First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

I know, it's fucking hilarious every single time. 😄

You mean inclusion and empathy...? 😆

It's okay. We have money and it might be worth it to watch you clowns argue in court that teaching your children it's okay to be gay is a violation of your rights. Do you know what happened in Florida after that bill passed? Your children walked out of class in protest. They want education to reflect this reality, not just us. The bigots have lost. 😄
YOUR children walked out.

The ones you brainwashed.

Mine were doing their homework so they can get into college.
It's okay. We have money

You had money. :p

Let's see... Sandman, Rittenhouse... all these people are getting rich off you lefties

Don't you guys ever learn?

We sure do. We learn from them, and we learn from you.

And you have no idea who I'm talking about, when I say "we". For you the world is black and white, left and right, bigoted and empathic.
That filthy ass shit won't happen here in Florida because we put a stop to it. God bless DeSantis and the Republicans in the Legislature with moral clarity..

You had money. :p

Let's see... Sandman, Rittenhouse... all these people are getting rich off you lefties
And I have no problem with people receiving money for winning settlements, that's how the law is supposed to work like with George Floyd's and Breeona Taylor's family. The difference being the tax players paid those settlement and when news organizations get something wrong the people who pay out are the insurance companies.
Don't you guys ever learn?
Do you? You clowns have lost every social war you've fought. Gays have more rights today than they've ever had before.
We sure do. We learn from them, and we learn from you.
Then why do you lose so God damn much? 😄
And you have no idea who I'm talking about, when I say "we". For you the world is black and white, left and right, bigoted and empathic.
I know when you say "we" you're talking about a minority of hilarious assclowns. You think this education begins and ends with school? 😄 The propaganda that it's okay to be gay is everywhere. In movies, in TV, in sports, in music. Basically everywhere that's popular. You might as well be standing in a raging river trying to hold the water back. 😄

The psychological damage done to these kids is unbelievable. These children will suffer from issues they noramlly wouldn’t have. But , because society has to live off a gov. telling them how to function on a daily basis people can’t figure out reality all on their own. Those who do know and inform well the leftist get scared and freak out then atack those who have correct information it’s how their fear factor works “ attack”. As they try to say the right is violent LOL………

You loons have no idea what information you lack and the lives it’s costing society all because of your stupidy.
This information is being kept from the public thi sis partly why sheep can’t figure it out yet when all they have to do
is research the information it’s really not that hard.
This is always already a pedophiliac theft. The child is pre-emptively overwhelmed by pseudo-authoritarian claims of truth while thereafter being compromised by that molestation. In other words, turn the sound off and watch only the movements of the pedophile-pimp to protect the integrity of initial impressions of intuition. The prisoners must begin to take back their Tin Man from the clutches of a schizoid Oz.
How can America become more free again when religion and politics forbid school teachers from speaking the truth?

I think that together here we have been able to nail down two of the main reasons why America is now so far down the list on freedoms!

Is it still necessary to invent the Stork for children under the age of 6, as an explanation on where babies come from.

Sexual relations isn't dirty and most importantly, children don't interpret it as dirty.
“The Truth” or “Their Truth”?
And I have no problem with people receiving money for winning settlements, that's how the law is supposed to work like with George Floyd's and Breeona Taylor's family. The difference being the tax players paid those settlement and when news organizations get something wrong the people who pay out are the insurance companies.

Do you? You clowns have lost every social war you've fought. Gays have more rights today than they've ever had before.

Then why do you lose so God damn much? 😄

I know when you say "we" you're talking about a minority of hilarious assclowns. You think this education begins and ends with school? 😄 The propaganda that it's okay to be gay is everywhere. In movies, in TV, in sports, in music. Basically everywhere that's popular. You might as well be standing in a raging river trying to hold the water back. 😄
You really do not understand.

This is not about gays.

It's about children.

As far as your "raging social river" (lol), I've been trying to tell y'all, you sound EXACTLY like the Neo-Cons. Exactly. They said the same exact thing. Remember all that BS that came out of them? "You're either with us or your against us"? How long did THAT raging river take to disappear? Four years?
And? Say that is true, goat f*cker, does that make them lesser people? How about you and I compare resumes, you fat race baiter.

What it makes them is less educated you simpleton. And no, I'm not interested in whatever cosplaying fantasy hero you imagine yourself to be. You want to impress me make a rational argument.
No, we ARE clown boy. Are. We track these demographics. In fact the only demographic the Right is winning with are people without college educations. 😄
See? You think I'm "the right"! :p

This is why the progtards are toast. They have their heads buried so deep in the partisan gladiator match they're NOT RESPECTFUL OF THE CHILDREN ANYMORE.

No one gives a flying fuck about your partisan bullshit, asshole. No one pays any attention to your mudslinging anymore. Maybe you haven't figured it out yet, but we're all laughing at you. The entire WORLD is laughing at you. Just like they were laughing at the Neo-Cons when they were on the way out. When McCain hugged W on stage. Remember? When Bushie left? Nah nah, goodbye?
You really do not understand.

This is not about gays.
The bill is called the "Don't say gay" bill. 😄 Stop embarrassing yourself.
It's about children.
Sure it is. And about them learning it's okay to be gay.
As far as your "raging social river" (lol), I've been trying to tell y'all, you sound EXACTLY like the Neo-Cons. Exactly. They said the same exact thing. Remember all that BS that came out of them? "You're either with us or your against us"? How long did THAT raging river take to disappear? Four years?
I'm not talking rhetoric you idiot, I'm talking objective measurements. Gays have more rights and more social acceptance than they ever did before. I remember when it was a big deal for Ellen to "come out" and the debate of whether or not America would accept that and they have. Now if anyone in the mainstream media suggested there was something wrong with it they'd be shown the door. That's real movement and your very unlikely to move it back.

The psychological damage done to these kids is unbelievable. These children will suffer from issues they noramlly wouldn’t have. But , because society has to live off a gov. telling them how to function on a daily basis people can’t figure out reality all on their own. Those who do know and inform well the leftist get scared and freak out then atack those who have correct information it’s how their fear factor works “ attack”. As they try to say the right is violent LOL………

You loons have no idea what information you lack and the lives it’s costing society all because of your stupidy.
This information is being kept from the public thi sis partly why sheep can’t figure it out yet when all they have to do
is research the information it’s really not that hard.
I was such a wiseass when i was a kid I would have checked all of them
See? You think I'm "the right"! :p

This is why the progtards are toast. They have their heads buried so deep in the partisan gladiator match they're NOT RESPECTFUL OF THE CHILDREN ANYMORE.
It's your children who don't have respect for your bigotry anymore. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not these were Republican bills, pushed by Republican politicians.
No one gives a flying fuck about your partisan bullshit, asshole. No one pays any attention to your mudslinging anymore. Maybe you haven't figured it out yet, but we're all laughing at you. The entire WORLD is laughing at you. Just like they were laughing at the Neo-Cons when they were on the way out. When McCain hugged W on stage. Remember? When Bushie left? Nah nah, goodbye?
Partisan mudslinging is all anyone pays attention to. 😆
It's your children who don't have respect for your bigotry anymore. Whether you to acknowledge it or not these were Republican bills, pushed by Republican politicians.

You should probably stop thinking you know things about people's children

You look ridiculous

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