First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

Way ahead of you.

I don't want my children in the public system either.

My kids were in the public system for ONE year. That was enough.

Good mutually agreed. Believe me, your attitude of "teachers as YOUR SERVANTS" will make you the bane of the teacher's lounge wherever you go. I feel sorry for you children because of it but that's on you, dude.
Hey man, if you don't want the job, GTFO and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I'm a 27 year veteran, I have won awards, I'm nationally published and I'm rated in the top 3% in my highly rated district. I do not need validation from Mr. BlowHard you're my servant. Believe that. Understand it.
I'm a 27 year veteran, I have won awards, I'm nationally published and I'm rated in the top 3% in my highly rated district. I do not need validation from Mr. BlowHard you're my servant. Believe that. Understand it.
And we don't need government curriculum.

In our school we have a meeting with the administrators once a year, to talk about the upcoming year's curriculum. We agree, they deploy, end of story. It's all very friendly.

Teachers enforcing government propaganda without the parents' knowledge or permission is a non starter.

My parents' committees will put an end to your government curriculum. Believe THAT.
And we don't need government curriculum.

In our school we have a meeting with the administrators once a year, to talk about the upcoming year's curriculum. We agree, they deploy, end of story. It's all very friendly.

Teachers enforcing government propaganda without the parents' knowledge of permission is a non starter.

My parents' committees will put an end to your government curriculum. Believe THAT.

You only meet ONCE a year?

We have a curriculum council of admin, parents and secondary students in our district that meets four times a year at least. This has been in place since I have been in the district--for over 20 years now. So really.
I dont drink. Neither does my wife.

Got any other pearls of wisdom, arrogant state sponsored teacher?

Yeah. You pay your "teacher servants" for a private school education and you only have these "curriculum meetings" once a year--and you BRAG about this.

Great look there

Go on with yourself
Got news for you. I do not work for you. I work for a school district. I am not YOUR. SERVANT.

Take that talk straight to admin and see how far it gets you. BTW. Are you drunk or high?
Our public education system is immensely corrupt.

It fosters attitudes like THIS ^^^.

We're going to fix it. Trust me, we are.

First thing we're going to do is clear the rats out of all those Superintendent of Education positions. The libbies are going to have a BIG surprise coming. They'll be like... what just happened?
You only meet ONCE a year?

We have a curriculum council of admin, parents and secondary students in our district that meets four times a year at least. This has been in place since I have been in the district--for over 20 years now. So really.
Yeah. They talk about trans gender issues and they dont let parents speak. We know all about your idiotic school board meetings, we've been to plenty of them.
Yeah. They talk about trans gender issues and they dont let parents speak. We know all about your idiotic school board meetings, we've been to plenty of them.

You don't even know what I'm talking about. Not a school board meeting. Curriculum council. Sorry you had a sucky school district and now you are thinking all are like that. But that's what we do now "defund the police" for conservatives.

Have fun with that, for now. You will hate the eventual outcome
You don't even know what I'm talking about. Not a school board meeting. Curriculum council. Sorry you had a sucky school district and now you are thinking all are like that. But that's what we do now "defund the police" for conservatives.

Have fun with that, for now. You will hate the eventual outcome
No, I won't.

The eventual outcome will be to have parents set the boundaries, and to have teachers respect them.

The government has no business foisting leftist propaganda on my child. Period. End of story.

Teachers will either obey that boundary, or lose their jobs. Sorry if you don't like it.

The howling of the teachers' unions will be music to our ears. We have your number. Bring it.
Hey man, if you don't want the job, GTFO and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

One more thing. I don't know how old your children are, but they will be the people who treat other humans like crap eventually. Because they will think of other humans as their servants--meat bags to fulfill just whatever it is they want. A guarantee of an unhappy life.

They are watching you. You are teaching them this. You are teaching them not that their teachers are there to guide and educate them, but that their teachers "work for you" and "are your servants". This does not generate good humans.

