First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

So how does the imposition of your morality, such as it is, on others via the government in violation of natural and constitutional law help anyone?
Morality is subjective, natural law exists only in your imagination and the Constitution can't help you shield your children from information in the digital age. All you're doing is socially stunting the poor bastards.
If you fail to understand that your worldview essentially is your religion, I'm saying that you're a silly-ass. :cool:

If the shoe fits. . . .
so you failed to understand what *i* was saying and chose to say i was saying it about my own beliefs.

got it.

the point is, you're equating a belief in God as something all people have. I disagree. my own opinions aside, there are many people who simply don't believe in nor have any use for religion. if you choose to call *that* their religion great. take liberties with the word. liberals do it all the time so why not, ya know? except it causes intentional confusion i suppose.

however, if my religion is that i simply don't believe in religion, what difference is there between God and Thor?
This is your dream child I take it

View attachment 623024

Be as gay as you want leave the kids alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amazing Desmond is a BOY , this is being engineered to destroy our nation on a spiritual level some day reality
will fill most with a brain left in.

That is your picture, not mine. Bet you have a collection of them.
Hopefully this helps some understand how this is taking place in our schools.
Since I can’t sit here and write out what this entire article says, nor do I have the time to break it down.
What exactly do you mean by “grooming”?

How can America become more free again when religion and politics forbid school teachers from speaking the truth?

I think that together here we have been able to nail down two of the main reasons why America is now so far down the list on freedoms!

Is it still necessary to invent the Stork for children under the age of 6, as an explanation on where babies come from.

Sexual relations isn't dirty and most importantly, children don't interpret it as dirty.
Sex is male and female genital intercourse. Sex isn't sticking your penis in another man's anus.
Remember they prob. Believe there are more than 2 genders.
The two primary genders have been hijacked by sociological characteristics that many can’t relate to. So they have found other ways to express who they are and how they feel. Get it?
Sex is male and female genital intercourse.
All sex is dirty for Christians if it's not in the missionary position for *only a married man and a woman.
And all birth control is sinful.

*Some exceptions apply for catholic priests and choir boys, nuns, etc.
All sex is dirty for Christians if it's not in the missionary position for *only a married man and a woman.
And all birth control is sinful.

*Some exceptions apply for catholic priests and choir boys, nuns, etc.
Perhaps to some Christians but not all.

The reality is that gender identity is personal, confirmed by the AMA and other medical authorities. Humans may identify psychologically as a gender that does not comport with their biology.

Statists who support Big Government intrusion - surrendering self-identity to their unqualified politicians and bureaucrats - do not alter that reality.

Will kids whose gender identity differs from their physical biology be damaged by those politicians and bureaucrats targeting them for discrimination?

No doubt.
There is no such thing as self-identity. Sex identify is determined at birth, and it never changes. Those who try to change their sex, are lunatics.

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