened cowards. You know that's what you clowns project to the world right?
Sometimes I wonder if these people are even sentient. Would any of those who support this madness have supported it 5 years ago? 10? 20?

If you had asked any of them whether a person being a Tranny was the TOP qualification for a job application, would they have answered "yes" 5 years ago? 10? 20?

The only way I can get my head around this whole thing is to understand it in terms of group psychosis as these idiots are clearly not asking themselves the questions I have just posed.

Virtue signaling is a mental disorder -- doubly so when the imaginary "virtue" involved is actually terribly destructive, instead.
YOu hit the nail on the head with that term, that’s perfect “ group pyschosis” this is exactly what it is. Just like the mask had the same results.
The people who can’t understand this, and i’m really not being mean they are on some other reality level not on our planet…
The psychological damage done to these kids is unbelievable.
The reality is that gender identity is personal, confirmed by the AMA and other medical authorities. Humans may identify psychologically as a gender that does not comport with their biology.

Statists who support Big Government intrusion - surrendering self-identity to their unqualified politicians and bureaucrats - do not alter that reality.

Will kids whose gender identity differs from their physical biology be damaged by those politicians and bureaucrats targeting them for discrimination?

No doubt.
And this ALL comes from the democrat party of anti American trash.

Really it’s in the schools and has been hiding in plain view.
The entire system is set up to create what you are seeing now the collapse of America.
Dumbing down America has worked, now comes the rest of the WEF plan unless the population
wakes up in mass numbers the new world order is occuring. THere are some blocks it’s not going as
planned buuuuut we are still in massive trouble.

Wait until the US dollar slams back into the US nobody wants the US dollar now, and because Russia, India, China almost like the BRICS……. Now we are screwed. Sry I went off on different subject. But, this is all so connected in every way its impossible ot put it ine place in phrase, sentence, paragraph lol

but you shoudl check this site out
The reality is that gender identity is personal, confirmed by the AMA and other medical authorities. Humans may identify psychologically as a gender that does not comport with their biology.

Statists who support Big Government intrusion - surrendering self-identity to their unqualified politicians and bureaucrats - do not alter that reality.

Will kids whose gender identity differs from their physical biology be damaged by those politicians and bureaucrats targeting them for discrimination?

No doubt.
Ever hear of changing the the meaning to fit the narrative. You see what runs the health and human services don’t you.
Just because they say it is doesn’t mean it is.
The CDC and all GOV> have been caught over and over flipping and changing lucrative information because the mass population is catching on. They don’t like that so they try and stop it all.

Change the meanings did you know the dictionaries were changing the meanings of many words—-

we live in a world where ppl think there are more than 2 genders there is something severely wrong with the population you have to research and not obey CNN, MSN, or whatever source you think feeds you what you want to hear………( not you Schmid) but those wondering….

Multiple articles are out there telling ppl CDC changed information to fit the narrative when caught they changed it again, and just so ppl stay away from sites that do tell factual information they Globalist controlled media pays msm to hide information, same with youtube, same with google etc………

you’ve got to get out of the msm bs. They are killing ppl by hiding information

This is NOT ok kids do not need to know this kids DO NOT THINK about SEX unless they are being told/taught to think about sex.
Then you have these schools telling the children DO NOT TELL YOUR PARENTS!

View attachment 623009

This tells it well,.

What does this have to do with the OP?!

And what does a teacher mentioning his husband have to do with having sex??
I'm always interested in hearing Christians try to explain the difference between their religion and theism.
Both require belief in the supernatural and I don't subscribe to it.
It doesn't matter what you believe, except of course what you do with Jesus Christ. Otherwise, expect to be sentenced to an eternity in the Lake of Fire.

The psychological damage done to these kids is unbelievable. These children will suffer from issues they noramlly wouldn’t have. But , because society has to live off a gov. telling them how to function on a daily basis people can’t figure out reality all on their own. Those who do know and inform well the leftist get scared and freak out then atack those who have correct information it’s how their fear factor works “ attack”. As they try to say the right is violent LOL………

You loons have no idea what information you lack and the lives it’s costing society all because of your stupidy.
This information is being kept from the public thi sis partly why sheep can’t figure it out yet when all they have to do
is research the information it’s really not that hard.

How does giving children knowledge of the world around them harm you?
One has to wonder why this garbage is so important to leftists
The spirtual warfare is between the dark and the light. The ppl do not realize this. There is great evil in charge of this movement, all the pieces were being put into place and as they were being put into place the mental warfare upon the population began so that when true information came out from alternative media they gov. Already had their weapon in place “ conspiracy” .

Then came 911 with each came more loss of freedom……. It’s all written down in plain view the ppl refuse to believe it our nation is gone. Wait until they feel it they can deny it all they want as the days go on each one will get hit with something of this collapse and we have not seen a thing yet.

WE LOST OUR DOLLAR. We are falling………now.

How does giving children knowledge of the world around them harm you?

There is “ GIVING KNOWLEDGE” and there is telling them ‘ WHAT TO THINK” they not think on their own they are not thinking they are being told what to do think just like MSM tells the population what to think.
Any expert can tell you this Schools will tell students WHAT TO THINK not HOW TO THINK!
research it!

How does giving children knowledge of the world around them harm you?
So how does the imposition of your morality, such as it is, on others via the government in violation of natural and constitutional law help anyone?

The psychological damage done to these kids is unbelievable. These children will suffer from issues they noramlly wouldn’t have. But , because society has to live off a gov. telling them how to function on a daily basis people can’t figure out reality all on their own. Those who do know and inform well the leftist get scared and freak out then atack those who have correct information it’s how their fear factor works “ attack”. As they try to say the right is violent LOL………

You loons have no idea what information you lack and the lives it’s costing society all because of your stupidy.
This information is being kept from the public thi sis partly why sheep can’t figure it out yet when all they have to do
is research the information it’s really not that hard.
here's a little story that may make u feel better:

a child about 10 years old went to school in a lib state/city... the teacher had a fag give a presentation to the class.. Keep in mind this is a child who was NOT taught one way or the other RE homosexuality and actually, sadly, had no father in his home...

the child (I believe as soon as the speaker had said just a few words but when he said being gay is another lifestyle) stood up and said

"That's sick!"

Yes, sadly, he got sent to the principal's office.... but hey...

he learned more about the world in that one day than... maybe some people learn in 10 years
It's just another instance of curtailing freedoms in America, based on politics and religious superstitions.

Is there any better explanation for why America has fallen to 58th. in the world on freedom?

This will be demonstrated on this board many more times during the day.
with every post you make.
I think you over estimate the ability of today's first graders to read.
Hate to break it to you our children have FAILED the teachers have announced , What planet are you form Please do tell us.
I think you over estimate the ability of today's first graders to read.

This is your dream child I take it


Be as gay as you want leave the kids alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amazing Desmond is a BOY , this is being engineered to destroy our nation on a spiritual level some day reality
will fill most with a brain left in.

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