ETA the behavior problems that arise from living in such a family with such an attitude used to really bother me. I have peace about it now when I see it in my students. I feel like: the parents are helping to create it and ultimately, they will be living with it for the rest of their lives. I did not create the problem, I am not perpetuating the problem and I do not own the problem. Man wish I could bottle that up and distribute it to my younger teaching self--and a lot of younger teachers too.
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There is absolutely no reason why very young children should have any sex education at all. Especially not in school by those they should in no way trust at all.
There is absolutely no reason why very young children should have any sex education at all. Especially not in school by those they should in no way trust at all.

I agree and most teachers agree. Most teachers are not doing this. The problem is that too many parents will ASSUME that most teachers are doing this, come in much too hot and drive even more teachers straight out of the profession.

Wait until kids have a 2.5 day school week so teachers can basically teach double the kids.

Boy imagine the gangs of American teenagers just roaming around
I agree and most teachers agree. Most teachers are not doing this. The problem is that too many parents will ASSUME that most teachers are doing this, come in much too hot and drive even more teachers straight out of the profession.

Wait until kids have a 2.5 day school week so teachers can basically teach double the kids.

Boy imagine the gangs of American teenagers just roaming around
Gangs of teens roam around now. If it means that parents will keep a closer eye on teachers, good. If teachers don"t like it they can police themselves and get the bad ones fired and blackballed.
One more thing. I don't know how old your children are, but they will be the people who treat other humans like crap eventually. Because they will think of other humans as their servants--meat bags to fulfill just whatever it is they want. A guarantee of an unhappy life.

They are watching you. You are teaching them this. You are teaching them not that their teachers are there to guide and educate them, but that their teachers "work for you" and "are your servants". This does not generate good humans.

ETA the behavior problems that arise from living in such a family with such an attitude used to really bother me. I have peace about it now when I see it in my students. I feel like: the parents are helping to create it and ultimately, they will be living with it for the rest of their lives. I did not create the problem, I am not perpetuating the problem and I do not own the problem. Man wish I could bottle that up and distribute it to my younger teaching self--and a lot of younger teachers too.
That's your problem. You can't bring yourself to own the problem.

I'm sorry to inform you, that our children are very well behaved. See, this the kind of total BULLSHIT that comes out of the left these days. It's all they've got. They have no idea who they're even talking to, but they're still slinging mud all over the place.

"Treat people like crap"? Yeah really?

Sweet Sue, you're not so sweet. Nor so smart.

Ours is a mixed race family. Our children were exposed to every conceivable form of abuse BEFORE THEY WERE SIX YEARS OLD. They understand what being on the butt end of a LIE means.

So please, take your brainless accusations and stuff them. And then rotate. Hard. Till it hurts.
Gangs of teens roam around now. If it means that parents will keep a closer eye on teachers, good. If teachers don"t like it they can police themselves and get the bad ones fired and blackballed.

Teachers don't like being scrutinized when they have great reputations and don't deserve it no. So they're just quitting, resigning and retiring, same as the cops did.

Now. What's your great solution to this?
That's your problem. You can't bring yourself to own the problem.

I'm sorry to inform you, that our children are very well behaved. See, this the kind of total BULLSHIT that comes out of the left these days. It's all they've got. They have no idea who they're even talking to, but they're still slinging mud all over the place.

"Treat people like crap"? Yeah really?

Sweet Sue, you're not so sweet. Nor so smart.

Ours is a mixed race family. Our children were exposed to every conceivable form of abuse BEFORE THEY WERE SIX YEARS OLD. They understand what being on the butt end of a LIE means.

So please, take your brainless accusations and stuff them. And then rotate. Hard. Till it hurts.

Sure. You are teaching your children--makes no difference what race they are--that people who help them, that they should trust--are their "servants". And work for them. You have already said it. Your children's teachers are their "servants". Really? What if your child said that point blank like you did? "Mrs. Smith is my servant. She has to do what I say."


I have raised two children. Let me tell you. All that crap comes out in the wash.

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